April 27th, 2008

[info]mother_maggie in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Wednesday Evening

Who: Maggie and Bastian
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Maggie's Apartment

It had been the longest two days of her life. A path had been worn through in the carpet of the bedroom. More than a few cups of tea had been left to go cold. Dinner had not been prepared at all let alone with the usual care that Maggie put into her meals. But mostly, her worry showed in the deep lines that were worked into her pale skin. Her nails were bit down, in a habit that she thought she had given up as a girl. Maggie had tried to not let it show though, she didn't want Sophie worrying more than she probably already was. It was a parents job to lessen the worries of a child, no matter their age...

Maggie certainly felt as though she hadn't been accomplishing that job as of late. Far from it.

It didn't matter that Bastian had called the night before to let them know that he was alright, that he hadn't been taken by those that had taken him before. It had only lessened what she felt for a moment. A brief reprieve that he was still alive, but that didn't cover the fact that she knew the reason that he was still gone. The reason had been her...

Maggie glanced up at the clock again, for the hundredth time that evening. Where was he? Was he coming back? She just wanted to talk with him and explain it all to him. Not that it would change the fact that Daren existed, that her relationship with him had... but it was a more complex situation than that and Maggie needed to explain it. What she could.

She'd followed John's advice. Ended it, as she had always planned to but had been unable to do before the damage had already been done. But that only clearly illustrated the problem with not telling the entire truth. And she hated herself for not following her better judgment and saying it all to begin with. But there was nothing to be done for that now. Just waiting... waiting for him to come back and to try and rectify the situation.

As long as he was alright. She could live with whatever else happened. He'd said he was... but she just needed to see him to know that was the truth.