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Posts Tagged: 'jareth+monaco'

Sep. 21st, 2013



[FG Council + Jareth] -- backdated to a few days ago

Monaco and I have interrogated the suspect from the incident a few weeks back and he has revealed to us extremely pertinent and urgent information that needs your immediate attention. Unfortunately, we do not have all the details, but please let us know the earliest we can meet with the both of you.

Also, it has been suggested that we start work with the Silver Blades on this case. Please let us know any official direction before we proceed forward with this tentative partnership.

[ Peony ]

We have interrogated the culprit from the incident in the sewers and there are [...] some things of import you might want to know. We are meeting with our councilors soon about it, if you would like to join that meeting. If there is a more convenient time for you, please let me know.

And thank you for the translations. They have been most helpful.

Sep. 20th, 2013




last day of evaluations, today.

prepare to stay the night

[pymi, crka. (separately)]
your progress with the drills?


[noble friends. (minus vivi!)]
attending genevieve's? and your plans for har

Sep. 2nd, 2013




As a matter of curiosity, would anyone not of Fighter's Guild stock have any interest in tours of the Fighter's Guild halls?

[....................] Have your patrols turned up anything of use?

Have the potions helped?

The honey
Your towel
You are quite
You do realize that you are quite
You make my life quite
If it were not for this blasted brand I would have quite happily

I do pray that you did not find Mag's party too terribly a bore.

I believe I am in need of a case of your finest Mead.

[.........................................] Would you I pray my fellow vendors have not ribbed you too thoroughly.

Tomorrow there will be two runs, I advise you stock up on protein.

Perhaps, we should try lunch again at some point, no?

How do the outlands fare?

Please, do let me know if Pyr gives you any troubles.

I believe I may be in need of assistance for a project in The Armory this week. Might you have free hands with which to help?

How fares your search for space this winter?

How do you feel regarding squires?

I believe it is time for my shipment, no?

I do believe we are in need of a better gathering than just stopping by each other's respective spots during a party. Who would like to host our next gathering?

[............................................] Do you bake?

Would you care to assist me with a project?

Aug. 20th, 2013




My apologies to anyone who has been wishing to frequent The Armory for how often it has been closed. I am hoping to establish a regular schedule soon, but it will be at significantly reduced hours in comparison to before. And hopefully with supply shipments picking up again I can begin to stock some of the rarer ammo and consumables.

[.............] Would you [.............] happen to have accompaniment to the ball this weekend?

And your day?

Did I forget my cookie sheet over there the other night? I cannot seem to find the blasted thing for the life of me.

This second [...........]date. [..............] When shall we work to invoke the rumors once more?

How does Divina fare?

Did you receive my statement properly?

Aug. 14th, 2013



A little less conversation, a little more action....

If anyone is in need of sparring or defensive training, I will have more free time as of the beginning of next week to partake. Please, do let me know if you would like to take me up upon such offer.

I must say, it is quite nice to have a week in which I must not make some sort of grand statement to the general public at large.

I believe you and I should plan an evening just for ourselves. We have not properly caught up in quite some time.

Did you enjoy your birthday?

I will be assisting Mag to move on [Date].

A drink sometime soon, no?

Not a Word.

How do you fare?

[.......................] Do let me know if you are in need of more cookies, no?

Jul. 22nd, 2013



Backdated to Friday evening.

We will need another statement.

[...]. Thank you.

Did you both stay within Emillion's walls?

Did you respond?

[Rictor & Lex.]
Thank you both for your assistance. If there is anything of note that either of you noticed, the sharing of such would be greatly appreciated in planning the next step of forward movements for the FG at this time.

[Team Sexy Badasses: Divina/Gillian/Domina.]
My appreciation of your assistance in this battle.

How did you fare with the

[ooc: whoops~ Aspel got real fucked up again~ I wrote her taking two covers but hadn't assigned to who on her team. If your character wants one, lemme know!]

Jul. 18th, 2013



[ Peony & Monaco ]

There's a cave in the Outlands where the undead seem to be originating from [...] this time. There are symbols written on the walls of it similar to the ones we have discovered previously. We will have to disperse of the hoard that is currently there before we can examine them more closely, so be prepared to fight. There are at least four dozen of the undead creatures at the mouth of the cave, possibly more within the caverns.

Councilor Cassul and Councilor Liu have already been informed, and we are hoping to amass enough reinforcements that the threat can be dealt with swiftly.

Meet me at the city gates as quickly as you can. [...] Bring a chocobo if you can get one.

Jul. 3rd, 2013



[Pyr & Sky]

I hope you are fully healed now. After Sunday, I had some concern.

Will you be attending the festival tomorrow? It is not one we celebrate at home, but there will be a great deal to do around the city. Perhaps I can buy you lunch?

Is your training going well?


I've a favor to ask of you, my friend, if you are willing.


I hope you will make it out to the festival tomorrow? If you would like company, I would be glad to take you.

[Siana [............] & Jareth]

Will you have need of me tomorrow? Assuming, of course, no further developments.

Jun. 30th, 2013



| Li. |

Met your girlfriend earlier.


What the fuck was that about?

Jun. 26th, 2013


My prayers to those affected by this latest attack. The cooperation of all the citizens of our city will be a lesson for generations to come.

[Private to Jareth, Siana]
My apologies to you both for my unexpected departure. The moment did not seem to allow for much delay for the opportunity to assist presented. I would like to iterate my sincere respect for my companions and the weight my decisions would have within our unit and the city at large.

Maria Refresion

[Private to Theo]
I have not seen you since the attack. It has been chaotic, although I have previously inquired into your state. Are you well? My wish is to assess your state with my own vision.

-Maria R.

[Private to Drake, Aspel]
While you are both extremely belabored I feel it pertinent to inform you that I did engage in combat with the beast upon an unregistered vessel with a citizen of the populace. This was without consent from my companions I will outline the reasons for my decision in my full report, which I endeavor to complete before the week is out.

Maria Refresion

Jun. 25th, 2013



| public |

Hell of a town, I'll give it that.

How fucked up did you get? And do either of you need anything?

I should be back tomorrow. What about you?

[.....] Any suggestions on where to go in RLD?

Jun. 23rd, 2013




You got anything for me, tiny?


I hear congratulations are in order.


[...] How're you doing, kid? Cormac take care of things for you?

Jun. 20th, 2013



[Private to Aspel]

I start with the EKP tomorrow. You said you wanted to know.

Jun. 17th, 2013




The Armory will be closed until Friday of this week.

I will have other errands for you to run regardless of The Armory being closed this week, if you are able to after [....] the most recent events that have transpired.

How has The Duckling fared?

If you would be
Could we
I have time before
I would like if you would come
There are things of which
I still have two questions, no?

((Added later))
I pray your voice has
Has your voice had chance to recover?

Your axe
I would like to speak

[....] Your exam is soon, no?

Are there reports on the outlands?

Thank you for your speedy response the other day. I am uncertain how we would have fared without the assistance of you, and Lucy.

Would care to reschedule our meeting for after the open forum at Bahamut Hall on Wednesday?

[Rictor & Seloria /Seloria & Seloria.]
Are you both well?




Ari's [................................] monster. My mouth is supposed to be shut, right?

Jun. 15th, 2013




I [................................] think we probably need to talk. At least I hope it will be easier than


It wasn't what it looked like
If you could just not mention
I don't really know what you're thinking but

You [...............................] had questions for me last night?

Jun. 14th, 2013




Disturbance in the Commoners district reported by Council member Min. As instructed by Councilmen Liu, if possible, please report immediately for assistance.

[Aspel's friends.]
Trouble in commoner's dist, come or go as you need.

You may wish to not sit this one out.

Jun. 11th, 2013




So, just out of curiosity, did anyone ever find that kid's missing sister or has everyone already forgotten about that?

I think the kid probably matters more than a bunch of dead rich bastar

[Thieves Guild/High Stakes Gamblers/Ring Participants]

Game this Thursday, Red Light, basement of Opal House, 11:00.

Fight on Gemini 30th, docks warehouse, midnight. If you're looking to fight, talk to Ash - she's got slots available. If you're looking to bet, someone will take care of you once you arrive.


Let's get this out of the way.

Princess, got a job for you.



| public |

Anyone know where I can get a good cup of coffee? This shit at the place near me tastes like fucking crap The shit I'm drinking now tastes fucking horrible. Making me fucking irritable

Also, is anyone up for a sparring match? I'm getting antsy I could use some [....] relief between studying for the fucking final EKP exams.


I've got some money saved up. Dinner on me? Your choice.

Jun. 6th, 2013



| public |

At least this place isn't dull. My congratulations, again, to the two new Guild Councilors.


If you need me for anything, let me know. Anything at all.


You going to the reception? Need me to pick you up?