May 3rd, 2008

[info]shadowwhisper in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: Tuesday

Who: Tony and Eliina
Where: Tower’s Pool
When: Tuesday Night
What: Tony hasn't picked on anyone in a while.

Anthony liked mortal holidays. Especially ones like St. Patrick’s day that carried with it a certain reputation. He had only returned to the condo during the day for the whole weekend. Beyond that, every other moment during the weekend he was out on the streets. It was a prime opportunity for someone like himself.

Given the popularity of bars and clubs on a weekend like that, Anthony found himself gorging. There was no real challenge to it. With all the people looking to enjoy themselves and party, it was all together too easy. It almost disappointed him, given just how easy it was to prey upon the people during that particular holiday. Not enough to stop, of course. Who was he to turn down a weekend of banquets?

Feeding as much as he had over the weekend always left him in a good mood. Who wouldn’t be in a good mood with a full belly after all, right? It had been a good weekend, and for once, nothing had gone wrong in any form whatsoever. Even the streets were kind to him that weekend, and didn’t present any problems. So, for once, Tony was able to relax and enjoy himself for several days at a run.

Tonight, he had decided to just relax. He had no need to go hunting, or anyone that he needed to deal with. No problems to solve, no people to hurt, no errands to take care of. He had a nice, quiet evening with nothing planned and nothing to do. It was a rarity for him to have nothing to do, so he decided to indulge in a rare pleasure.

It was times like this that he missed the sun the most, however. As he glided across the pool, enjoying the cool water against his skin, as well as the cool air outside. But more than anything else, he enjoyed working the muscles in his arms and legs as he moved from one end of the pool to the other. About halfway through, he decided he needed to find a nice beach to enjoy one of these nights.