May 2nd, 2008

[info]lex_isa_wreck in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: Monday

Who: Alex, Kaden and Serena
When: Night
Where: The Old Town Towers
What: There could be a smack down

Things were going pretty well for Alex since he had moved to Seattle. He had gotten laid by a beautiful woman. The sex of which was beyond incredible and had exhausted him for days. He had gotten to spend a little quality time with his sister, though not nearly enough. He had found a job. And at his job, he had made a few friends, two in particular that really did him some good. Johnny had a garage at his house that he gave Alex free use of and Paul had a junkyard that was like a restoration artist's wet dream, giving him license to take anything he wanted from the place. A day after that, as if it were meant to be, a beauty of a body fell into his lap. Now, in addition to working all night, he was working during the day as well, at Johnny's garage, using parts from Paul's junkyard to restore the classic beauty that Steve had sold him for a hundred bucks. He was practically in heaven.

Tired on his feet having spent the entire day at the garage, Alex had gotten a call asking him to come in because someone had called out. And even though he was exhausted, overtime paid a hell of a lot of money, so because of that, he had agreed and dragged his wasted ass out of the bed. Serena was still at work when he got out of the shower to get dressed, so he had taken the dog out for her like he always did when she was gone for long periods of time and was heading back up to the apartment to put him back inside before he took off when Tony, completely out of character for the dog, yanked the leash out of his hand and took off barking.

"Fuck!" Alex muttered as he exhaled a sigh. "Tony, ya asshole, come back here!" He said, taking off after the dog, following the sound of his paws on the floors to try to catch him and take him home. At least he was going in the right direction instead of trying to run back outside. Maybe Serena had come home while they were outside and he had just missed her and Tony smelled him and was going to go track her down.

The footfalls stopped just before Alex rounded a corner and there Tony was, sniffing some man who was petting him. "Come here, you mangy mutt." He said, sighing as he shook his head. "Sorry man." He addressed the man, looking up at him. Why did he look so familiar? Alex had met Kaden only a handful of times so it would take a minute to come to him, but for now, he had a brow arched and was watching him carefully, trying to figure out exactly why he knew that face.
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