Jun. 20th, 2008


Week Ten -- Friday

Who: Cecily and Tony
What: She's responding to a modeling ad
When: Night
Where: Tony's condo

Busy, busy, busy. That's all Cecily ever seemed to be lately. But it was kind of hard, being in the position she was in. She and her brother supported each other. He held down a more major job to pay the rent and provide for most of their every day needs. Cecily had her two jobs for extra expenses. All of that combined with going to her college classes on a regular basis had her flitting about like a buzzing little bumblebee. There were other girls like her in the world, it was true, but on top of all of that she had a secret to keep. The secret having to do with her brother and his being a part of the supernatural world. He was a werewolf while she was just human. And yet he refused to change her too.

That confused her to no end. She was a defenseless human living in a world where supernatural creatures existed. And could potentially hurt her. Garrett just insisted on protecting her his way, which usually just involved setting a whole bunch of rules for her to follow. Don't stay out too long after dark, call him every so often, blah, blah, blah...it got so aggravating! Cecily didn't like feeling like she was bound under layers and layers of rules! She wasn't a baby. And being a teenager, she didn't like being treated as such.

That's why, when she'd seen the ad posted up on the campus of the school, she hadn't told him a thing about it. This would be something she acted on for herself, without her brother's input. It was an ad put up by a photographer at the school, looking for girls to be models. Cecily had never been the type to be a model, or so she thought, but people had told her before that she was pretty. Curious, she'd made a mental note to answer the ad. If nothing else, it could be a new experience for her!

Oddly enough, the photographer worked out of Old Town Towers. That just made her curiosity peak further. She was practically skipping home, thoroughly excited for what she was about to do. And her brother couldn't stop her. That was the best part.

The only specifics the ad had said was to come by at night and that appointments weren't needed. Once again, her brother was out. So, she picked up her bag that she took everywhere with her and took the elevator up to the eleventh floor. It wasn't hard to find D11 and soon Cecily was standing in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. No need to psych herself out of it now.
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Feb. 16th, 2008



WHEN; Monday 10th Feb. (afternoon)
WHERE: The Towers - first floor near the mailboxes
WHAT; Checking the mail and having a nice chat :)

Abigail sighed as she pulled the key out of the padlock on her mailbox, un-hooking the metal lock and opening the little wooden door. A flurry of letters gushed out on to the floor, making her feel (momentarily) rather loved (if a little exasperated). She bent down to sit cross-legged on the marble floor, plunking her bag down next to her, to sift through the pile of mail on the floor with increasing distaste.

"Junk, bill, junk, bill, junk...postcard?" she raised an eyebrow dubiously, turning over the colour picture of Tokyo by night to see that it was, in fact, incorrectly addressed to a 'Mr. Henry Singh'.

"Typical..." she sighed heavily, continuing to sort the mail in to two piles - one for junk and mistaken postcards, the other for bills. The first she scooped up, getting awkwardly to her feet and wandering over to a trash can not too far away, depositing them in to it. She felt momentarily guilty for trashing Mr. Singh's postcard...but then again, it was his own fault for not bothering to get his mail forwarded. It wasn't her job to play Good Citizen and ensure it got to him. She had her own shit to worry about.

She returned to her stack of bills, kneeling down again and picking them up, stuffing them in to her black and pink striped messenger bag. It was starting to depress her - the lack of contact with the outside world. Or...well...anyone, really. The occasional letter - a real, proper letter - wouldn't be unwelcome. But she knew the only person who was aware of her address would never even consider writing. Her Father just...wasn't a people person.

She sighed for a third time, hefting the bag back on to her shoulder and spinning around, barreling straight in to someone...

Feb. 6th, 2008


Week One: Wednesday, February 6th

Who: Nox and OPEN Cecily
When: Early evening, just before 5:00
Where: Old Town Towers, main floor

Another day passed without word from his sister. It had only been three days so far, including today, but when even one flip of the day calendar went by with Hesper's bed being empty, Nox worried. Yes, this behavior was typical. No, Nox wasn't ever going to get used to it. Every time she up and vanished, he expected to be called to the morgue to identify her body... or, perhaps worse, he'd be called by one of his coworkers at the jail to bail her out. Why couldn't she assimilate the way he had? There were good paying jobs among humans, and the lifestyle was fulfilling. He would never understand the appeal of the city's underworld that Hesper seemed to lose herself in so often. He'd spent enough time down there when he'd first arrived in Seattle, and the bad taste still lingered in his mouth.

He looked as though he was tasting it right then. The corners of his lips turned down, and the skin above the bridge of his nose pinched, his mood was obvious. Worry had invaded his features. He kept his head down as he walked through the lobby to the mailboxes, only looking up to unlock the one belonging to him. Standard stuffing could be found inside: a few bills, far too many advertisements for credit cards and home loans, and a paper filled with community coupons. He slid the bills into the back pocket of his jeans, and then he got to work tearing up the junk mail before tossing it in the trash can that sat beside the mailboxes.

It would be getting dark soon, and in just a few hours he'd head into work for his normal overnight shift. Getting the mail at this hour was part of his routine, and he saw the same familiar faces pass through the lobby. Everyone had a schedule, and Nox was an observant man. He kept unofficial tabs on all that took place around him. He knew in an instant when something was 'off'. This evening, everything appeared to be in place, and that was of great comfort, even if he was still upset about his sister being missing once again. Well, at least her absence was 'normal'. Perhaps he'd be more concerned if she suddenly broke routine and stayed put for a solid month.

A man who lived on the same floor as Nox. The two had never actually conversed, but they acknowledged each other politely. Nox offered a warm smile, and the other man nodded with respect before continuing on through the lobby to the elevators. When he was gone, Nox left the lobby and ventured back to the commons area. He sometimes bumped into acquaintances while there. Perhaps someone had seen Hesper when she left the other night and could tell Nox who she was with at the time.
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