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Posts Tagged: 'miles+baines'

Jan. 25th, 2014



[ CIAN. ]


About that favour. Is there a time limit on it?

[ MILES. ]
Dishes belong in the sink, darling. I'm not your fucking maid.

Jan. 24th, 2014




Anything interesting happening this weekend?


Thanks for the escort, and the shirt. I do hope you weren't too late this morning?

[...] I do hope you won't hold it against me if I say we ought to do it again sometime.


So, I have a story for you, in three parts:

Part 1: Last night, I was caught by the EKP climbing out of the window of a house that was definitely not mine.
Part 3: I had one of the most satisfying nights of my life.

Now, would you like to hear the middle?

[Miles & Vivi, separately]

Any work for me, by chance? I have to return a rather sizable advance, and I've spent it all already.


Can we move back our meeting by an hour tonight? I got a late start.

And speaking of shopping, I helped your sister pick out a new dress yesterday. Please tell me she wore it?


Lunch Sunday?

Jan. 19th, 2014





I'm taking any and all recommendations for the best plumbers, contractors, and window installation in Emillion. References, please.

How big is the place where you're st
Do you have an extra roo

I hate women.

So I have a bit of a tale for you, involving all the disasters that beset me upon leaving your apartment.

I don't care if you're still hungover from New Year's Eve -- we're going drinking this week, and you have no choice in the matter.

Jan. 6th, 2014




I threw some water from my window - as an experiment. It turned to ice before it hit the ground.

Days like this, I am thankful for food delivery services and mulled wine in the middle of the afternoon.


Tell me, is it insane to book myself for two shows with a month and a half of overlapping rehearsals? Because I think I may have just done it.

I think I should go drinking - and dancing - this weekend, cold or no cold. Who knows when my next opportunity to make a tipsy idiot of myself will be? Which is to say: who's with me?


And speaking of that, darling, it seems our stage chemistry just cannot be denied, and we must be together eternally. Should we succumb to our fate and book a wedding venue, do you think?

Jan. 2nd, 2014



Belated thanks to the amazing performers at the Faram's Mass Gala and to all those who attended.

[A. CERELIA, M. BAINES, & F. SASAKI], [C. WILDE], and [L. LEMACH] separately.
No especial news from my end. Any activity I ought know of in the Courts this Capricorn?

Could do with a break from the fam work.



[ public ]


No more front lawns that look like Faram's Mass hurled all over them, what a disappointment. I will be crying into my pillow for the days to come.

[ MILES. ]
Are you

Dec. 26th, 2013




is there anything more heartwarming than trying to navigate the post-holiday sales at the bazaar? it's truly what faram's mass is all about. why, just this morning i watched two vendors almost tear each other's throats out over who had the better wares. they were both selling linens! and let me tell you, friends, you have not lived until you've watched two portly, mustachioed men trade blows over silky sheets.

(if you must know, rodrigo has the good stuff. 1500 thread count and imported straight from kerwon. you heard it here, folks. tell them redwald sent you, perhaps you'll get a discount.)

Dec. 15th, 2013




Seeing as how I no longer feel utterly miserable, I do believe this calls for celebration. Quiet, nice, alcohol free celebration, at least for me.

So this is out for all of you who had a terrible couple of weeks as well; tomorrow night, Lan's Lounge will be offering a variety of virgin beverages, all free of charge until midnight.

Please come, or I'll probably drink them all myself.

Dec. 4th, 2013



[ posted very late at night. ]

[ ASH. ]
It seems like I owe you five thousand gil.

[ MILES. ]
Receive any unexpected visitors today?

[ ARI. ]
I miss you terribly, peacock. Your absence gnaws at me.

Nov. 29th, 2013




I'll be gone a few days. If [...] Don't have too much fun without me.

[Aspel & Aud - separately]

How are you today?


[..............................] Are you busy tonight?

Nov. 27th, 2013



[ arielle & miles separately ]
I've got a favor to ask.

[ lea ]
Volunteered for the suicide mission. I don't come back, make sure Ci gets the cure. Please.

[ jak ]
How you feelin' kid?



[Public] ~posted very early Wednesday morning~

All citizens of Emillion must be aware by now of the illness making its way through our city. We of the Mages' Guild have been working in concert with our colleagues in the Cathedral to keep sickness at bay, but as those who are ill also know, the current medications and spells are proving insufficient.

Based on information obtained recently, a cure may already be in existence; it will, however, be difficult and possibly dangerous to obtain.

On behalf of all the guilds and the Church, we are issuing a call for volunteers to travel to the mountains posthaste to seek out the herb which we believe may cure this illness. The journey may be perilous and the volunteers must be prepared to do battle with a guardian creature most powerful.

Please, do not volunteer yourself lightly, for those who go will surely risk their lives. But for the sake of the lives of those who are ill, this mission must be attempted. The volunteers should leave as quickly as supplies and logistics for the journey can be arranged.

A reward will be offered to those who succeed in returning with the herb. Please reply for further details. Councilors Matsudaira and Min of the Mages' Guild will coordinate the effort.

Nov. 26th, 2013




This sickness is keeping the bars pretty empty. How's an honest man supposed to make a living?




remember what i said about the flu, brother?
i seem to have come down with it
it's [...] very serious
could use some assistance getting to the cathedral today

sorry to trouble you

i apologize for the inconvenience but i am [...] sick
fighting in the storm was ill advised
will be at the cathedral asap !

Nov. 25th, 2013


filtered to: FRIENDS.
Said, "Keep your distance. Your older brother's ill." And aye, he took that to heart!

Jesting aside, has anyone seen one (1) Theodore Finch? Hoped to speak to see

filtered to: MILES BAINES.
This wretched flu! Cannot include you in my will w/o arousing suspicion but when death takes me, know you can raid my room, body, &c for whatever you wish—barring anything of sentimental value to my family.

Only half-kidding. Too hoarse to laugh 100%. Hope you haven't been laid up with this?

Nov. 17th, 2013



backdated to earlier this week. handwave handwave.

One month on, one month off, and now we're back in the game. I've our next target: the Valendian Museum of Natural History. Having bribed a few caterers, I know that they'll be closing early on Sagittarius 3rd due to a private engagement wrapping up. So we'll strike then, Faram and schedules permitting. Be sure to clear yours, if you're in. I'll need all of you to go after the Coeurl.

I'll be scoping it out some more this week if anyone wishes to join (I hear they've a rather lovely exhibit on butterflies!). On the night, bring what you can to safely disable guards, alarms, and traps alike. Blueprints will be couriered over: your homework, ladies and gentlewomen.

Your bed is uncomfortable and your apartment needs better decoration than empty bottles of alcohol.

[...] Don't worry. I'll invite them to the Faram's Mass show myself.

Nov. 14th, 2013




Apparently, I'm husband hunting. Any takers?

[CIAN, posted late afternoon]
Not gonna make it tonight.

Remind me offing nobles is a fucking bad idea.

Gonna be out of commission for a few days. Not sure if you had anything coming up or not.



[ public ]

I got nothing against the stink of fish, and I like living by the sea. So fuck you all.

[ Damia ]
Looks like we set some tongues wagging, darling. I'd be heartbroken you're using me to get you a ship, but since I'm apparently using you to move up in the world, I gotta say, sounds like this works out all right for both of us.

[ Ash ]
Nobles sure know how to use their imagination. Flirted a tad with Damia at a ball and apparently that means we're having wild sex all over the place. Leave her in a heartbeat for you, though. Lacks excitement. She probably couldn't kick my ass like you did last week.

[ Lan ]
Got your delivery. You'll hear from me in a few days.

Nov. 13th, 2013




I am fairly certain there was frost on my window this morning. I do not approve. I considered flying away to some tropical clime until I recalled that missing rehearsals is generally frowned upon by most directors. Alas.


I subsequently considered asking you to call in sick to work and come keep me company under my warm blankets. In the end, I was responsible and went to rehearsal instead. Are you proud of me, or sorry I didn't?


I live in constant awe of your conquests, darling.


So, you and your sister, master assassins? I could hardly sing, I was laughing so hard when I heard it.


[.............................] How are you, dear?



[ public ]


Protip: If you don't know how to play your instrument of choice, don't busk. No one is going to take pity on you, not even little old ladies.

[ MILES & BELLA, separately. ]
How many throats do I have to slit do keep people from giving my ship my father's ship a worse reputation? This is ridiculous.

[ MILES. ]
If there are to be any repeat performances, you should try not getting blood on my sheets

[ ARI. ]
Thought it would interest you to know Fellina hasn't stopped giving me Looks for the past week. I'm half-tempted to come onto her, but I wouldn't want you to be jealous, love of my life.