April 28th, 2008

[info]the_pretender in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Tuesday

When: Afternoon
Where: Daren’s Condo
Who: Daren and Maggie

Poor Maggie was all in a fluster. That’s what happened to good girls when they attempted to juggle both a husband and a lover. Of course, Maggie would have none of that. No. She was far too moral to keep it up no matter how tempting, and no matter how Daren might get hurt because of it.

Of course he’d bat his eyes, but otherwise he’d keep a stiff upper lip. Strong man of bearing after all. His pain would be a private thing and Daren would be far too well mannered to let Maggie see how she hurt him. No, it was her happiness that concerned him, her well being and she should of course, do what was best for her, and for her family.

Of course he’d understand. Daren was a sensitive, modern man after all.

Hadn’t he been there when she needed him? Even helped in the search. Of course he understood. Maybe one day he’d even find it in his heart to be happy for her.

Oh, this was all too easy.

Never mind that she was fucking him over and he, by all rights, should challenge Bastian to a duel and put Maggie over his knee. This was an amusing thought, and it was this that he had in his mind when the bell sounded and he answered the door. Of course, he’d cleared his face of the evidence of any amusement. Nope, it was all about concern for his darling, flustered Maggie.

“Darling. Come inside.” He kissed her cheek and put a hand out for her to take if she would, and follow him in to the livingroom. “Is everything okay with Sophie? She’s not gotten into any trouble, has she? What’s wrong?” Was it his fault the rebellious brat of a daughter was so easy a target? But all spoken with the deepest concern and love, of course.
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