April 26th, 2008

[info]lex_isa_wreck in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Tuesday

Who: Alex and Open
When: Morning
Where: A cafe near the Towers

Alex had found a job. He hadn't told Serena yet because he hadn't really seen her much since she started working full time at the hospital. But he was working third shift security at a supermarket that was open all night. It wasn't what he wanted to be doing by no means, but it was money in his pocket and that was all that really mattered right now. He couldn't live off of Serena forever. Last night had been his first shift and this morning, he was both exhausted and hungry. Serena would be gone by now and he didn't feel like cooking so there he was, sitting in a booth in some little cafe, waiting on some greasy omelet and drinking coffee that was much too strong.

When he met Natalia, it was hard for him to keep his mind off of her. That was how he knew that he had found something special in her. Well, not when he met her, but when he first noticed her, really noticed her, because he had been in school with her for years. The same thing seemed to happening with Prissy. Ever since that night, after he woke up the next night having slept the entire next day, she was pretty much a constant on his mind. He wondered what she was doing, if she was thinking about him, even thought about dropping by to see her, maybe sending her some flowers or something but she didn't seem like the type to like flowers too much.

The waitress came over to offer him a refill and he thanked her. "You're omelet will be out in a flash." She said, and he nodded his head, waiting for her to leave the table before he took the flask off of his hip and poured a bit of vodka in his coffee. It'd help him sleep. He'd need it. It wasn't like him to sleep all day and stay up all night and he was sure it would take him some time to adjust.

He drank down a bit of the dark liquid before he scooted out of the booth and pushed himself to his feet. "I'm gonna go outside and have a smoke. I'll be back in when it's ready." He told the waitress who nodded her head. "Sure thing, sweetie." She said, then watched him walk out, canting her head to the side to check out his ass. Alex was oblivious to this of course, distracted by the thoughts swirling through his mind. He pulled a smoke from the pack and placed it between his lips, flipping his zippo to light it, a deep drag inhaled and then exhaled slowly.