April 30th, 2008

[info]liar_for_hire in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Sunday

When: Night
Where: Old Tavern
Who: Tavin and Veronica

The place was a tavern like a hundred other taverns in the city. A bar was to the left, tables were to the right and people shooting pool or playing darts hung out towards the back. The air held the scent of drying green beer and the music playing was a few years behind the times mixed with Irish tunes. Sports scores flashed in bright colors to muted TV screens, waitresses wore jeans and called everyone hunny. The place had a family sort of feel, enough of one that most dealers wouldn't come around these parts. The close knit sort of communities were bad business. Piss off one and you pissed them all of.

But Tavin knew the guy that ran the place. A guy that was called the son of the owners but really he owned the place. His half demon blood just made him age a bit too slow for humans to be comfortable with. He was one Tavin might call friend, even if he only half believed it. More then anything he was a long time buyer and refused to work with anyone else. Business ties like that kept Tavin going well in this field. A business man above and beyond the rest, not just a sleaze looking to fuck everyone over.

He'd already done his dealing for the night. The sort of stuff that they got out of the way first thing so that business wasn't hanging over head. But the guy didn't mind Tavin loitering around a bit. Others at the bar sometimes picked up a bit. Plus the guy could make a mean steak. That, at least, was his favorite. Jerzy liked the onion rings. Tavin planned to bring him back some grub from this place. Another hour or two...he'd already texted the kid to let him know.

Tavin, for the time being, was seated to the back of the tavern. A group of guys not that far from him were arguing over who was next to shoot at pool and a group of rather sweet and innocent looking girls were playing darts to the left of him while getting drunk for the Saint Patties Holiday. From where he was he had a clear line of sight of almost the entire place...and a side window to the left where he could just slightly see his car. Tavin always picked spots like these. When you were in the field he was you constantly had to watch out for your own ass. Being aware of those coming and going around you was part of the game.

Part of why he was lingering, he'd thought he'd seen someone following him earlier that night. Not something Tavin liked. Hanging out here gave a time lapse. If he had that feel still when he left...then something was going on. If he didn't...then he was just being a paranoid fuck like he wouldn't deny being.

“Hey Joe, going deaf over there? What part of keep them coming did you not get?” Tavin joked, flashing a too toothy smile at the guy, he knew what Tavin was and so he just snickered and grabbed up a fresh glass. No ice, straight whiskey for tonight. “Alright alright, keep your pants on, I'll remind the girls to keep an eye on your glass.” the girls that weren't related to the man at all, even if for the feel of the place they tended to go by sister and the guy by Brother Joe.

Once the fresh drink was brought over Tavin raised it up, giving a bit of a salute to Joe before nearly downing the contents.

Tonight was becoming one of those long nights that just didn’t seem to want to end.