Jul. 17th, 2008


Week Twelve: Tuesday

Who: Alex and Hesper
Where: Nox's apartment
When: Late Night
What: Alex is freaking out about Serena moving and goes to see his BFF but finds his sister instead.

So Serena had dropped a bombshell on him. She had gotten a job offer. She was moving across the country. And he had a feeling that she really didn't care whether he went with her or not. When he made mention of his plans, his obligations here, she said that it didn't change anything about that, her leaving. And then a big fight ensued, he accused her of running off with Kayden, she insisted that she was NOT doing that, and then the fight ended when he took off, slamming doors behind him.

After way too much to drink, he was human after all, he decided to go to the one place where he knew he would find someone to talk to, Nox's apartment. He would have called first, texted, something, but he was really really drunk and he dropped his cellphone in the pisser and now it wasn't working at all. He'd have to go get a new one tomorrow. So on rather unsteady feet, he made his way back to the Towers, narrowly avoiding a spill down the stairs once or twice, and onto the floor where Nox lived. He pounded heavily upon the door.

Now normally, Alex was a good looking guy. He was never entirely clean shaven and he had a tendency to wear his hair a little too long because he never got around to cutting it, and tonight was no exception. Granted, his eyes were a little red and glazed over, but he still looked nice in his tight jeans, his cowboy boots, and his white wife beater, not that he cared, and not that he thought Nox would care how he looked either. All he knew was that the women at the bar hadn't minded his slightly disheveled appearance at all.

Once more, he pounded on the door. "Nox! Open up, man! I gotta talk to you." He hadn't thought about the possibility that he wasn't there, or that he was sleeping. But if no one answered, he'd probably just have himself a seat in the hallway there until someone showed up.
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Jun. 28th, 2008


Week Ten: Friday

Who: Chris and Hesper (with a brief appearance by Chris' nemesis, Vernon Johnson)
Where: beginning outside UW Medical Center, then a nearby diner
When: early morning, just after dawn
What: breakfast

It was peculiar enough to be standing outside the hospital after work instead of heading home to sleep after a long night spent restocking supplies and filing and attempting to avoid people. It was also very unusual why he was standing out there. He was waiting for Hesper Alekos, who'd pushed a note beneath his door the day before telling him she was taking him to breakfast today in thanks for the sketch he'd left for her, and that she'd pick him up outside the hospital. There'd been no option for declining, and at this point he probably wouldn't have, anyway. After the rocky start to their last encounter where she'd found him up in the enclosed gardens, she'd seemed to go out of her way to be nice to him, charming even. That had possibly been one of the reasons he'd matted that sketch and left it for her, since it had seemed to bother her so much that he'd drawn it. One of the reasons. Any others, he wouldn't let himself examine. It was too confusing to him.

Chris wasn't even nervous about seeing her again right now because he was too busy being annoyed. The drawback to having to wait out here was the fact that Vernon Johnson, who seemed to have nothing better to do during his shifts at work than to hunt down Chris and taunt him, had spotted him through the glass doors outside which he stood in the brisk morning air. Chris had changed out of the scrubs he'd worn to work in, something he usually didn't do, since normally he was just going home and who cared what he had on? Despite the fact that he and Hesper would undoubtedly go to the Diner several blocks away, which, though it had excellent breakfasts, was nothing fancy, he'd felt compelled to put something else on, anyway. He was dressed in black jeans and a fisherman's sweater in a deep blue with a white t-shirt beneath it that just barely peeked out from beneath the sweater's crew neck. The color intensified the shade of his eyes, and maybe he'd noticed the effect when he'd looked in the mirror, although that sort of thing wasn't anything Chris generally considered.

He'd been standing still, minding his own business as he usually did, when Vernon burst out of the doors like a demented jack-in-the-box to stand beside him. The burly black man was still dressed in his work scrubs, bulging out of them actually, and he'd tossed a nearly threadbare coat on over them against the chill. "Yo," he said, his big white teeth showing as he smiled joyously. "Whatchoo doin' out here, Morgan? Ain't it time for mice to get back in their holes?" He poked Chris on the arm, having already figured out long ago how much Chris hated to be touched.

Anger flared instantly, and Chris turned his head to glare at the guy, deliberately stepping a foot to one side. He wished for Hesper's claws; though he hadn't seen them anywhere but in his mind's eye, he knew they were there. He was reaching the point with Vernon where he'd love to fight back, but there wasn't a lot he could do. The other man was bigger than him and brasher, loud and obnoxious. He'd likely been the sort of little kid who'd pulled the wings off of butterflies. He seemed to have no human kindness or sense of appropriateness. Chris said nothing, but his jaw tightened as he hoped the other man would give up and go away.

"You lookin' fiiiiiine, baby," Vernon said. "Got a date? Or you takin' up pros-ti-tu-tion?" Every syllable of the last word was spoken as if it had been a separate word, with a definite mocking flavor. He closed the space between them and started to rub Chris' arm, as if assessing the quality of the wool on his sweater. Chris' cheeks were blazing red, though he was more angry than embarrassed at the moment, as little as he liked another man touching him like that here in public. He wouldn't have liked it anywhere, but here was worse, outside his workplace. His dark brows drawn down in a glower, he yanked his arm out of Vernon's grasp and then elbowed the man as hard as he could, as little as he liked to stoop to his level. He just couldn't tolerate it anymore.
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Jun. 23rd, 2008


Week Ten- Wednesday

Who: Hesper and Hale
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Basketball court outside The Towers then Hale's apartment.

She had spent the entire day out. It might have been because she had just a little bit of agitation that she needed to work off. There was no way to do that at home so it was out onto the streets she went. Recently it seemed like she spent more and more time away from the apartment, not even just for business either. But right now she just did not want to see her brother. And since the apartment was one of the few places he would be outside the station, she avoided it.

There was no point in being mad about it, but that did not stop her. Sure she had fucked up plenty of times when it came to things like this. Still, she did not like the fact that now her brother was scoping out some vampire for some girl, the same girl whose brother he showed his wings off to to prove the girl was not crazy. Nox was a good guy and all, but Hesper did not really like all too much just what he was doing for this girl. Especially if this girl was doing nothing for her brother. Why should Nox even bother with her? For that matter, why should she? Granted, she had never met Alex or whoever his sister was, not really at least, so where was her room to judge?

Who was she kidding, she was going to judge them anyway.

Kicking a rock on the sidewalk, she shoved her hands into her pockets. It was still so damn cold out. Why couldn't she have settled someplace warm? Shivering slightly, she looked up at the basketball court she was passing. Raising an eyebrow, she watched her brother's partner play on the court, by himself. It was really a sad little picture that he had painted of himself. "Hey, Hale." she called out. "Isn't is a bit fucking cold to be playing out here?"
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Jun. 20th, 2008


Week Ten: Tuesday, April 8th

Who: Nox and Hesper
When: Tuesday night, sometime after 10:00
Where: their apartment

Nox was feeling somewhat drowsy. He'd had a busy day, and the previous night was a mentally taxing one. It had taken a lot of patience to explain things to Alex, but in the end it all paid off. Alex didn't fear that Nox would rip his head off and drink from a blood pool. At least he didn't seem as though he feared it. By the time they'd finished talking, they were joking once again and making plans to build a car together. All in all, it had been a successful revelation of a very big secret.

It had never been the plan to let Alex in on Nox's supernatural side, but Nox didn't see another viable option. He wanted to help in the situation involving Serena and Kayden, and Nox didn't know how else to make Alex see that his sister wasn't crazy. Besides, Alex was a good guy, and Nox had solid instincts. He felt he could trust his new friend with such information.

Hopefully Hesper would agree, since in revealing himself, Nox had outed her as well. Hale's secret was out there too, but Nox was confident Hale would trust his judgement, especially since Alex seemed to be ok with it all, at least where Nox was concerned. Alex wasn't fond of Kayden being a vampire, and it worried Nox as well, but hopefully after some investigating, Nox would find out that Kayden was a man worthy of Serena.

Hesper didn't give any indication of when she'd be home, just said 'tonight'. Usually that meant she'd arrive just in time for dinner, or just as Nox was headed to bed. Well, dinner came and went, with leftovers ending up in the fridge for her whenever she decided to munch on them, and Nox's eyelids were starting to feel heavy as he read, legs stretched out across the length of the couch. In fact, his eyes were just about close for the count when he heard keys in the door.
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May. 31st, 2008


Week Eight: Saturday

Who: Chris and Hesper
When: the wee hours, just before dawn
Where: the enclosed gardens, 13th floor

After getting in from work, Chris had found that he was unable to even consider going to bed yet. It had been a particularly tough night for him, involving a lot of necessary conversations with co-workers, questions to be asked and answers received. Most of the time he could hide out in the file room or lurk behind his supply cart (or even in one of the supply closets) and not have to talk with too many people. At least Vernon Johnson, his nemesis, was on vacation this week, but everything else had gone wrong for him tonight.

He was a nervous wreck and still cold from being outside, where the temperature was close to freezing currently. After changing into a thick grey sweatsuit and grabbing his sketchbook and a charcoal pencil, Chris left his apartment on the seventh floor and took the elevator upstairs to thirteen. He'd had an unpleasant experience in the pool area, but thus far the gardens had been a good place for him. Lush and earthy-smelling and, to him, reminiscent of his growing-up years in Cypremort. Being outside in nature had been a constant in his life, and he missed that. It had felt safe somehow.

Chris settled down in his favorite spot in a back corner, out of the line of sight of the entrance and beneath one of the windows that didn't open. He thought that maybe they were treated with something, because when he was here in the daytime, he'd noticed that they didn't seem to let in as much light as they should. He didn't know that for sure, though. He pulled the hood of the sweatshirt up over his head so that nothing showed but his pale face and dark-blue eyes, taking a deep breath and gazing into the nearest mini-forest of greenery until it all blurred together.

He needed to relax. The last time he'd visited his aunt, she'd asked him if he was sick, telling him he looked as if he'd lost weight. He probably had, though he wasn't the sort who weighed himself. He gauged things like that by the way his pants fit, and actually he had needed to tighten his belt a notch to keep his work pants from falling down in recent days. Chris wasn't sleeping well, and he found himself constantly looking over his shoulder. He was typically nervous as a rule, but he seemed to be more so lately.

Finally he turned his attention to the sketchpad, flipping it open and hastily skipping over the pages that were filled with lavish drawings of creatures with membranous wings, of fire and smoke spiraling toward a cavelike rock ceiling, of desolate leafless trees stretching anguished limbs toward a black sky. Tormented flashes of the pictures that had been invading his brain since he'd been forced to touch the blonde woman he'd run into on the street that night several weeks ago. He was determined to draw something pleasant, something that would soothe him and lull him toward sleep.

Chris was warming up now in the thick sweatsuit he wore, and he bent his head over the sketchbook that he'd propped up on his knees, one corner of his lip held gently in his teeth as he began an elaborately detailed sketch of the dimly-lit vines that clung fiercely to a wooden trellis. The contrasts made it look like a secret garden all its own, sheltered and shadowed and safe.
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Mar. 21st, 2008


Week Four: Thursday

Who: Hesper and Nox
Where: Room E4 Old Town Towers
When: Thursday Evening

It had been a few days since she had been home. Really it was so hard to just stay at home, and her most recent job had been on the other side of the state. Really it was unavoidable. Though this did normally mean that once Nox saw her that he would go all mother hen and she would get smothered to death. Though as aggravating as it was she still allowed her brother to do it because it made him feel better about things, especially with her fondness for running off without him. She half wondered if he thought she was going to bolt completely like she had from hell with barely a word to him.

Considering the past few weeks she was almost wanting to. Seattle was a lovely place but she had gotten used to not having to deal with demons really. She had definitely not had to deal with someone being faster than her. Even most older vampires she could handle herself around, she did keep her own senses wary enough that for the most part it was pretty easy. But demons... they were an entire different thing. And if one was being hunted and jumpy enough at one as young as herself, there were things to worry about.

Walking through the quiet apartment, she walked into the kitchen and took a beer out of the fridge. Opening it she took a pull and leaned against the counter, shaking her head. This did not bode well for her and certainly not for Nox. Demons that hunted other demons were things to stay away from. She knew all about them from her days down under. Having a taste for the powerful lead a girl to hanging around with those types. And she saw what those kinds of hunters did. While titillating when it was not happening to you, it was horrifying when it was.

She doubted Nox would have heard anything but he damn well needed to know something like this. Really she should have been telling him about it sooner but that was not something to ponder on now. All she had to do now was wait until her brother got home. There was plenty in the apartment to keep her occupied till then, even if it was sadly lacking of someone pretty to play with.
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Mar. 4th, 2008


Week Three: Monday Night

Who: Hesper and Chris
Where: Nino Stella's residence and probably leading back to the Towers
When: Monday Night
Rating: tba

Her little vacation seemed to be over at the moment. Sure having nothing to do but drink and play cards was good fun for a week or so but Hesper was feeling more than ready to take on another job. The last one had hardly been satisfying at all. As luck would have it Nino had called her up earlier in the day. Hesper liked the gangster boss and he payed better than most. Plus who could deny making a deal over dinner so well prepared? Certainly not her, considering she always got challenging jobs from her old friend.

Still, meeting Nino meant that she had to have looked nice. So she did dress up a bit. It was not that she minded too much, but really these clothes were not what she would normally be wearing. The deal had been worked out and she would have a nice assignment right outside of town to get done next week. He had offered to have her taken home after their meeting, but while Hesper loved to be spoiled she felt the urge to stop in at a few places before heading back home just yet. Sure it was pretty late for most people to be out, but there were always some nice places lit up in neon that welcomed her face eagerly.

She was heading out of the building when she heard a commotion among the guards. The only time Nino's men seemed to get in a funk was when there was a trespasser. More often then not that was just a joy to watch, especially if they put up a fight. Ignoring her escort she headed out of the building to the corner of the property where it looked like three of Nino's men had cornered a fairly young looking man. He was certainly an attractive young looking man. More than anything he looked like a frightened little mouse that had gotten caught by the cat. She was not sure why but she felt the urge to have this boy indebted to her. One never knew when it would come in handy.

Continuing to ignore her escorts pleads that 'Miss Alekos please not bother herself with this matter', Hesper walked up behind the men and tapped her foot impatiently. "Boys, boys." she said calmly, but with a hint of annoyance. "You wouldn't be messing with my friend here, now would you?" Tutting as they stopped and looked at her she walked past them and over to the boy. "Nino would not be happy with you at all if you were interfering with my method of exit, yeah? So why don't you get your asses back to your posts then?"

Narrowing her eyes at their apologies she watched them walk off before she looked back over at the kid. "You coming then?" she said impatiently before she just started to walk again. But really she was in an even better mood now. She knew he was going to follow, he really did not have a choice in this place.
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Feb. 25th, 2008


Week Two: Thursday

Who: Hesper and Hale (the double H!)
What: Having an unhappy Valentines?
Where: The only pub not decorated for love
When: Thursday Night
Rating: TBA

Valentine’s was one of those things about humans and supernaturals up here that she just never got. Everything was all done up in red and pink. It was if they needed an excuse to indulge in the things they already indulged in. All in all it seemed a very impractical holiday. Though there were always jobs after Valentine’s from those who had received the ultimate slight. So perhaps the day was not terribly useless. But still Hesper found it a sick sickening in the majority of its ‘sweetness’. Really, why would someone decorate with hearts anyway? They did not even look like real hearts. Plus there was not even any blood with the hearts.

She wandered out into the city and walked into the first pub that was not decorated. The only red in the room was some man’s shirt and she preferred it that way. In fact it looked like she was the only girl in the place that night. It was all too perfect really, cut off from the foolish romantics of the outside world. If she was real lucky there might even be a card game to jump in on in the back room. Though there was a pool table that was looking awfully tempting.

Of course pool was stricken from her mind as two officers past her on the way to the door. She knew they were officers because they had said hello to her, having seen her come to bother Nox at ‘the office’ every so often. Mostly on the days when he was pretty sure that she was up to something and she felt the urge to seem innocent. Giving a wave and a cute smile, she looked over her shoulder to catch a glimpse at one of their behinds. Oh she was so right; it was the one with the cute ass. Smirking contently she headed over to the bar.

But at the bar was an even better prize. If it wasn’t her brother’s adorable partner, maybe it was turning out to be her lucky day. Hale did not like her much, but then again he was as uptight as Nox was so it was understandable. Sliding into the seat next to him she flagged the tender down. “You got anything to make a girl question her better judgment?” she asked the tender with a coy smile.

Maybe today would be some fun after all.
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Feb. 17th, 2008


Week Two: Tuesday

Who: Dorian and Hesper
Where: Seattle Underground
When: Tuesday Night

The underground. It was both a haven and a haunt. Perhaps that was an unusual way to look at the dilapidated pathways that led underneath the city of Seattle. It was a haven to those who required the cover it so adequately provided and it was perhaps a place of nightmares who found their way mistakenly into it's dark depths. But Dorian had not found his way to the underground mistakenly... he did however take advantage of the cover it provided. Though it was not for the nefarious deeds that many used it for.

Rather, it was far more a matter of life or death. Maybe not quite anything that desperate but Dorian had taken to adding the seriousness of just such a situation to most average things he did. He never knew... though he did make it his business to try and know, to try and anticipate the actions of those that had wanted him dead for nearly two centuries. He hadn't lived this long without making it his business to know who was in each and every city he arrived in. Not just for the work he did, that was always secondary to just staying alive... but rather to know who would be the one that would lead them to him this time. To determine if he had walked right into the waiting orders of some minion of his... grandfather. Though that term was really far too familiar for a demon he had never met and hoped never to meet.

Dorian pulled the cloak of shadows he wore more tightly around him as someone passed by the particular alcove he was keeping himself to while he let his fine tuned senses feel the narrow alleyways that crisscrossed this portion of the city. The two acts, keeping the bits of darkness that clung to so much of the underground concealing his very presence and... feeling those that moved around him, took nearly every ounce of his focus. Something that almost left him vulnerable but it was a necessity.

More than necessary. There it was... the pull of demon blood. Walking the streets that were well... below the city of now streets. His shoulders immediately tightened and his jaw clenched. Dorian's hand strayed to the warded charm around his neck he always wore. Only one of many that was placed there to help conceal his own blood. Though it was never truly possible... they could always tell, those with enough age or enough skill. Dorian stepped away from the niche he'd tucked himself into, his steps falling near silently on the worn walkways as he moved off in pursuit. Looking for the one that was a demon... a potential threat.
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Feb. 8th, 2008


Week One: Thursday

Who: Hesper and Nox
When: Evening
Where: Old Town Towers, E4
What: Hesper has decided to make an appearance at home.

It always felt nice to be home after an away job. She had spent the past few days on a quick assignment Las Vegas. It was a miracle really that she had resisted a few rounds at the card tables, but while the job was quick enough it had been a bit messy. It was always too much fun when they decided to put up a fight. While they never actually stood a chance it was something that invigorated her beyond belief. Still, the job was done and she had collected her payment which was now neatly deposited in her account.

Walking into the apartment complex she and her brother called home, she light up a cigarette. It was a shock to the system after the much nicer Nevada climate. Washington was fucking cold and it was hailing outside. Evil little pieces of ice just falling from the sky. Hesper was pretty sure hail was the most dastardly thing ever created, and she had seen her fair share of things that end of the spectrum. Made her want to hop back on a plane to the warm casinos. Still, she was in the building now at least so there was less to be disgruntled about.

While she could not be bothered to check the time, she figured Nox would be home. He always worried more than usual whenever she was gone more then a few hours. Really it was a little cute how he worried, but really it was ridiculous. Still that was just how Nox was, neurotic and anal. She amused herself on the trip up the stairs figuring out just exactly how he was going to yell at her this time. She should have thought to bring a boy, it was always funnier when she did.

Reaching their apartment she fished around her pockets for her key before unlocking the door and heading in. Closing the door rather loudly, she stood in front of it with her hands on her hips and looking into the apartment. "You home, Nox? Maybe squirreled away with some pretty girl off the street corner or whatever?" she shouted out before heading to the kitchen. "You did go shopping recently, didn't you?"
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