Jun. 9th, 2012


Al Price and ???? - a night at the After Party

WHO:  Al Price and ????
WHAT:  For Al, working
WHEN:  Friday night, June 9
WHERE:  After Party

It’s 10 PM and the crowd is starting to pick up.  Al had already done a round of stocking, bringing beer out of the cooler along with  scanning the tables for dirty and abandoned glasses.

Wearing his black t-shirt and jeans, he moved about nodding when he heard comments, and tuning out the loud music.  Moving about the large room he looked here and there to make sure he was getting all the glasses and making sure all was going well in the room.

Apr. 16th, 2012


I guess I have to say .... Hi

Hi ...

Al here.  Al Price.  I usually don't have much to say.  I do my best to stay out of people's way and just do my job.  I'm portering at the After Party, making sure things stay stocked and clean up when I can.  A good place to stay in the dark and keep from being seen.

I'm a cousin to Ali Brooks, we're not close but we are family, for that is.  No disrespect on that.  Just my folks kicked me out when I turned 18 so I don't have much to say on that.

I'm not really into asking questions.  So I guess I should say ask me a question and I'll see if I can answer it.