April 24th, 2008

[info]better_days in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Monday - Narrative

Night time. The days had become a bane to Bastian for more reason then just the inability to stand the light. Each day meant that he'd have to lie. Each day meant Maggie would worry for the fact that he didn’t seem willing to get out of bed. Each day was another excuse, a pathetic attempt to deny having to speak the truth as to why he couldn't join them for breakfast in that well lit dinning area. His father helped in the excuses now and that only made Bastian feel that much worse. The old man...he wasn't even willing to believe it until he saw what the light could do to him. Of course he'd apologized for not believing, for making it go to such extremes to prove it. But Bastian had seemed unphased by that slight pain...maybe that more then anything was why his father had apologized so greatly. A reality more then just what he was beginning to sink in.

He knew he had to tell them. He planned to. With his old man on his side he thought maybe, just maybe, it would be easier to take. No matter how it was done it wouldn't be an east conversation. If he could go the rest of their lives never speaking it he would. He didn't want to see the way they'd look at him. He didn't want them to realize what he really was now. But he had to tell them. He couldn't hide forever. Tonight wasn't the night for it though. There was too much going on, everyone separated. Tonight he and the old man would be running the bar. A start to a week where Bastian was damned determined to keep the place open everyday.

With the fall of night Bastian met up with his father and headed to the Barking Spider. At the least that place hadn't changed. But the place wasn't quite as John had left it the night before. No as they pulled up Bastian saw the flowers left. Flowers that the old man tried to jump out of the car first to get to. The fact that he did made Bastian react even quicker. Getting to them before the old man could grab them up and toss them out. "What's the deal?" Bastian questioned, making a face at his father as he grabbed the keys from his pocket, opening the place up and flicking on the lights.

"Nothing, sure they are just for Sophie or something. Giv'em here and I'll get them in some water." Bastian arched a brow at his dad "Who's Sophie getting flowers from?" he questioned, grabbing the card and handing the flowers to his pops like the man asked. He could hear his heart rate pick up. Could hear that subtle sigh. It wasn't a reaction made if it all meant nothing. Bastian opened up the card, reading it....once...twice...and again.

Who’s Daren dad? )