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Posts Tagged: 'loch+lemach'

Nov. 14th, 2013




Apparently, I'm husband hunting. Any takers?

[CIAN, posted late afternoon]
Not gonna make it tonight.

Remind me offing nobles is a fucking bad idea.

Gonna be out of commission for a few days. Not sure if you had anything coming up or not.


As there has been much talk of sickness, I would like to remind everyone that the Cathedral mages are at all times equipped to offer their healing services free of charge. They would only be happy to assist you in any way possible, so please don't hesitate to see them if you are feeling under the weather. Better to be safe than sorry, I find!

almalexia lliryn & lionel baines.
Have you a few moments to spare today, mayhaps? I am in need of your assistance for a matter that requires some discretion.

Might you be willing to entertain a few inquiries?

peony min.
I've finalised the Cathedral's emergency response procedure and shall be educating our mages shortly. Has there been any progress, as yet?



[ public ]

I got nothing against the stink of fish, and I like living by the sea. So fuck you all.

[ Damia ]
Looks like we set some tongues wagging, darling. I'd be heartbroken you're using me to get you a ship, but since I'm apparently using you to move up in the world, I gotta say, sounds like this works out all right for both of us.

[ Ash ]
Nobles sure know how to use their imagination. Flirted a tad with Damia at a ball and apparently that means we're having wild sex all over the place. Leave her in a heartbeat for you, though. Lacks excitement. She probably couldn't kick my ass like you did last week.

[ Lan ]
Got your delivery. You'll hear from me in a few days.

Nov. 8th, 2013



[ audrey ]

Backdated to yesterday, a few hours before this

See you at the Ring tonight. Unless, of course, you're worried about coming home after and having to explain to your sister why your face is a mess, hmm? Might break a nail, too, my lady.

Nov. 7th, 2013



[Damia Ravin]

So about that ship you were looking for...

[Loch Lemach]

I think I might need some special knives soon.

[Miles Baines]

Hello there. How are you doing?

[Ofelia Zhou]

I wonder if you could help me find someone. Not a specific person, but a specific kind of person, you might say.

Nov. 2nd, 2013



| public |

I would like to thank everyone who came out to wish me well yesterday eve. Faram has blessed me with a wealth of caring individuals. Truly, thank you.

Do remind me that matricide is frowned upon by Faram.

It seems I was correct in my suspicions regarding my mother. I do fear that this is something I cannot talk my way out of.

Though I did not see you last eve, I expect you have heard the rather distressing news of my betrothal.

It was good to see you well.

Do you prefer arsenic or a slit throat?

I would like to make another order, if you've the time.

I was perhaps wondering if you could help me with something, if you've the time, of course.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Monthly check-in—your Libras have had more spoils than just Bierfest pickings, I expect? Filter as appropriate, everything's encrypted.

m. baines & red.
How's Scorpio looking for you gentlemen?

e. finch.
Got anything for me, honey?

Your routes have been fantastic, thank you. Made any progress?

Oct. 25th, 2013



[ public ]


Oh, look, another year gone by. I'm terribly insulted no one has thrown me a parade, but I could settle for doves bursting out of a large pie. I'll even feign surprise.

[ MILES. ]
My life is regrettably lonely and empty without you, whatever would I do without your financial support, etc etc. When is that next job you mentioned?

Oct. 19th, 2013



[ Ash ]

Ain't seen you around since you got back. Hope you ain't grounded.

[ Ofelia ]

Any new leads?

Oct. 17th, 2013



[ public ]

Has anyone any suggestions for locations for a weekend trip? It has been far too long since I've last left the city.

I do hope you are well. It has been some time since we last spoke.

Good eve. I was wondering, should you be available, if you would be so kind as to agree to a meeting with me regarding some business that I have need of conducting.

I have heard that you have become injured yet again. I apologize for the lateness of my inquiry; I only heard in passing this eve. Are you in need of anything?

[Audrey & Juliette]
I wished to inquire as to your plans for the weekend. As Bierfest shall be alive and well, I was wondering if either of you expect to return to the estate over the weekend. I shall be away, and certain precautions are taken that you shall need to be informed of.

Oct. 6th, 2013




I need to get the fuck out of here. You said if I needed help, you'd give it.

I don't care where, just get me on the next boat out of here. I'm good on the gil.

Sep. 17th, 2013




Word to the wise: don't play footsie in a lab. It may be tempting, romantic/corrosive substances & all—


You've been quiet. How do I live without you, &c?

Got something for you to look at.



| public |

It appears as though the Harvest Festival is a mere week away. Has there been any talk of events? I should think a picnic would be lovely, weather permitting.

[Delivered by Courier to Each Noble Family & Each Member of the TG]
Nobility )

TG )

Would you have some time to have dinner with me this eve? I shall speak with the Demiels if you wish to attend.

I will be taking over guardianship of a young noble.

I will have a guest of sorts staying in my guest house. Do attempt to behave yourself. I am unsure if she would survive the shock of your arresting appearance.

Please do let me know when I can drag you from your sullen lair to teach me, will you?

Sep. 12th, 2013




With the tuna season in full swing around these parts, fishing's been excellent. Those willing to wake up early and venture down to the docks should check the fishmongers' stalls for fresh, quality bluefin tuna.


You still making those clockwork spiders that home in on warmth?


How was your "holiday"?


Update on this new business opportunity you were telling me about?