May 1st, 2008

[info]catchyourshadow in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Saturday

When: Night
Where: Streets of Seattle near Old Towers

Keisuke walked slowly, feeling the rain running down his hair, rain seeping into his clothes, plastering his outer dress shirt to the two long-sleeved shirts he wore inside. His hands were empty, hanging loosely at his side. The rain had begun to taper off, the lights on the street shining, streaking, painting the water and oil washed city in glistening colors. At another time, he might have been inclined to admit it beautiful in its own twisted, contemporary style, ugly modern buildings awash in lights. Right now, he was too tired to care.

He was annoyed, the human he'd been plying that night had slipped through his fingers, the girl with her big eyes and lips that were too red, the alcohol stinking her breath. He had been able to smell everything about her, her entire day just from the scent that oozed from her pores, cleanser, perfume, onion and garlic from her dinner, the fact that she had eaten a large meal with meat sometime that day. The smells had been a sickening mix, but one that he forced himself to accept as he smiled at her, his eyes fake but understanding, his words complimentary but with just enough of a lead, suggestive, but not forceful. And then it had all slipped away with her stupid boyfriend, the dumb human had tracked them down at the bar. He'd been too disgusted by the drama, already annoyed at the loudness of the club, the shouting and music and the smells, so many smells that made him sick and hungry at the same time. The man, his eyes red and flared in drunken anger and jealousy, grabbing her hand and yelling, hands gesturing. He could have made him leave, could have taken her and left, taken her back to her place, soothed her mind, numbed her to confusion and fed.

But he left, slipping away, using his ability to amplify emotion to make the confusion, the anger, the love stronger, so that neither would remember him by the end of the night, as they continued in their dance of human emotions. And so he walked, hungry still, tired from the wasted efforts, rain falling, not wanting to take a taxi, just slowly moving his way from street to street back towards the towers. He kept to the inner side of the sidewalk, moving smoothly but slowly, his steps quiet by nature, measured by practice. Cold, wet, hungry- times like this made him miserable and tired and oh so old. Miserable. The times when he hit full on blood lust, when will battled instinctual need to feed, those were the most horrible, to have your body betray you was a feeling like no other he had ever experienced. But wet and hungry. Well, miserable was not a fun feeling either.

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: March 17th through March 23rd

Week Seven
Dates: Monday March 17th through Sunday March 23rd
Season: Late March

Monday: Saint Patrick’s Day! Sure many people celebrated all this weekend but no one can really deny having a green beer on the day itself can they? Well if you can’t then we suggest heading into down town Seattle and hitting up local bars there. Many locations will be serving cheap green beer and housing a good time still! Just remember that many of you have work in the morning, don’t take up any of those drinking challenges tonight!

Sport your green today or you just might get pinched.

Tuesday: Unfortunately a group of college students were not so careful with their liquor last night. The group, according to statements, jumped from bar to bar starting sometime after 7pm. The last bar they went to told them they’d no longer serve them and a nasty fight broke out. Two of the men in the group tried to attack the bartender. The man, thankfully, was kept safe by various other patrons in the bar but the others that the group ran into were not so lucky. Rushing out of the bar the group piled into their car sometime around 1am to get away…only managing to make it three blocks before the driver jumped a curb, hitting one woman before crashing into a lamp post.

The woman that was hit died at the scene and three of the others in the group are left in the hospital. Police plan to charge the driver and are holding the rest in the group for questioning to ensure they have the full story.

Wednesday: Today might be a grey and cloudy day but at least it has no rain! Take advantage of the break in the weather to get out and walk around the city. Why not even head down to a local park or beach? Today a friendly soccer competition will be going on at Discovery Park and there may even be some practicing there sand castle making techniques. Get out the bike, take a ride, enjoy the weather.

Thursday: Dante from “Last Comic Standing,” live comedy at Admiral Theater, tell the box office you saw it on West Seattle Blog and you’ll get in for $10, doors open 9:30/show at 10 pm. Bring all your friends down for a good laugh. Sure it’s a little late but hey tomorrow is Friday!

Friday: The full moon is tonight, with the clear skies its believed that it will be quiet the sight in the night sky! To celebrate the full moon falling on a weekend the Admiral Theater will be playing horror movies starting from sundown to sunset. Except more then a few werewolf flicks! Tickets are half price, come in and enjoy the fun. Nothing beats a good old movie sometimes.

Saturday: The police or boggled by what appears to be an animal attack that happened late last night. The couple found at 6am this morning in a local park appeared to have multiple bite and claw marks. While wild animals aren’t completely foreign it seems that the markings are closer to a wolf rather then a wild dog of any variety. This has left police searching the area all this morning, wanting to ensure that the animal is still not in the vicinity of this widely used park.

The park will be closed down all today for investigation and clean up however, depending on how things go it may even be shut down for tomorrow. Police will keep everyone as up to date on their findings as they are allowed.

They would like to assure everyone in the area that there are no signs that the animal has stayed near by, but all city workers in the area will be keeping an eye out. If you happen to see animal in your area that seems wild or prone to attack please call your local animal control or the police. Do not approach or attempt to capture the animal yourself.

Sunday: Enjoy your Sunday night with an All-ages live music at Skylark with The Liquid Now, Daybreak, Panda Conspiracy, starts at 7 pm. Sit down, have some food, a drink, and enjoy some great music in an enjoyable atmosphere.

Monday March 17th: A light rain in the morning (High: 48°F Low: 36°F)
Tuesday March 18th: Sprinkles through the day (High: 50°F Low: 37°F)
Wednesday March 19th: Gray and cloudy (High: 49°F Low: 36°F)
Thursday March 20th: Scattered rain (High: 47°F Low: 35°F)
Friday March 21st: A cloudy morning that will burn off by the night (High: 49°F Low: 36°F) *Full Moon*
Saturday March 22nd: Gray and cloudy again (High: 51°F Low: 38°F)
Sunday March 23rd: Light rain off and on (High: 50°F Low: 37°F)