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January 2015



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Posts Tagged: 'merrion+priddy'

Mar. 3rd, 2014



What is in the big hole? Maybe people live in it. Maybe there's an entire underground city beneath Emillion. They have an entire market and lifestyle there where they bump around in the darkness with melted candles and lit torches. They live in the caves they carve out. When they come out topside, they shrink back from the unfamiliar sun. Like a children's tale!

Also, I do not recommend taking a spoonful of cinnamon or eating dirt. But especially the first, it was truly awful.

Mar. 1st, 2014



[ Drake ]

If you aren't doing anything tonight, do you want to come with me to see a show at the Theatre District? I haven't picked a show yet, so if there's anything you wanted to see in particular, we can go to that!

[ merrion ]

A present, with a handwritten note tucked inside the package )

Feb. 28th, 2014



[ Peony ]

Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful gift, Peony! I truly appreciate it, and the lunch was beyond delicious!

[ Toku ]

Thank you for the book! I can't wait to read it; it looks like a wonderful read!




[[The note is tucked into a basket left at the councilor's door which includes a lunchbox as well as a number of small bottles containing Potions and Ethers.]]

Feb. 26th, 2014



[Flynn -- backdated]

{after this}

I hate to bother you, but there is another mage in the Tower who has [...] a summon. Like Asura, but [...] different, potentially more dangerous. I don't know how to help her or where to even begin, so I thought if you were willing, you could reach out to her or let me know and I can send her to you?

Also, do you know if Ari [...]

I just think it'll help her out a lot more if someone who is in the same position as she is helped her control the summon or [...] just helped. I also have a lot of questions I want to ask but I gave her a few books but I know literature can only take someone so far but if you're busy then maybe you could point her to someone else who might be able to?

[ friends* ]

How is everyone? Are you all safe? Is anyone in need of healing?

[ Cormac ]
Please tell me you're okay.

*OOC: Use as you please. Emily is friendly to everyone! :)




I would like to second Peony Councilor Min's outreach. If anyone is in need of support from the Mages Guild or myself though I don't know what I can possibly please let us know, and we will do what we can, and please visit a clinic if you have suffered any injury.

[ Mages Guild ]

If you have family or loved ones in the affected areas who need assistance or if you need time off to attend to them, again, please let myself or Peony or Toku know.

[ MG Council ]

[...] Emillion doesn't get earthquakes often, does it? Do you think it's strange or unusual that we got one last night? As in, it wasn't natural? Or am I being stupid I can see if there are any geological maps or records at St. Iocus, or perhaps ask one of the professors there to see if they know anything. I just have a bad feeling

[.......] Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. [...] Am I just being paranoid?

[ Friends - apply liberally ]

Is everyone okay?

Feb. 23rd, 2014



[ public ]


Pretty sure our city gets attacked more fucking often than any city in any region anywhere. Did I miss the sign? The giant arrows in the sky? Did someone send out invitations to giant uglies to come sack our city? Faram fuck, take a break sometime. I'm gonna walk out of the Tower one day and step on a Coeurl, or throw off my sheets and find a cockatrice there.

[ DRAKE. ]
You been okay, Councilor?


Feb. 22nd, 2014



[Friends - apply liberally]

Is everyone okay?

[ MG Council ]

I don't know how to best express it but [...] I have a bad feeling about what happened the other day. I'll be back at the Tower on Monday to discuss it if you want to though if there are. Weynn was able to promise me Monday. I'll be in her clinic until then.

Feb. 20th, 2014



While it is nice to see people so [...] comfortable, why are we not thinking about the prolonged visit of the Duchess here? Not that guests aren't nice but really, how much could we really need?

Maybe the city has suffered more than we're allowed to see.

Feb. 19th, 2014



Casting Fire repeatedly in an environment that's both wet and cold will undoubtedly end up with a complete set of damp, freezing clothes. In hindsight, that was fairly obvious. We're almost out of winter, right? Please do not answer that question.

In other news, this is a bad time for a scholar to try and look for work, let that be noted. I also slipped on a frozen patch, unsurprisingly enough.

This is turning up into one of those days where everything turns for the worst.


Would you like to meet later today for some study? Preferably inside the Tower, where it's warm and dry.



[ public ]

It looks like I missed an exciting Saint Namorados day. Does anyone want to come buy some cheap chocolate with me?

Thank you for everything.

Feb. 18th, 2014



[ public ]

You know what I love best about Saint Namorados day? Aside from never having to celebrate it? Chocolate is on sale. I don't remember the last time I had this much chocolate.

Oh wait. I do.

Last Namorados.

[ FG Council ]
Any word on Siana?

[ Ari and Aspel ]
Picnic this weekend?

[ Derp Trio ]
I'm taking a vacation. I swear I am. Wanna come with?

[ Ric ]
How was your Namorados? I want to hear all of the juicy details.

[ Lex ]
Hey! How've you been?

Feb. 17th, 2014


une. the prodigal daughter makes a winter crossing.

One can't imagine anyone needs reminding, but all parties considering travel before the thaw--reconsider.


One hears things have been eventful in my absence. One also hears 'eventful' might be a charitable description.

Sleep with a snake, see how far that gets you.

Feb. 14th, 2014




To my very thoughtful admirer - or should I perhaps call you my number one fan instead? - my thanks for a very thoughtful gift.

And as for the rest of you, does anyone know of any parties that require crashing by a bored bard who was allowed to leave rehearsal two blessed hours earlier than anticipated?

Feb. 15th, 2014



[public, posted friday afternoon.]

i've left some bowls of mint pastilles & chocolate (beware, the allergic; they contain hazelnuts) in the ground floor of the mages tower, for any interested parties in need of some sweets on this already sweet-endowed day. for any fighters & bards: apologies, you've evidently chosen the wrong guild.

and i realise, too late, that it's been quite a while since i even used this communicator properly. wilham wolfe here -- i've relatively recently returned to emillion, for those who know me. knew m  i believe i've done most of the rounds but i'm sure there's more of you i haven't run into yet.

[mage task force]
congratulations, all! it was a pleasure working alongside you, and i look forward to more in future.

are there any particular strengths or weaknesses you have within geomancy itself?

your mother's business must be making an absolute killing this week.

i'm free for that talk anytime. ideally, with caffeine.

happy birthday, araceli. dinner tonight with the disciples, as last year? our amenities are a bit better this time around, granted.



[ MAGE TASKFORCE, posted while drunk, oops. ]

YEAH LETTER!!! who got a LTTER

'ml an officnl member of a taksbforce!!




[ FRIENDS, backdated to tues sorry!! ]


My survival exam is tomorrow morning and it's going to last a couple days. I won't be using my communicator, but if something happens, you can contact Zacheus and he'll let me know. I'll see you all in a couple of days? Wish me luck.

[ TLISA. ]
I'm telling Gar and Leonel if something happens to you while I'm gone, I'm going to show them I mean business. I love you.