Jul. 17th, 2008


Week Twelve: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Bar
Who: Prissy

Another shot bought from a pretty little boy was downed; the sharp burn making Prissy purr before it was all too quickly lost. None of these drinks were nearly strong enough. The human bars were always so tame, so lacking in variety for the supernatural sorts. Of course she could go down underground but the little humans here were just too much fun to play with. Little puppets to tug about all night long till she tired of them. Tonight they were proving rather entertaining.... That probably had a bit to do with the amount of liquor they were consuming and the songs they were vainly trying to sing to impress her with.

It wasn't very impressive. At all. But it did make her laugh.

”This songs for you!” a older man slurred as he winked at Prissy and dragged himself over to the jukebox. No stage, no actual mic or set up...for some reason these guys just felt like making a show of singing. She was just waiting for them to get up on the bar and start dancing. That would be the icing on the cake. Prissy watched him lumber a long, punching buttons to get the perfect song. And that was? Wild thing of course. Prissy actually groaned, couldn't they get creative at all?

All too soon the music was blaring through the bar and Prissy was downing another shot from a boy that barely looked old enough to drink yet alone able to really afford it. He looked down and out, like he spent more time on the streets then anywhere considered home. It was sort of sweet, the way he was trying to smooth his wild hair back and straighten his clothes when he thought she wasn't looking. Was he all alone? Would anyone miss him if he was gone... Prissy would have to find out.

But not yet. She wasn't finished with the other boys in the bar yet. “I bet you could pick something better huh?” she questioned the man sitting nearest to her, arching a brow with a sweet little challenging smile to her lips. The guy glanced at the man singing, then back to Prissy. Looking her up and down, taking his time, Prissy made sure she was sitting just right to help with that show. “I could do a hell of a lot better.” he retorted finally as he finished off his beer. “Well....show me then.” she pushed, giving him a nudge.

It never took much to get men moving. To get that competitive streak all riled up. They were so fun to watch then, as they started to push and shove wanting to be the top. Of course she was hoping for a fight. For that bickering to turn to snarls and growls of frustration. For bottles to crash and furniture to be shoved around. She doubted she'd be disappointed tonight...the men were already trying to one up each other.

The guy was quick to his feet now, leaving the barstool empty next to Prissy. The slightly down and out cutie quickly took place there instead. He was a shy little thing, glancing down at the ground before even looking over at Prissy. Prissy just smirked and started up conversation for him. Time to find out if he'd make a good playmate for the night or if she’d have to try to find something else to entertain herself with.

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Week Ten: Tuesday

Who: Alex and Prissy
When: 7pm
Where: The Towers Lobby

Alex was actually a little bit nervous about tonight. The conversation he had had with Nox was still weighing heavily on his mind as was the whole situation with Serena. It had been an impossibly long day and he had seen neither hide nor hair of his sister. He had thought about calling this whole meeting off, sending a text to let her know that something had come up, but he didn't. He wanted to see her. He wanted to be here. He felt as though he had to be.

He had showered, shaved, and had dressed himself up pretty nice. His jeans were tight, his cowboy boots polished, and his button up shirt was left un-tucked but was certainly free of any wrinkles. He smelled of cologne, Cool Water to be exact, and as he waited there in the lobby, his hand running back through his already mussed hair to make it even more out of order, he got more than one look from the ladies that past through. Yep, Alex was definitely a ladies' man.

There was one thing he hadn't figured out yet and that was exactly what he was going to give her in the stead of what he had originally planned to do. It was insane that he had even thought it, that he had gone through with it. He barely knew this girl. It was entirely unlike him to give a girl he didn't know anything at all much less build a car for her. He wasn't going to give it to her though, or at least in his present mindset he wasn't. He was going to list it and sell it and use the money for something else. Maybe he could say that the surprise was just a nice dinner or something of the sort.

Alex looked down at his watch to see what time it was, sighing a little as he moved his hands down to tuck them into the pockets of his well worn jeans. Maybe he should have brought flowers. That might have been a good idea. She didn't seem like the flower-loving type, but then again, what woman didn't like a show of appreciation like that?

May. 14th, 2008


Week Seven: Friday

When: Night
Where: Admiral Theater
Who: Prissy and Sophie - Narrative maybe

“Here puppy puppy….” Priscilla cooed into the shadows of an alleyway near the Towers. She could hear the wounded little werewolf growling and snarling in the darkness, she could envision the way that blood dripped from his muzzle and the bright red that had to be staining his pretty fur now. She’d seen the fight, quick event that it was…and had followed this little puppy to his hole where he was trying now to lick his wounds. How many humans would realize what those howls were tonight? How many would figure out that the dog seen racing by wasn’t just some ordinary dog….

“Aww is there a wounded dog in there? I’m a vet…” the words were sickly sweet near to Prissy’s ear. She smirked, she couldn’t help it. The human had walked right into this. Prissy turned, doe like eyes glossy with tears threatening to be shed. “I think he’s really hurt…” she pouted, glancing quickly back into the darkened alleyway with frantic urgency. “Is he yours?” the woman questioned and Prissy shook her head “No, but I feed him sometimes. He’s a stray I think.” She sounded so genuinely concerned and very afraid. She couldn’t let the poor puppy sit there in the dark all alone could she? He needed some company….

“Don’t worry; I’ll take a look at him okay?” The older woman moved Prissy off to the side, giving her a pat on the back in that comforting gesture that all would be okay. Prissy sniffled and nodded her head. Her amused little smile for now buried back under a false guise of tormented worry. Slowly the woman moved into the alleyway…were the hairs on the back of her neck standing up? Could she started to feel that doubt eating away at her gut….

She didn’t have time to listen to her instincts and turn back. No soon her soothing words to the dog unseen turned to a short lived scream. A harsh sound cut off as sharp teeth clamped down over the woman’s throat, crushing it. Priscilla giggled, peeking around the corner to witness the fresh wash of blood that splattered to the wall in a decorative display. “Now don’t you feel better?” she questioned, arching a brow with that smirk now holding her lips. All she got for answer was a muffled growl. He was too busy enjoying his new found meal.

With a laugh Prissy turned away, continuing to make her way down the street. Normally she could have been driven right to the theater…normally she would have taken up that eager driver of daddy’s on the offer. But tonight Prissy wanted to be out and walking the streets. She wanted to smell the blood in the air and hear those cute noises from dark corners where the werecreatures hid away. How many would die tonight? How many would be reborn?

By the time she’d made her way to the theater there were at least two dead that she knew of….well the last one might have survived. Prissy didn’t stay to watch, she just smelled the blood as she passed by the park. But as fun as tonight was just for that sort of show…Prissy had a different kind to get herself focused on. She had a cute little teenage girl to corrupt and play like a puppet. Her and her band mates. Not a difficult task for Prissy, not at all. In fact she was rather looking forward to it. They all made such pretty dolls. She just had to pull a few strings…

Once to the theater Prissy stood out front, leaning her back against the wall and putting a cigarette to her lips before pulling out her phone to give Sophie a text to let the girl know she was there. Of course if Sophie and the rest of the band were out front they’d likely notice the succubus right away. She always stood out a bit…tonight by stance as much as by persona.

Apr. 12th, 2008


Week Five: Monday

Who: Maggie and Priscilla
Where: Daren's Condo
When: Monday afternoon

A week. A week exactly. Had it been that long? In one breath it felt like no time at all and in another it felt like it had been so much longer than just seven days. It was a week that had aged her and had brought a vitality that she hadn't known in years all in one fell swoop. Elation that Bastian had found his way back to them. Fear that it wouldn't last. Contentment that their family was whole. Aching guilt that there was one person she had yet to speak to... And that feeling never went away. It clouded nearly every happy moment she had just seeing Bastian seated in the same room again, conversations that she hadn't thought to ever have again...

All of it held that touch of guilt to them. She had to talk to Daren. Though what she would say? That was as much a mystery to her as the true story behind Bastian's disappearance. Honesty? That was the only approach Maggie could think to take. The only approach that had ever truly crossed her mind. She wasn't the sort to float half truths or omissions in an attempt to make things better for herself, though she would be lying if she hadn't thought to do so to spare another's feelings. It was a wasted effort though, lies to spare feelings always came back to harm two-fold.

She liked to think that the words she had spoken so many times when they first starting dating would help, but they didn't make her heart feel any less heavy with the prospect of laying it all out on the table. She cared for Daren, how could she not? But did she love him? Perhaps... but not in the way that she had always loved Bastian. And that had proved to be just as strong as it had always been. Even amidst all the questions that still begged to be answered.

Maggie knew that Daren was busy with a million bits of business this week. She knew that fact and yet some part of her had hoped that the edge to her voice in the voicemails she had left would have brought a quicker response from him. But the last thing she wanted was for him to have been distracted from the work that she knew he needed to get done. No matter how badly she felt the need to speak to him. The time was only making it harder for her, making her feel as though she were living some painful lie that ate at her day and night...

That was the reason that straight after her shift at the hospital she had punched the floor for his condo instead of her own apartment. Just to check. Just to see if by chance he'd arrived home and maybe had a few minutes to talk. She probably should have gone home and changed, left her colorful scrubs behind but she had to go now, while she didn't have to explain to Bastian where she was going. She felt she owed Daren the words before she spoke them to Bastian. Purse slung over her shoulder and her hair finally freed from the ponytail she wore while working Maggie approached his door.

The bell sounded loud. But perhaps that was just her nerves.