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Posts Tagged: 'gale+kapur'

May. 8th, 2013


delivered to Gale this afternoon

flowers and a note )


I have begun the process of hunting down an elusive creature! It has long been believed that Flan reproduce asexually; however, there have been rumors of flan-like tiny creatures that lurk in the bottom of lakes and rivers, but are hard to find because of their impeccable camouflage.

In fact, it is believed they are capable of going so completely transparent that they are impossible to see. It is my belief that these creatures do exist, and finding one and making an experiment will improve our understanding of Flan. For if it is a type of Flan, then reproduction is a real possibility. Yet, if they are not then we can rule out the biggest threat to the belief they are asexual.

Also, I have begun the process of brewing my very own first ale! This is brilliant. I'll see you later! My first batch caught on fire, not sure it was supposed to do that.

May. 6th, 2013


Locked to Altair's friends and acquaintances.

It seems my days as a bachelor are numbered.




What exactly does carrying out one's duty to one's family entail? Is there a limit to it? Is there a point in which someone is allowed to object and carry on their way, or are we bound hard and fast to do as our family so dictates?

-- It is not so simple as walking away and ignoring the arguments, nor is it just 'do as you please'; to suggest both those things would be an insult to the difficulty of my situat [...] the problem issue.

I am asking genuine questions. I hope for, and expect, genuine answers.

[FILTER: Elvira, Divina]
Before you ask: no, I am not going to be switching to the Fighters' Guild any time soon. This is [...] something much worse.

May. 5th, 2013



[ public ]


My wrist still feels weird. It's been healed, but I can't pull back my drawstring without my hand shaking a little. I'm going to train until it's better. At least my birthday came and went without too much excitement.

May. 2nd, 2013



[Mages Guild.]

Good Day,

To the members of our guild who participated in the recent events, I applaud your efforts, and rest assured, that your actions shall not go unrewarded. Currently, I am reviewing what information has been presented to me regarding the happenings of that night and assessing all circumstances surrounding it.

Additionally, for those of you who may have [....] concerns regarding the publicity of this occurrence; If you are uncertain of the proper social potential ramifications of said events, perhaps voicing that to your fellow guildmates or mentors, before posting it to the entire city of Emillion, may be a wiser maneuver to consider in the future.

There are discussions in the works regarding increased magical assistance for patrols at the docks. If there is interest in taking on such duties, please convey this to me as we are in process of gauging current Mage availability for such shifts.

As always, when a part of the Mage’s Guild, we represent not only ourselves, but all associated with our long heritage of learning and traditions of excellence. There is a reason our tower soars far above the rest of Emillion.

Kind Regards,
Vivian Xi




So are we all going to pretend that monsters mobbing the docks is a usual affair or am I allowed to mention it in casual conversation yet? Forgive me for not observing the assumed social pretense that such an event was -- is -- normal.

Though it could be the late hour talking at this point; I suppose it is not unusual to be "grumpy" in the evening if one is exhausted (and yes, I am).

May. 1st, 2013



[To All Mages]

Can someone help me with Esuna, and maybe other white magic spells? It's... really important that I learn now more than ever. I tried learning it once but I had a really hard time with it and... well... please? It's something I wished I knew two weeks ago, and two days ago.

I mean, I'd be a pretty terrible red mage if I didn't know more than just Cure after all, right!

Apr. 30th, 2013




Is anyone else attending Lady Demiel's soirée tomorrow night?

Does she still have that truly dreadful mons semi-domesticated wolf rather large dog?




So, funny story. I come back to town and the docks are a mess. What party did I miss this time?