Apr. 22nd, 2008


Week 6, Tuesday night

Who: Hale and Adian
What: An adventurous date
When: Tuesday evening

So the idea had just sort of come to him in the midst of a murder investigation. Yeah, it was a little weird to be thinking up dates while examining blood splatters, but he'd take inspiration where he could find it. The murder weapon had been a gun. Guns could be dangerous, yeah, but they could also save lives. And to be perfectly honest, he'd been worried sick about Adian getting offed by that bastard she lived with. Yeah she was a vampire and strong and all, but he was older and stronger, not to mention he displayed all the warning signs of potential trouble. He really didn't want to investigate her murder; he'd rather just shoot the creepy bastard in the head right now, but he had to follow the law and that would be looked down upon just a tad. But--and this was a big but as far as he was concerned.

You see, there was no law about defending yourself. And he was pretty sure Adian, though he found her proper ladylike behavior endearing, had no idea how to shoot a gun. But he did, and he knew a shooting range where he could teach her how to do it as well. Yeah, it would be an unregistered weapon if he left one with her but that kind of thing would be the least of her worries if she actually had to use it. Still, handing someone a gun and saying "pull the trigger if necessary" was usually not the best plan of action.

So, he'd decided to take her to the shooting range for a crash course in shooting. Hopefully it wouldn't completely scare her to death, but he always found shooting to be a great stress reliever and living with Vallis had to create a lot of tension. Nothing like squeezing off a few rounds from a 9mm into a target to decompress a bit.

So, he got ready to go on tuesday evening after work, ditching the suit and tie (he'd been in court that day, testifying) for a pair of blue jeans and a plain black polo. Not too shabby, but not over-dressed either. After all, he'd told her to go casual, right? So at the agreed-upon time, he put his shoulder holster on and slid his personal gun into it. No sense in using his on-duty pistol. The 9mm Browning Hi-Power was smaller than his police-issue weapon, and would be easier to start out with. Though, he figured once he got there he'd check out a .22 for her to start with. Less recoil, easier to get the hang of aiming... yeah. His brain was on the guns until he got down the hall to Adian's door, and then his train of thought took a hard right. Focus on the girl. Right. He knocked on the door and stood back, adjusting his black leather jacket over his shoulder holster so it didn't show. Might ruin the surprise!
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Mar. 3rd, 2008


Week Three: Wednesday

Who: Hale and Adian
Where: Dimitriou's Jazz Alley, then Hale's apartment.
What: Adian's weekly performance turns interesting, with an unexpected in attendance.
When: Evening
Rating: Eh... probably tame. We'll see.

"Turn down the lights, turn down the bed....Turn down these voices inside my head. Lay down with me, tell me no lies. Just hold me close, don't patronize--don't patronize me." Accompanied by the piano, as well as a softly played drum, Adian began to sing. One hand wrapped around the top of a microphone stand, the other with dangling cigarette between her fingers. "I can't make you love me, if you don't. You can't make your heart feel, something it won't. Here in the dark, in these final hours... I will lay down my heart, and I'll feel the power... But you won't, no you won't... and I can't make you love me, if you don't." Adian was so focused on the song, that her eyes remained closed through the entire stretch. It was a solemn song, and she didn't think one should watch people, while singing it. There would always be one, or two in the audience, who could relate to the words. It was always obvious on their faces, and it made her curious of their own heartbreak.

When the bass guitar began to play, she stepped back away from the mic, knowing that the solo would buy her enough time, to enjoy a bit of her wine, and cigarette. After snubbing it out, of the bottom of her leopard print shoe, Adian ran a hand over the silken black dress, she had decided to wear this night. Blues music, and black clothing always seemed to go well together. Or so she thought. Blues had always been a bit about mourning the lose of something in ones life, so it was fitting.

As she returned to the microphone, she allowed her eyes to scan the audience. Most were enjoying the gentle bass solo, but it seemed there were always a few walking about. Most of the time they were employees of the Alley, serving drinks, and taking orders. Adian thought nothing of the figures, until a certain one came more into focus. He seated himself at a relatively close table, and it didn't take her long to recognize just who it was. So, he really did wish to see her perform, another point to him, for being honest, and listening. It was difficult not to smile, a problem she noticed having, when ever around him. She needed to focus on the song, at least until it was complete.

"I can't make you love me, if you don't. You can't make your heart feel something it won't. Here in the dark, in these final hours... I will lay down my heart, and I'll feel the power." She began once more, plucking the mic from it stand, so that she could pace along the stage. "But you won't, no you won't. And I can't make you love me.... if you... you don't baby..... I love you, you don't have to love me back baby." As the music began to die down, she vocalized softly till the end. When the audience began to applaud, she gave a little nod. "Thank you." Adian smiled to the crowd, before her eyes found Hale once more. That little smug smile of hers appeared once more. She was pleased to see him, no denying that.
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Feb. 28th, 2008


Week Two: Friday- Narrative

Sunset was always eagerly anticipated by the vampires, and it was no different for she. As the sun disappeared below the horizon, Adian didn't rush for the door, as she often did. Normally, she tried to leave, as quickly as possible, to avoid spending any more time with Vallis, but he had called out some ten minutes before, saying that he was off, and she shouldn't expect him back for some time. Why he felt the need to report back to her, as if she were his wife, was beyond her. If Vallis left, and happened to never return, that would suit her just fine. Such thoughts, yet, she feared if he did leave her, Roslin might appear to him, and she would never know. Vallis would not tell her, and this entire year in hell, would have been in vain. As it was, she would not be here, when he returned. The club was her destination. not to sing, but rather watch the performances.

A rough brown cigarette rested between her fingers, while the other hand moved a pen across a sheet of white paper. A note, for Hale. A thank you, and an acceptance of an invitation. This had also been the reason, why she had waited until after Vallis left. If he knew that the two had been passing notes, and making arrangements, it would likely cause an uproar within their flat. That was something she did not wish to happen. So, when she had discovered his note, and a rose left at their door, she had been very grateful, that it had been she, who had discovered them. That rose, now rested in a slender crystal vase on her vanity. The note, she had hidden away in her jewelry compartment. Vallis was rarely one to snoop, so she felt it was safe there.
Rarely, being the key phrase. )

Feb. 6th, 2008


Week One: Tuesday

Who: Hale, Adian, and Vallis
When: Evening
Where: Old Town Towers, seventh floor hallways, and Hale's apartment
What: Neighbors getting acquainted, isn't that nice?

"Perhaps if you hadn't offered to pay her afterwards, then she might have agreed to return home with you. Honestly, Vallis. Not all women are prostitutes." It had been rather obvious, that Vallis had used his gift against the woman. Why else would she have crawled beneath the table of a five star restaurant, and tended to him, with her mouth. At least he had been conscious enough of their surroundings, to keep his voice down. They didn't need to draw the attention of the other patrons, she was sure they all ready stuck out as it was. He'd been insistent, that they have the finest table in the restaurant, throwing money around carelessly, in some idiotic attempt to prove his deserving of it. Adian was quickly learning, that he was a great embarrassment. Though, it worried her more, that so many were willing to bend to the will of his money... even herself, though she was not quick to admit it. Her reasons, did not lie with his money, solely. It had it's perks, she couldn't deny that, but rather his connection to her sire. If she were to seek anyone out, it would be him, her brother.

With an ego, as large as his, any bruise it received, was felt in volumes. It had always been this way for Vallis. He was vain, and expected that alone, to catch any womans attention. If that wasn't bait enough, he could always convince them, that they wished to do nothing more,than please him. The gift, it seemed, he had a struggle with, after copulation. The aftermath of an orgasm, usually left a man shaken for a moment. A vampire was no different. It had been in these moments, that the woman had slipped from her stuper. Such a bruise had been received this night, and he didn't exactly appreciate his pet, adding more pressure to it. "Any woman can be a prostitute, at the right price. Even you, Adian. You think far too highly of yourself, when the truth is, that you, and all those in possession of a cunt, are no better than the whores, walking the streets." He hissed, moving around the song bird, as the two walked from the lift.

Those normally pouty lips, became a rather thin line. Once more, she had to question her desire to be around him. Was it really all worth it? With each day that passed, her reason wore down. "You give women far too little credit, and yourself too much. This line of thinking, may have been suitable in your day, and age, but things have changed. Not everyone can be bought." Rather annoyed at this point, her hand moved into the enterer of her hand bag, searching out the apartment key. The sooner she could have Vallis from her sight, the better. "I've never meet a man, who can seem so charming one moment, and then next, be the biggest piece of shit, that ever existed."
The dark blue heels, clicked across the floor, as she walked, sounding a bit more heavy, due to her new found anger. The dress, a gift from Vallis, that she wished she hadn't expected. Every thing in her closet was a reminder of how persuasive he could be. How manipulative.

Before she was able to reach the door, his arm shoot forward, the palm of his hand, pressed against the wall. Haulting her steps. "Ma beauté... if you have no right, to speak of me in such a way. Your mouth, in my opinion, has two purposes. To sing, and bob between my thighs. If you do not mind your tongue, I will make sure, that it is used for nothing more. Are we at an understanding, Adian, l'amour?" She wasn't allowed to answer, his hand rose, so that two fingers laid across her lips. "A nod will do."
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Feb. 1st, 2008


Week One: Wednesday

WHO: Adian, Chloe, and Drystan
WHEN: Wednesday Night (Approaching midnight.)
WHERE: Dimitriou's Jazz Alley
WHAT: Adian decides to do a bit of performing.

"Good evening." Her voice rang out over the club's sound system, as she spoke into the microphone. Adian stood back, smiling softly, as a few of the regulars broke out in applause. This establishment, had been one of the first she visited, after they made to move to Seattle. When she wasn't baby sitting Vallis, or having a drink at one of the smaller pubs, or bars, she was here. Singing, and performing for any one who would listen. Or simply enjoying the other musicians who frequented the stage. One group in particular, she'd made a deal with. They would back her, while she sang, and any money earned, would go to them.

Now that Vallis was claiming her as his pet, she didn't have to work. He was disgustingly well off, and she was reaping the benefits of that wealth. If having fine clothing, and luxurious living arrangements, meant that she had to put up with his bullshit on occasion... she could handle it. It made sense, that they stuck together. After all, they were both seeking the same woman, and that search bound them together. They were family in a way, tied together through Roslin. There was also a comfort, in having someone to turn to, even if he was bastard.

"I'm Adian, an Britain native, if you can't tell. These gentlemen behind me, are Second Sight, they are Seattle natives. We could like to play a few songs for you this night, if that suits you." When the applause broke once more, she turned to look towards the band. "On three then." The lights dimmed over the stage, before the drummer began to count them off. The house was still, when the begging rift of the song started. A repeating mix of drums, and guitar, sounding in seven. When the music silenced once more, she began. "Cry baby.... I know she told ya, I know she told ya that she loved you. Much more than I do...." The old blues song, made famous by Janis Joplin. A personal favorite of hers. It was one that always seemed to get the crowd going, which was an excellent way to start off a set.

Those in the audience might not know it, but she'd been performing on stage, for almost seventy years now. Having played all through out England, and in the places she, and Vallis moved to, before finally settling here. She was a pro, Adian knew how to work the stage, how to appease the audience. A true entertainer, if there ever was. Her voice carried such soul, and strength, it was surprising that such power came from such a delicate form. It had been surprising people her entire life. Even as a child, when she stood before the congregation, and sang hems from the bible, people were often left with their jaws, resting upon the floor. The talent had been nurtured, and encouraged by her mother. Allowed to blossom to it's full potential, to what it was now.

When the final drum beat seized, the gathered crowd erupted. It gave her a true rush, but her smile was kept at a moderate. She didn't want to draw attention to her fangs. "Thank you..." She said, before returning the mic to it's stand. "This next song, is one of my own. It's called Tender." It was immediately obvious, that the tone of the song would be drastically different from their first. The beat was much heavier, and slower. The guitar began the intro, joined some time later by the drums. Gripping the sides of the mic, Adian stepped forward, placing her lips a few inches from it. "I run, I fall, I drift away. Check my body now, was it body or soul? The darkness fades, fades to the light. Disappearing now, disappears from the night. And all these nightmares I once had as a child. The morning always came, it came too late. What did my mind forget, forget to hide? Could the nightmare be awake? I don't know..."

Jan. 30th, 2008


Week One: Monday- Narrative

"Crier plus bruyant, maintenant! Que? Louder, woman. I want you to scream for me, louder. Do you fucking Americans, know nothing beyond your own brutally spoken language? No, no, don't talk... just scream." The contents of his office were scattered upon the large, antique, floor rug. They had been misplaced, when the two moved their very heated exchange, from the paneled wall, to the top of his desk. Vallis knew that he shouldn't be messing about with humans, but there was something within them, that he admired so. Himself. Unlike some of the younger supernaturals, he could control his urge to bite during sex.

Granted, the girl would not be the same when she left, but not being able to walk properly, with the mixture of burning thigh muscles, was far more tolerable, than lacking blood. He didn't wish to have her as a pet. A pretty face, and a rather voluptuous physic were all that she could offer him. Her personality had not been amusing, nor flattering. In truth, he found her voice to be extremely irritating. The constant prattle about her job, whom she represented in the music world... it all bored him. Vallis knew there were better uses for such a mouth, and he'd been more than willing to show her. Even that, she could not do properly. Do women know nothing about pleasing men, in this day, and age?

There was another advantage to fucking this little marche in his home. He knew that any sound the two happened to make, would annoy his pet beyond belief. Such a sensitive little thing, she was. Vallis enjoyed seeing that scowl of hers. It was ever present, when they two were together. Adian found the sight of him to be intolerable. He knew why, of course. They had left Australia together, with her believing that he was a....nice man. An ami, whom would gladly help in the search, for their beloved. Suggestion had helped greatly in this task. She was much younger than him, so making her believe that he was a good sort, was simple enough.

The suggestion stopped once they reached America, and she had quickly discovered that he was, what he was. Vallis. He'd been making some attempt to keep their home peaceful, because he found her to be so amusing. A beautiful face, with an amazing talent. He understood why his sister had loved her so. Though, the temptation of it all had won him over. He had to try her. It was that little event, which had left the greatest disruption between them.

Vallis swore not to take her again, and thus far, he had every intention to keep that promise. Until boredom won him over again, then his true nature would arise. He was not an honorable man, so why should he bother trying to remain so, when it had done him no favors in the past? Honor was for humans, and those who did not have the luxury of true enjoyment. Though, it was likely that even most supernaturals, didn't enjoy the sort of things he did. Few could say that murder, and rape could present one with a high. It was that moment of overpowering another life, knowing that their fate rested in your hands, which made him feel like God. Even though it only lasted a moment, the feeling was over powering, and well worth it.

Strong hands gripped the sides of her fleshy waist, before his bodies movement stopped. "Baise..." His voice broke through the air, before his hands fell, and he stepped away from the sweaty, flushed figure, resting upon the wooden top of his desk. "Leave now." He ordered, not bothering to look at the women, before strolling to the office door, and pulling it open. He left his clothes were they had originally fallen, the slight chill of the apartment air against his heated skin, was quite refreshing. "Adian, ma petite beauté charmante. Dress, I wish for us to dine out this evening." He called, making his way through their new home, towards the rest room. "Wear the blue dress, which I bought you. And, if the whore hasn't left in five minutes, see that she does, won't you?"
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