Feb. 16th, 2013


CUSTOMS PLEASE ... or artisticGKA

Hello! I'm Gavin! I own Living Ink. It's a tattoo parlor. If you don't have a tattoo yet, come see us. If you have a tattoo, come get another one! All you have to do is set up an appointment with me or one of my guys. Wait, this is not a business add, this is a hello. Ok. Ok. I got this. Uh.

Jokes. Jokes are good. I like to laugh. Tell me the best joke you've heard recently.

Tattoos. Show me your tattoos or what you want to get tattooed. I think.. I'm going to pull rank since this is my shop.. if you mention this intro the next time you come in for a tattoo consultation, you get 10% off your next ink. Win? Win. Ty, Birch, I'm sorry in advance.
