Jul. 19th, 2008


Week Twelve: Monday

Who: Drystan and Rei
Where: Le Chabanais
When: Monday Night

Oh he'd left a mess. Silly him, how could he do such a horrible thing for the well appointed staff to have to deal with. Drystan was just so ashamed of his actions. Of course he was... nevermind that this was done what one might call almost weekly. Granted the 'mess' was different each and every time because what was life without a little variety. But just the same, he did enjoy making his presence known in his business partners little venture.

And of course now he had to be even more conscious of the place with poor Isobel leaving a... well Drystan would reserve what he really thought of the thing in charge now for when he talked to him in person. He didn't like to waste his best material. But someone now needed to hang around and make sure things were run according to the level that Le Chabanais required and how could someone like Rei manage that.

Drystan was certain it was impossible because you could take the boy off the streets but you certainly can't take the street out of the boy. Or something to that extent. He knew very well who Rei was, Drystan hadn't lived for four hundred odd years without an ability to keep track of his business endeavors, not to mention that it did pay to have a large payroll that could verify whatever the fuck Drystan wished. Some days he liked to make them find stupid facts just for his own amusement. One had to find things to pass the time.

Like tonight. He'd left a very pleased little half fae in the currently messy room. She was mostly unconscious but she had begged him to keep going, he couldn't be blamed for perhaps over indulging slightly in her sweet blood. Nor could he be really held responsible for the fact that some of that blood had made it all over the furniture. She was the one who kept moving and kept insisting that she wouldn't break. Unfortunately she did. And was rather loud about it in the process. Her leg would be better in a few days... hopefully. No one wanted to fuck a gimp so she'd better hope that it healed, not that she was complaining at the moment.

Drystan was almost sorry that he wouldn't be telling Isobel about the current state of one of her women. She always got so... riled up when he did. That irritated little twitch of her eye. Oh Drystan would miss that so. Time to see what her little boy-servant would have to say about it. Not that Drystan truly cared, but he should talk with the boy regardless... for Liri's sake and all. Always thinking of those less fortunate than him.

Now where was the boy?
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Jun. 4th, 2008


Week Nine: Monday

Who: Rei and Lirije
What: Reunion
Where: Outside the Towers, to start with
When: Monday evening, early

To say Liri had been on edge since that meeting with Drystan weeks ago would be an understatement. Every time she opened a door, turned around, or walked into a parking lot, she expected him to be waiting for her, to finish the job he'd left undone before. He wasn't one to give up. She knew that. Every time she got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, the D branded on her hip reminded her of it. Ever present. Never fading.

She made it out of ballet safely again, walking with a group of girls from her class. They were twittering happily about some triviality. Lirije tried to join in as best she could, and made a good show of it, but she never felt as if she belonged even if they accepted her. She had seen too much, been through too much. She just didn't have the naive ability to just be happy for no reason, to live life so... exuberantly. It didn't exist within her.

She drove back to the towers and parked the car in the closest parking lot possible. It was nearing dark, but she wanted another cigarette before she went upstairs. She was a neat freak about her apartment, the first place she'd ever had for her own. Smelling like smoke was out of the question. Her pointe shoes were draped around her neck, ribbons tied together so they wouldn't get misshapen while damp in her bag with her other clothes. Her tights were rolled up to just below her knees, a pair of flip-flops on her feet since the relative chill was really no concern, and a light sweatshirt had been thrown on over her leotard, along with a denim skirt. Her hair was still in its usual bun.

She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her ballet bag, tapped one out into her hand, and replaced the pack before letting the bag fall to the ground beside her. The bright orange lighter in her skirt pocket made quick work of getting the nicotene flowing, and she took a long drag, leaning against the wall near the front doors to the building. She closed her eyes as she exhaled, smoke flowing out in a thin stream.
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Apr. 4th, 2008


Week Five: Tuesday

Where: The Théâtre du Macabre and then Wild Ginger
When: Late Evening
Who: Isobel and Rei

It really was a fortunate thing that so many items could be bought in bulk over the internet. It was even more fortunate that the packing peanut company was local and was more than happy to deliver so many bags during a rather odd window in the evening. Then again, money could by happiness so why not an office worth of little foam peanuts? America really was a darling country.

Isobel had been planning this particular “gift” for a few days now and even went so far as to arrange for an appointment of Drystan’s to take far longer than it should have. It was simple really, she sent the woman a bottle of the finest champagne that may or may not have been slightly drugged and told her that the man had been fantasizing about her for weeks now and wanted nothing more than to be ravished by her. Personally Isobel couldn’t understand the appeal of the blond vampire, but to each their own she supposed. Even if the older woman didn’t succeed in bedding him, there was no question that it would be amusing to watch either way.

So once he was gone, a large truck appeared behind the theater and the delivery became underway. Dozens upon dozens of bags were brought up the service elevator and taken into his office, only to be dumped out all over the floor. It was almost like a cloud had slipped through the window and deposited snow right then and there. Quite lovely really. But of course she couldn’t leave it as just packing peanuts. Oh no, while the men continued to fill the space up, Belle added a half dozen boxes of moth balls into the mix. They just held a certain smell that was sure to mix well with the plastic aroma. Mmm mm!

By they time they were finished, his office was almost completely filled from top to bottom with just enough room for the door to be pushed open when he returned. A generous tip was handed out to the delivery men before seeing them off and with a smile on her face she headed down to her brothel to retrieve Rei. Dinner out was in order, a means of celebrating her small victory.

“I do hope you are hungry,” she said as she appeared. “Because tonight we are dining in the city. Get your coat, a car is waiting for us.”
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