Mar. 19th, 2008


Week Four: Thursday

When: Night
Where: Towers
Who: Mab - Narrative

Spooky spooky scream whine hide! That was the theme of the day for Mab, a theme that did tend to go on repeat for the ghost who had been wandering around these halls for awhile now. Awhile was all she had, she wasn’t sure how long it had been now. She asked sometimes but after awhile it didn’t really matter anymore. She always forgot again, one of those facts that just kept getting hazy. Lots did anymore, details that were no longer important being pushed out for other memories! Memories of what? Well how to spook people here the best!

Today she was running around the halls not really looking much like herself. It took a lot of energy to play the scary face game but Mab didn’t mind. What else was she going to do with all that energy of hers? This was her being productive for the day. This was her work. She wished she had her other work still but that was outside of the walls and she was inside of the walls. All stuck like, a dog on a leash! Now she knew how those poor puppies felt huh?

Maybe that’s why it was good to not remember how long it had been! See it all made sense now.

It would have been way more fun to be stuck at the police station though! Breaking the will of those cons waiting in cuffs! Then she could buzz about the paperwork and maybe, just maybe, get to see some of the bloody action again! Now she only got to see it from the rooftop or windows. Peering down at the streets watching others play. Not that they tended to think it play like she did, but that’s because they were boring and not her. But she still sung for them at least! Sometimes they heard it and got all spooked. Yep they still remembered the redheaded oddball that used to clean up the blood from crime scenes.

Sure there were some cops around the building and though a few were willing to tell their tales not all of them were. No matter how she pestered them! No fun there. Some were just grumpy grumpy. In fact lots of people were. What was there to be so grumpy about!? The world wasn’t so bad and there was lots to be amused by. Most just needed to laugh more, that was Mab’s solution at least. Hard to be grumpy when you were grinning.

Mab was doing her part to help the grumpy sorts around the Towers though. Pranks, songs, and even jokes! Talk about an interesting time when you’re sitting down on the toilet or getting ready for a shower and you start hearing whispered knock knock jokes in your ear! Mab had some impeccable timing if she did say so herself.

Plus it was funny to watch them jump up and shout who’s there!

Around the corner and down a hall, disappearing into a room at the end. A new girl and her yappy dog had moved in there. Yappy yappy yappy, he got real yappy once Mab said boo!

Mar. 8th, 2008


Week Three: Wed

Who: Anthony and Mab
When: Weds Night
Where: 11th Floor Hallway, then likely Tony's Condo
Rating: Likely PG13 for language, but unlikely to be higher

It had been a most unenjoyable evening. One that had entirely no purpose to it And if there was one thing that Tony did not enjoy, it was wasting his time. He might be immortal, he might have the patience that comes from living more than two centuries, but he did not enjoy wasting his time at all. Especially, when he could have been doing better things all along.

The fence would not waste his time again. That much he was certain of. Not if he wanted to live that was. As it was, having told Tony he could provide one thing, and then not actually provide that service was one thing that really irritated the vampire. But, on the bright side, and Tony so very much preferred thinking in brighter terms, at least he did not kill the fence. He was so very tempted. Instead, he settled for breaking apart a few items of questionable nature on the fences arm. It would heal sooner or later.

He took his time on his way home that evening. He knew it always took some time for him to come down out of a mood, and he did not want to risk ruining anything in his apartment. It was all so very brand new. That, and with his luck, one of his various pets or planned conquests would notice his mood and be scared off. That just would not be acceptable, after all. Go through all that effort to train and break a proper pet, only to ruin it with a temper tantrum.

But, in his own good time he did return to the Towers. And luck was with him in that he did not need to share the elevator ride up with anyone. Somehow, he suspected, he wouldn’t be able to deal with anyone in such an enclosed space without leaving a bloodstain or two on the side of the wall. But, just the thought of being able to rip someone’s head off brought a smile to his lips.

He saw her the moment he stepped off the elevator. He knew his luck was not going to hold out that night. It just wasn’t the way the fates had declared things. But, Tony put on a smile as he glanced in her direction, before he turned and began his way toward his condo.
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Feb. 21st, 2008


Week Two: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Various hallways of the Old Town Towers
Who: Mab and Anyone

Idly Mab was humming as she floated up and down the halls of the Towers. Today was a slow day; no one was around to play with. Where had everyone gone? It was no fun when they halls were empty and people didn’t want to notice her little antics. Made for a bored Mab which was never a good thing. Made her want to do something big! Something that lots of people would notice. Sure it would make her tired afterwards but when was that not worth it for Mab? So long as she got a giggle out of it and someone screamed in fright like a little girl! Made her snicker even now thinking about it.

She’d scared one already today. Some man that had been rushing up the stairs with flowers in his hand. From what Mab could tell he was trying to find a place to hide them so his whoever wouldn’t find them till tomorrow. Mab thought it was a perfect opportunity to try out one of her ugly faces! Make her eyes look hollow and her skin all peely. It wasn’t easy to do and she couldn’t for long but it was always a blast!

Around the corner the man had dashed, only to run right through her. He felt the cold, he turned around and Mab’s face was right there. All gross and freaky, he’d screamed so loud that a few residents peaked their heads out their doors to see what was going on. Of course they didn’t see anything! Nope by then Mab was all gone and the man just looked like a nutcase screaming in the hallways with his flowers all scattered around him. A few were even trampled on in his rush away!

Had almost been entertaining enough to make Mab’s day. It would have been plenty if she had others to watch later, others to idly annoy or confuse. But no one else came through the hallways today and no one had visited the gardens where Mab loved to linger. It was pretty there…

Pretty and she could stare out the big windows at the city that she couldn’t go play in anymore. But sometimes when she got really lucky she’d catch a car crash or a murder and get all giddy! If only she could go play in the blood and find all the little missing parts of the person’s brain! Sometimes being dead really was no fun at all. But it was better then being really dead. The whole not here anymore moved on go towards the light sort of dead.

Did Mab get a light sort of dead? Huh….she wasn’t sure. Oh well. Mab wasn’t looking to follow the light and go on home. She was home! Even if her room at the Towers had long ago been rented out to someone…if she could only remember the room, she’d haunt it all the time then!

But sometimes things got a little hazy in her memory after so long. Little stuff ran away, unimportant stuff. Or at least Mab was pretty sure it was.

With an audible huff Mab circled around and around, too bad she couldn’t get dizzy anymore! She’d lingered too long to this floor though, no one was home or no one fun. So she moved through the door to the stairs, following them around and around to another floor to go watch. Maybe someone interesting would be there…
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Jan. 28th, 2008


Week One: Wednesday - Narrative

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...." Mab's voice carried through the hallways, making more then a few turn and glance around trying to figure out just what they were hearing. Not everyone could see ghosts, especially when said ghost was trying to not be seen. Mab liked confusing people. Getting them all worked up till they spun around trying to find the culprit and only made themselves dizzy in the process! It was cute and made her snicker every time...often right near their ear so they jumped a good foot in the air for it. Oh it never got old for Mab. She didn't really know anymore how long she had been dead...time sort of swam away once life was no longer a concern. But no matter how long it had been, she couldn’t stop laughing that those spooked little jumps.

Some people screamed, some tried to look all macho like nothing could get to them. Some tried to hide or ran away. Mab liked the screamers better way to draw the attention of everyone around them! Made the person look right insane. She liked it when they started to talk to themselves too. There is no such thing as ghosts, it must just be the wind coming in through an opened window... yes that was it, something simple and logical and easy to explain!

But did the wind sing about coconuts? Mab didn’t think so...

"Here they are standing in a row..." She continued with a snicker, sticking her head through a near by wall to see if one of her favorite tenants of the towers was home. He wasn't, no fun. He liked watching people jump too. And there was the kid down the hall. Cute little thing with bright blond curls and always sticky fingers from all the candy she gobbled up. She liked Mabs singing, though her mean daddy told her to be quite all the time and stop talking to herself. Humph! Not talking to herself at all, dad was the blind sort of human though. He didn't see things even when they were standing right in front of him flashing him!

Had made the little girl giggle like a fiend though, made Mab’s day...or days...something.

No luck with door number one or number two…it looked like Mab was on her own tonight when it came to enjoying the shows. Oh she’d make due, she always did. But she far preferred to give entertainment to more then just herself! Took a certain sort of people to get her jokes though, and her singing. Anyone who did though got extra points from ol Mabster that was for sure. Even earned them a treat or two sometimes, not that those were all that easy for Mab to come by. Sure she could move objects but regular ol pick them up? That wasn’t so easy anymore when you were all incorporeal like.

That she sometimes was still getting used to. Especially when they were messes just begging to be cleaned up! What was worst was seeing a nasty scene outside of the apartments and not being able to go play detective where did the brain go anymore. She missed that sometimes, she’d been good at her job! No one could put together the puzzle of splattered bodies quite like Mab could. She understood the blood, and not just because she was vampy back then. No she’d understood it even before then. Made her dad look at her oddly but he didn’t mind so long as she was doing her job well and making him proud sorta. He was dead though, long time ago and far away. Most were now weren’t they? Mab couldn’t remember.

Mab skipped through the air, wandering from one hallway to the next. “big ones small ones some as big as your head” with that word some poor man walking his groceries in got a nice flick to the head that made him jump with a start and send his groceries all sorts of scattering around.

“Aww gotta pick them up, one…two…three…four….” Items went this way and that way, the man grumbling and shaking his head as he attempted to gather all those fallen items up. Mab eventually let him, but that was only because she thought she heard furniture moving. Was someone new to the towers? Oh she loved newbies!