April 25th, 2008

[info]dust_and_shadow in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Saturday

Who: Dorian and Isobel
When: Saturday Night
Where: Club in Belltown

The bar was packed. Not an unusual sight for a Friday night in one of the more trendy areas of Seattle. Humans packed the clubs along the street in droves, everyone looking for something. Love, a night of passion, to fill some hole? Everyone had their own goal in sight and honed in as the night wore on. In that respect Dorian fit right in with the masses that moved through the tight confines of the club.

He was looking for something. Someone.

Music wasn't the draw like it was for many that moved as the beat demanded. Drinks in hand, working their way closer and closer to their object of lust for the night. His form remained so indifferent to the pulse of the music, his focus entirely intent on one thing and one thing only. Her. Was he insane? Was all this searching and hunting for her a product of his mind or was she a reality... tangible, flesh and blood. In reality he wasn't sure which answer he preferred but he was bound and determined to find an answer.

The towers had been an enigma to him from the moment that he'd felt that pull that was Isobel and only Isobel from the tall building. His tracking had only deepened his curiosity and created more questions. So many of his kind... too close. So many warnings but he couldn't walk away just yet. He needed to know if it was her. He had to know.

A new motel had been found for the week. Another sad room that was furnished with only the bare necessities. His items only taking up a small portion of the space provided, never making it look anymore like a home. When the sun set and the shadows he felt most comfortable in took up their residence, Dorian finally stepped free of his room. The path he made to the Old Town Towers was almost becoming routine. This time though... he caught something. Enough to follow....

To this club.

As much as he didn't give a shit... Dorian knew how to blend in with the best of them. Before stepping foot inside and paying the cover that was required, he readied himself for the part. Sleeves rolled and a button loosened on his shirt, he's pass for one of the many men who had made their way to the club with the purpose of finding someone to 'love' for the evening at least.

Threading his way through the crowd, the feel of her only got stronger. It couldn't just be a trick of his mind. It couldn't... could it?
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