Jan. 4th, 2013


WHO: Eva and Nine, NPC Lukas Bradmore, NPC Roberto Bradmore
WHEN: January 2, around 4 am
WHERE: After Party
WHAT: Nine getting busted
WARNINGS: Violence, Language

You're insane, princess. You know that? You're exposing your mysteries, though. Just so you know. )

Oct. 25th, 2012


WHO: Everyone is invited
WHEN: Oct 31, 9pm-? ((Since it's a group thread, I'm posting early))
WHERE: The Draven Household
WHAT: Halloween Party
WARNINGS: language, drinking, edited as needed

I think you’re a bit too amused looking )

Apr. 28th, 2012


WHO: [info]jasoncain and ALL ARE INVITED!
WHAT: The opening of Cain's Couture!
WHERE: 7957 Melrose Ave
WHEN: Saturday, April 28
STATUS: In Process

You got me poppin' champagne, I'm at it again... )

Apr. 26th, 2012


Who: [info]jasoncain and [info]evabradmore
What: Going to see Eva and get his drink on
Where: After Party
When: Thursday night
Warnings: TBD
Status: In Progress

Mixed drinks, mixed feelings of temptation... )