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Posts Tagged: 'zacheus+aleyne'

Aug. 9th, 2013




[.....] Drake is [...] really sorry to have to do this, but his party is canceled tonight. He

after this
[ Aspel ]

Ari reminded me that I should tell you that I [...] thought you should know that Drake had an accident on a hoverbike, and he's fine! He is! But he'll need to rest for a couple of days. But he might still try to He might be better by Monday but just in case!

Aug. 7th, 2013




So, I'm doing the annual thing at the Duckling Friday night. If it gets trashed, you have to answer to Vivi. I absolve myself of all blame. First round of drinks are on me. After that, you're on your own.

Just saying.



[ filtered from npc brothers. ]


I don't know what prompted it, but earlier today I had this long conversation with my eldest brother about why he decided to be a dragoon, and why me, an archer. He'd never told me until today that when he was young, he wanted to be a knight first, but changed his mind later. It was pretty eye-opening, I won't lie. And strange, because he never likes to be serious with me.

For me, I always wanted to be an archer. It's why I picked up the bow and arrow even before I could enlist into the Guild. All these years later, I've never thought of doing anything else, even when I respect other classes for what they do, and I've never regretted my decision for a second.

So I thought I'd pose these questions, for serious conversation's sake: If you're in a Guild, why did you choose your present class? Was it what you wanted when you first started, or did you have different dreams? And if you're not a Guild member, why did you choose your way of life now, provided you'd had the choice?

[ DRAKE. ]
Are you doing anything for your birthday, sir?

a little after this -- [ LILLE & ZACHEUS. ]
If I wanted to try out for the Rangers, what would I have to do? Assume I know nothing if it helps.

Aug. 6th, 2013




Thanks to everyone who came out last Friday -- it was a good time. I missed the king's speech as a result of it, but I think he'll probably forgive me.

Hey, I have a question, if you're free.

Hey [...]


Hope all's well after the events of last week, and the week before, and the week before, and so fucking on. I believe we have a meeting to reschedule?

Kpl Cassul

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Oh, it's always an entertainment to catch a glimpse of the monarch!

Our public image is sparkling, not without the help of Judge Magister Royse. Enlightening words from the speakers in any case.

Unsent to Mister GUY LENARD.
Off the record,

Jul. 28th, 2013





This is I don Will

I need a piggyback home from Shieldwyrm. Any takers? [...] And please don't alert my family. They worry enough already and would be upset if they learned I came to target practice and overdid it.



sunday afternoon.

hey.! [...] hows it goign?

dont get mad. your gonna wanto t get mad but dont get mad.

hey! youre always saying that my training is most important right??

Jul. 16th, 2013



002: PUBLIC.

While I am loath to contribute to the gossip mill, undead sightings outside the city are on the rise. Although it originally appeared to be a few isolated incidents, with the undead merely mindlessly roaming around, it seems that's no longer the case. The sightings are becoming more and more frequent, and the undead are beginning to travel in numbers as opposed to remaining on their own. If you plan on leaving Emillion anytime in the immediate future, please exercise caution. Familiarize yourself with the vulnerabilities of the undead: Holy, Fire, and healing magic. The Rangers are working tirelessly to rid the Outlands of these revenants, but the sudden increased activity coupled with the strain on r has made things a bit more challenging.

Again, I cannot stress this enough: if you are leaving the city soon, please be careful, especially if you are traveling after sundown.

Jul. 9th, 2013



[ Drake & Aspel ]

So theoretically, how much trouble would a Rider be with the guild if he, say, [...] lost a mage boy somewhere in the wilderness while taking him out for a ride? It's not my fault

[......] And who would that person talk to in the Mages Guild Aw, fuck it

[ Zacheus & Lille ]

Can you two do me a HUGE favor and keep a lookout for a mage boy with long black hair? Just [...] ping me if you catch sight of him.

[ Domina [...] & Ophion ] - UNSENT

Who would I talk to in the Mages Guild about

[ Merri ] - UNSENT

You're some higher up or another in the Mages Guild right?


[ Liyal ]

Hey, kid. When you see this, send me a message back and let me know where you're at. Please? I think I'm in enough trouble already

Jul. 8th, 2013



Well now, I don't suppose you have any important plans this evening?


Tell me more about these organizational skills of yours, darling.

[Elvira- UNSENT.]

Do you suppose there's rules against

[Zacheus - UNSENT.]

Did you know that

[after several hours.]


[...] Do you suppose you'll be around this evening?

Jul. 7th, 2013




[..........] News regarding current developments? [....] Freshly returned from extended assignment.

[Counselor Liu.]
Reporting for assignment.

Where are you stationed?

Standing of current incidents?

News of current incidents?

Jul. 3rd, 2013




Are you
The festival
Were you going
Did you want
Would you like
So, the festival

Are you and Lille going to the festival tomorrow? Did you want

Jun. 28th, 2013



Waiting in queue at the box office presently, now who am I buying tickets for? As it stands, I just might have the gil for two or three interested parties.

Jun. 27th, 2013



Left at the Korporal's desk. )

I am beginning to think that Selkie's Law* ought to be taken up in parliament.

Also, please be wary of the seagulls, most especially if you plan to dine anywhere al fresco. They are here because of the recent catastrophe. Though they are on their way out, they are [...] undiscriminating when it comes to whose food to eat from and where to [...] dispose of said food. Another squire here at the Cathedral has had to throw out a new tunic.

*Muphy's Law, FF-ized

Jun. 26th, 2013



That thing was HUUUUUUUUUUGE!

Messages to Aspel, Merri, Zacheus, Kiernan, Kurtz, Drake, Cy, Vivi, Lille, and Quen )



I wish I had a metal heart, I could cross the line, I wish that I was half as good as you think I am

Private messages to: Drake, Vivi, Ari, ‘Squires’ (Conan, Storm, Juliette, Pyr?), Stone, Peony, Merri, Zach, Lille, Eden, Kiernan, Rictor & Seloria. )

Jun. 21st, 2013



001. PUBLIC.

Bandits have been attacking both lone travelers and caravans along the main road over the past few nights. The attacks have been concentrated in the north, but all travelers should exercise caution when leaving the city, especially after sundown. As always, the Rangers are working tirelessly to capture these criminals and there will be increased patrols until these bandits are caught and brought to justice.

There have also been more and more Antlion sightings of late, especially around Tarq Wood. Antlions are usually docile creatures that do not attact humes unless provoked, but that is not always the case. Again, please exercise caution.

The crater that appeared is still under inve There has been no news about the necro

I told Guy I would send you over with a few days worth of food. I figured you wouldn't mind, but I'll have someone else deliver it if it's an inconvenience.
How are you and Lucy doing? I'm sorry I haven't checked in with you sooner, it's been very busy.
You have my gratitude for getting Conan to safety. I know he can be a handful.
Do you two feel as clueless about recent events as I do?



[ public ]

I'll be out of town until Sunday morning. Blasted wedding At least I have an excuse to not stay for a week Can everyone stay out of trouble until then? ♥

Also, since I'll be on an airship for a while, I propose a game because I need something to occupy me! Since Quen did firsts a while ago, how about we do lasts now? Ask me what my last whatever was. Ask other people what their last whatever was.

Just make it interesting, okay?

[ Aspel ]
If there's anything that needs my attention, let me know. I'll still have net access. And any excuse to step away will be welcome

[ Ari ]
I won't come back with an injury. Promise. ♥

Jun. 20th, 2013




I would like to thank everyone who came to the meeting last night at Bahamut Hall. Your feedback, questions, and commentary are all being reviewed more extensively before further action is taken, so that each item can be given the full thought, and consideration, it deserves. I expect with all the information provided we will be able to implement a stronger, more cohesive response system, and better serve the needs of all of Emillion's citizens.

If anyone wishes to spar, or obtain additional lessons in defensive tactics, or breaks and covers, please do let me know so that an appropriate time can be arranged.

[....] I sound pretentious.

[....] This pomp and circumstance is exhausting. I just wish to be back in The Armory hammering metal.

[....] Would you [....] care to humor me with distraction?

Do you think we will ever be done with these atrocious speeches, and carefully cut announcements?

How do you fare?

Has Vivi spoken with you much since dinner?

How do the Rangers fare?

We have not spoken in some time. How have you fared since we last conversed?



To those finding themselves more active this week, I assume the guildhall meeting was most useful and informative?

Also, if I was to send one of the scholars for food near the Tower, would anyone have any interesting suggestions?