August 8th, 2008

[info]tail_chaser in [info]haunted_roads

Week Thirteen: Wednesday

When: Afternoon
Where: Towers
Who: Bo – Narrative (unless someone really wants it)

Cat had escaped.

That Bo knew was a very bad thing. He was supposed to keep an eye on the fluff ball and make sure that it didn’t get out or do anything bad. Lately Bo wasn’t managing that job very well. The Cat was a sneaky thing! Bo put it in a room, it got out. He told it not to sleep on a certain chair, it only slept on that chair. The only time he seemed to like it was when it was sleeping. Then it made a sort of fun purr sound. Or when he could chase it…which likely had a bit to do with why Cat had run off the moment the door had opened. It was Bo that was supposed to be leaving, not Cat. Cat didn’t agree and off it went.

A faint growl made one of the servant girls look his way, asking if everything was alright. Bo lied of course, grinning widely and saying everything was fine before rushing out into the hallway to try to catch up with Cat. Leaving the door wide open in the process, thankfully the girl would be there to close it and Bo wouldn’t have that on his head too if Chloe found out. But he was a bit more focused on not losing sight of Cat then he was about doors. Or other people for that matter as he slammed right into the delivery guy that was in the elevator. Boxes went everywhere, Bo would have helped pick them up if he didn’t notice Cat slipping into the elevator right as the doors were closing. See, sneaky!

With a grumble Bo dashed for the stairs, racing down them and at least being smart enough to go to the next floor and look to see where the elevator was going to be stopping. Third floor….that was a lot of stairs. He didn’t hesitate but just ran for the stairs again, taking them two at a time and more then once nearly tripping down them. Bo wasn’t exactly graceful sometimes, especially when he was all flustered. Stupid Cat. He was supposed to be out right now picking something up for Chloe. He couldn’t remember what, but it was on a piece of paper in his back pocket so he wouldn’t forget it.

In a rush Bo shoved open the doors to the third floor, leapfrogging over some kids playing in the hallway and skidding around the corner to the elevator. The door was open and people were getting in…but there was no Cat in sight. No fluffy white ball of fur prancing around all happy that it managed to get out. It wasn’t going to be so happy when he chased it down. Or maybe it would, maybe it thought it was fun. Bo didn’t know, cats were strange. He liked his snake pet better. It just curled up warm places and didn’t really try to escape. Well…besides that one time. But now that Bo fed it, it didn’t mind staying in the room.

Bo made a face )