May. 28th, 2008


Week Eight: Sunday

Where: Drystan's penthouse
When: Evening
Who: Isobel and Drystan

Isobel was bored. Rei had yet to bring her any information on Dorian and things around the brothel were relatively quiet. Of course there was always paperwork she could be doing but she was pretty much over that idea for the time being. No, right now she wanted to be entertained and there was only one person who would do. Yes, she was talking about everyone's least favorite vampire. Some verbal bantering with thorn in her side was just what she needed to get her out of her little funk and passing notes back and forth just would not do. Not tonight anyway.

It had been a while since she had last graced him with her presence so really it was like the stars were aligning for this to be happening. It wasn't very often that she became bored enough to go to Drystan of all people. Hopefully the act wouldn't go to his already over inflated head. Hmm, someone really did need to take a giant needle and deflate it for him. Oo, maybe that's what she could spend the evening doing? Oh yes, that would be amusing. Now where could she get a needle of that size? Oh, and holy tipped too for extra fun.

Sadly the needle idea fell through and she found herself heading up to his penthouse empty handed. Darn. Isobel didn't bother knocking once she reached his door and decided to let herself in. Hopefully she would be interrupting whatever it was he was doing or else she would be disappointed. Cool blue eyes glanced around his rather lavish home and her fingers walked across various pieces of furniture as she stepped further inside. Was the overly bleached vampire not home? Now that was just unacceptable.

Something told her that he would be home soon so she figured she might as well get comfortable. One of his finer bottles of wine was removed from the cabinet and she smirked to herself as she poured a fresh glass. Surely her business partner wouldn't mind her making herself at home. Drystan was known for being so hospitable after all. With a distinct sway in her hips and her wine glass in hand, she made her way over to his fireplace and stretched out in front it. She was the picture of perfection as she waited for him and if he didn't come home soon...well, she couldn't be held responsible for what she might do to pass the time.

Apr. 25th, 2008


Week Six: Saturday

Who: Dorian and Isobel
When: Saturday Night
Where: Club in Belltown

The bar was packed. Not an unusual sight for a Friday night in one of the more trendy areas of Seattle. Humans packed the clubs along the street in droves, everyone looking for something. Love, a night of passion, to fill some hole? Everyone had their own goal in sight and honed in as the night wore on. In that respect Dorian fit right in with the masses that moved through the tight confines of the club.

He was looking for something. Someone.

Music wasn't the draw like it was for many that moved as the beat demanded. Drinks in hand, working their way closer and closer to their object of lust for the night. His form remained so indifferent to the pulse of the music, his focus entirely intent on one thing and one thing only. Her. Was he insane? Was all this searching and hunting for her a product of his mind or was she a reality... tangible, flesh and blood. In reality he wasn't sure which answer he preferred but he was bound and determined to find an answer.

The towers had been an enigma to him from the moment that he'd felt that pull that was Isobel and only Isobel from the tall building. His tracking had only deepened his curiosity and created more questions. So many of his kind... too close. So many warnings but he couldn't walk away just yet. He needed to know if it was her. He had to know.

A new motel had been found for the week. Another sad room that was furnished with only the bare necessities. His items only taking up a small portion of the space provided, never making it look anymore like a home. When the sun set and the shadows he felt most comfortable in took up their residence, Dorian finally stepped free of his room. The path he made to the Old Town Towers was almost becoming routine. This time though... he caught something. Enough to follow....

To this club.

As much as he didn't give a shit... Dorian knew how to blend in with the best of them. Before stepping foot inside and paying the cover that was required, he readied himself for the part. Sleeves rolled and a button loosened on his shirt, he's pass for one of the many men who had made their way to the club with the purpose of finding someone to 'love' for the evening at least.

Threading his way through the crowd, the feel of her only got stronger. It couldn't just be a trick of his mind. It couldn't... could it?
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Apr. 4th, 2008


Week Five: Tuesday

Where: The Théâtre du Macabre and then Wild Ginger
When: Late Evening
Who: Isobel and Rei

It really was a fortunate thing that so many items could be bought in bulk over the internet. It was even more fortunate that the packing peanut company was local and was more than happy to deliver so many bags during a rather odd window in the evening. Then again, money could by happiness so why not an office worth of little foam peanuts? America really was a darling country.

Isobel had been planning this particular “gift” for a few days now and even went so far as to arrange for an appointment of Drystan’s to take far longer than it should have. It was simple really, she sent the woman a bottle of the finest champagne that may or may not have been slightly drugged and told her that the man had been fantasizing about her for weeks now and wanted nothing more than to be ravished by her. Personally Isobel couldn’t understand the appeal of the blond vampire, but to each their own she supposed. Even if the older woman didn’t succeed in bedding him, there was no question that it would be amusing to watch either way.

So once he was gone, a large truck appeared behind the theater and the delivery became underway. Dozens upon dozens of bags were brought up the service elevator and taken into his office, only to be dumped out all over the floor. It was almost like a cloud had slipped through the window and deposited snow right then and there. Quite lovely really. But of course she couldn’t leave it as just packing peanuts. Oh no, while the men continued to fill the space up, Belle added a half dozen boxes of moth balls into the mix. They just held a certain smell that was sure to mix well with the plastic aroma. Mmm mm!

By they time they were finished, his office was almost completely filled from top to bottom with just enough room for the door to be pushed open when he returned. A generous tip was handed out to the delivery men before seeing them off and with a smile on her face she headed down to her brothel to retrieve Rei. Dinner out was in order, a means of celebrating her small victory.

“I do hope you are hungry,” she said as she appeared. “Because tonight we are dining in the city. Get your coat, a car is waiting for us.”
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Feb. 13th, 2008


Week One: Saturday

Who: Isobel and Open
Where: Westlake Center
When: Early evening

Work, work, work, that was all Isobel seemed to do anymore. Not that it wasn't paying off. The underground brothel was thriving and doing far better than she could have ever imagined. Of course it didn't hurt that a certain arrogant vampire's patrons made up half of her clientele. Yes she was giving his little theatre some praise in that regard. Even if he was completely unbearable most days he did serve a purpose. Though contrary to what he might like to think, that purpose was not sampling her girls or boys for that matter. If he kept it up she would likely end up chopping off his hands or worse. She never did deny that she had a bit of a temper.

Even though she put everything she had into her business, that didn't mean that she didn't allow herself some free time. Tonight happened to be one of those nights. A few hours were penciled into her schedule for some light shopping and wandering before things really began to pick up. Most of her Saturday night clients didn't appear until after midnight so it was safe to leave things be for a while. That wasn't to say that she didn't have her cell phone on her just in case a special guest decided to drop by.

Isobel was actually pretty dressed down this evening but even so there was still an aura of class and grace surrounding her. Her hands held a few bags from various stores as she walked around the center and keen eyes surveyed the windows as she tried to decide if it would be worth her time to stop in and have a look. Most stores were merely passed by but a few were paid a visit. What was the point of working so hard and earning all that money if a girl didn't take some time out to spend it? Exactly.

She had just finished shopping at one of her favorite stores (Fossil) and was about to call it a night when she stepped out and was nearly run over by someone passing by. "Perhaps you should consider watching where you are going..."