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January 2015



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Posts Tagged: 'hippolyta+flynn'

Feb. 3rd, 2014



Well then, now that we're moving toward the holiday of candy hearts and pink banners around the shops, it must be asked. Are there any interesting parties coming along soon as well, do you suppose?


Strangely enough, I've taken to cleaning out the rubbish in my apartment! Any suggestions on how to be rid of all this extra [...] clutter?

[Elvira - UNSENT.]

Is this When you asked

Jan. 27th, 2014



[ public ]


To the person who threw the rock through my mother's store window, you're not going to fucking like it when I find you.

[ FRIENDS, no councilors. ]


Jan. 19th, 2014


[ mage taskforce candidates ]

Good day,

I am posting to bring you an update on the arrangements for the second half of the taskforce exam. As you are aware, the interview and magical skills test (which you may have already taken, or be about to) was only one part of the screening process. A practical skills test will take place this upcoming Wednesday, outside city walls. You will be expected to demonstrate your spellwork is reliable outside controlled situations such as the first test, and show that you can work in a team.

We shall leave at 6AM on Wednesday morning from the North Gates. You are encouraged to prepare potions or any other items you would normally bring into battle with you. There will be no more details provided about the nature of the exam until our group arrives at the site. If you have any other questions, however, please do let me know.

[ MG ]
It appears there was some minor trouble in one of the Black Magic casting rooms on the third floor. The matter is being dealt with as of this moment, so the room in question and the two adjacent will be usable again before the evening. Apologies for the inconvenience.

[ Siri, Saffron ] separately
I hope you are settling in well in your new surroundings. If there is anything you need, or you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Council.

[ Cecilia ]
Thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice the other day. [....] I hope you succeeded in finding a hairbrush to your liking. If you have any other concerns, the Council is always open to questions.

[ Hippolyta ]
I believe I promised I would help you with your meditation. I've some time on Monday evening, if you are free then. [....] There is also a matter I wish to discuss with you, so if it is no trouble, perhaps we shall kill two birds with one stone.

[ Peony ]
Have you gleaned any new information about the man who led the beast into the city? [....] I was also hoping we might speak regarding one of the new mages, Cecilia Fennes. Her transfer letter was [...] quite vague.

Jan. 12th, 2014



[ public ]

There is not a single fucking way for someone to look graceful when falling on their ass. Not one.

[ TOKU. ]
Do you Have Can [.....] Are there books on meditation in the library? Just wondering.

[ WOLFE. ]
You owe me memstones, you bastard. [........] And thanks for the advice.

[ NATE. ]
How's the freaky bird, kiddo?

[ RENE. ]
Been a while. You and your mum doing okay?




As a Valendian girl born and bred, having just celebrated the new year, I feel compelled to ask if anyone else has made any horribly optimistic new year's resolutions. Just for curiosity's sake, mind, and the inevitable self-comparison(!)

A question. Is this Riyeko Lionward, the machinist?


Catching up on work after that plague is atrocious. It's been a month, and yet.

Jan. 6th, 2014




I threw some water from my window - as an experiment. It turned to ice before it hit the ground.

Days like this, I am thankful for food delivery services and mulled wine in the middle of the afternoon.


Tell me, is it insane to book myself for two shows with a month and a half of overlapping rehearsals? Because I think I may have just done it.

I think I should go drinking - and dancing - this weekend, cold or no cold. Who knows when my next opportunity to make a tipsy idiot of myself will be? Which is to say: who's with me?


And speaking of that, darling, it seems our stage chemistry just cannot be denied, and we must be together eternally. Should we succumb to our fate and book a wedding venue, do you think?




To the next brat who throws snow at my face, know that I can set you aflame.

Looks like someone moved my things around. Don't tell me a scholar was trying to be nice by reorganizing.

[Azalea and Ofelia]
Got a bottle of [uh, what was it Angie? smth alcohol?] from fon Amell to myself.

How's it going, kid?

Jan. 2nd, 2014



[ public ]


The irony of catching a cold after last month is not fucking funny in the slightest.

Uh Need to ask you something.

Dec. 22nd, 2013



[ public ]


And a very fucking happy Faram's Mass to you too, skinny asshole and your giant pet monster.

Is there uh anything I can do to help, Councilors? You're all councilors and came out totaled, how the fuck did I [.....] I could [.....] bring something, just name it.

[ FRIENDS.* reply as assumed! ]
I'm going to hunt you all down if you don't say you're okay, or if you say you're okay and don't mean it.

Dec. 21st, 2013


[ councils + fg/mg ]

Currently at the Tower. I am echoing Councilor Min's SOS. At this time a beast, around twenty feet in height by my estimations, is carving a path through the city center and heading straight for the Mages' Tower. It should be here soon. Those of us already here will attempt to hold the Tower until such a time as reinforcements arrive. Scholars are being evacuated at this time.

[....] May the gods be with us.

Dec. 10th, 2013



[ public, only not. ]




[ MG, minus council. ]
Curiosity calls-- who's signing up for the taskforce?

I've also got more baked goods than I can stomach. I'm leaving them in the Tower foyer, and you're welcome.

[ ARI. ]
You + me = coffee. I'll pay.

Dec. 9th, 2013



I must say that I am quite relieved to see the effects that virulent disease leave Emillion! Too many good people were debilitated by it, and it gives me great comfort to know that the cure is being distributed. There is still much work to be done, of course! I hope that people find the remainder of the sealksdfjsladfj

[Perdita's message is cut off when, wiped out from the past two weeks of errand running, she falls asleep face first at a table in the Mage Library. She's woken up an half an hour later by [MAGE GUILD MEMBER]. Afterwards:]

I'm glad to hear that you've made a full recovery, sir! Your presence was sorely missed in the Tower.

I am dreadfully sorry for the delay, Ms. Min! You will find the documents you requested on your desk in the magenta folder. The papers have been arranged chronologically.


True or False: will I be able to live the incident in the library down? Answer: PATENTLY FALSE



[Public] - backdated to Friday because Vicki is lame

On behalf of the Mages Guild, I would like to thank all of the white mages and volunteers who have assisted with the sick over the past couple of weeks. Without your help and know-how, many more would have been lost before the cure was found.

A special thanks to the volunteers who went and obtained the herb that was needed for the cure. We can only imagine the dangers that you faced and the risk you put yourselves in order to come to Emillion's aide, and we have nothing but the utmost gratitude and respect for the sacrifices you made for the city and more importantly, its citizens.

And, finally, thank you to those who made the cure from the herb. The time and effort you have put into the research and development of the cure has saved hundreds of lives.

[ Flynn ]
I know you said you didn't want to be publicly acknowledged, but truly, thank you, too. I know it must have been exhausting what you did, but I we can't thank you enough. Please, enjoy your week off!

Dec. 8th, 2013


[ MG ]

Good day,

As you all know, the last months have not been kind to our city. So far, the guilds of Emillion have managed to resolve every crisis by joining forces against the enemy, yet we have no assurance that the worst is behind us. Should a new threat arise, it is our duty to be as well-prepared as possible in order to protect the safety of Emillion and its citizens.

With this purpose in mind, a new branch is to be created within our guild. Just as the Fighters' Guild gave rise to the Emillion Knights of the Peace, so shall a taskforce be selected from among the members of the Mages' Guild. This taskforce shall be our guild's response to any future threat that may endanger the city.

Those interested in applying are encouraged to contact me, Councilor Toku Matsudaira, either via this network post or personally if they so prefer. Applicants should be fully-fledged mages (no scholars allowed at this time). Mission experience is not a requirement; any who pass the field test will be invited to join. I will be spearheading this strike force for the time being, and the field test will be conducted under my supervision in two weeks’ time. Applicants’ practical magic skills will be tested, in order to evaluate their suitability for high-risk missions as this strike force may be expected to tackle.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will answer to the best of my ability. As usual, I keep an open-door policy, so if you would rather meet in person, I am sure such could be arranged.

I wish you all a pleasant weekend.

Toku Matsudaira
Mages’ Guild Councilor

Dec. 5th, 2013



[ ARI. ]

I am ready to fucking sleep for a month straight, Ajora fuck.

Same time tomorrow?

[ MERRI. ]
I know you're probably not doing cartwheels, but how're you feeling?

Nov. 29th, 2013


[ volunteers + councils ]

First of all, thank you all for volunteering for this mission. The safety of Emillion and its citizens hinges on its success, as no doubt you understand. We have been able to pinpoint the location where the herb may be found, and believe it would be best to launch this mission as soon as possible. The details are as follows:

Volunteers will leave from the Aerodrome at 6:00AM on Saturday, Sagittarius 8. Dress warmly; the journey will lead you to the Emillion mountains, so please remember to take the weather into account. Volunteers will fly partway there, but as the site cannot be directly accessed by airship, volunteers will need to be prepared to walk and camp at least one night. Camping supplies (bedrolls, tents, etc.) will be provided free of charge, as will healing potions.

Thank you again. We pray for your success, and wish you the best of luck. Should you have any further questions regarding mission parameters, please direct them to Councilors Min or Matsudaira of the Mages' Guild.

[ Councils ]
ooc: posted at the same time as the above, just slipped my mind

In order to be fully prepared for the ordeal ahead, Councilor Min and I believe it would help matters to settle on a team leader, or several (depending on whether more volunteers come forward yet). You have seen the list of volunteers as it stands. Do you have any members of your respective guilds you would like to recommend for the task?

Nov. 27th, 2013



[ public. ]


My mother's knocked down prices at Dahlia's, if anyone's looking to buy some flowers for their dying the sick. She's doing overtime these days so don't stress her out or cry on her or I'll end you so pop in whenever.

[ TOKU. ]
You fucking go, Councilor
Matsudaira for king

Ajora, you better hope other mages volunteer out of the Tower
How many fighters do we need, really But dragons

I hope they're sending more white mages on the mission or the FG's fucked. Potions forever.

Hey. I'm not questioning anyone's decisions, but it won't be just Sabina and me from the Guild, will it? Gonna need more healers for all those fighters.



[Public] ~posted very early Wednesday morning~

All citizens of Emillion must be aware by now of the illness making its way through our city. We of the Mages' Guild have been working in concert with our colleagues in the Cathedral to keep sickness at bay, but as those who are ill also know, the current medications and spells are proving insufficient.

Based on information obtained recently, a cure may already be in existence; it will, however, be difficult and possibly dangerous to obtain.

On behalf of all the guilds and the Church, we are issuing a call for volunteers to travel to the mountains posthaste to seek out the herb which we believe may cure this illness. The journey may be perilous and the volunteers must be prepared to do battle with a guardian creature most powerful.

Please, do not volunteer yourself lightly, for those who go will surely risk their lives. But for the sake of the lives of those who are ill, this mission must be attempted. The volunteers should leave as quickly as supplies and logistics for the journey can be arranged.

A reward will be offered to those who succeed in returning with the herb. Please reply for further details. Councilors Matsudaira and Min of the Mages' Guild will coordinate the effort.

Nov. 26th, 2013




Is everyone healthy? Please [....] please tell me you're healthy.


You have to make certain Aspel stays in bed. Please, I know she doesn't want me staying, but I don't think she is going to listen to the mage. She is not doing well


Aspel is [......................] very sick. If she tries to go to work, kick her out.




This sickness is keeping the bars pretty empty. How's an honest man supposed to make a living?