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Posts Tagged: 'drake+liu'

Apr. 17th, 2014



[ FG ]

after this

Everyone up and out. Somehow, monsters have gotten inside the city. Get the civilians to safety, and start taking out the enemies.

Squires -- Get to your nearest guildhall and stay there unless your mentor tells you otherwise.

[ Aspel, Bram ]
Knew it had been too quiet I'm on my out.

[ Peony, Merri, Toku ]
The Palings. Are they down?

[ Mathieu ]
If your guild can help, it would be appreciated.

Apr. 14th, 2014




Miss Juliette Coloumbe,

We, the Council, are pleased to inform you that you have been formally passed your class entrance exam for monk. You demonstrated the skillset and potential that those of our guild strive to attain. Please report to Ashwyrm Hall at eight in the morning on Tuesday, 26 Aries. You will begin your formal class training at this time.


The Fighters' Guild Council

Apr. 7th, 2014




Don't forget - exhibition match sign ups have already started. If you haven't signed up, you really should.

[ Aspel ]
Think we can convince Karras to let us go three on one again? I feel like we might have a chance this year.

[ Ric ]
You never told me how Namorados with Lex went.

[ Merri ]
Is it vacation, yet?



[Friends - apply liberally]

Hell week is terrible, etc. Please can it be the weekend?


Still holding up, darling? I never get to see you - or anyone - anymore, ugh. One more week, and I'm down to one show. I just have to keep reminding myself.

[Drake & Aspel]

So, I've a notion to win the scavenger hunt this year instead of just helping others out. What say you the three of us go hunting together?


A little bird told me they saw you with a very pretty lady in the Theatre District not long ago. Be still my heart - a date?

Mar. 31st, 2014




Would you care to meet this eve?

Pick a type of cookie.

Finish the sentence: "I would desire apple ______ tomorrow."

Pick a sweet.

[Squires/Scholars/Apprentices (aka kids).]
I will soon be in need of assistance with The Armory. Would any of you be interested in obtaining a few hours of paid work per week?

Mar. 30th, 2014



[Backdated to two nights ago]

Does the sight of a squire trying to take on men and women a decade older in a drinking competition ever stop being fucking hysterical?

Were we all that stupid at 15? I'm pretty sure I knew better than to challenge a Kerwonian at ale drinking, at least.

Mar. 26th, 2014



[Public] - backdated to yesterday

The lengths we go to to ensure the public is entertained! Today is the first day in weeks that I haven't needed healing on the job. I think I ought to celebrate. Suggestions?


Busy tonight~?


Lunch tomorrow? Or are you too buried in paperwork to take an hour off for me? Romulus and Juliana rehearsal will start late, thank Faram, so I'll have the opportunity to eat properly.


Did you know Scarlet's back in town?


How are you settling in?

Mar. 23rd, 2014


[ public ]

I've never celebrated the end of Pisces before but since everyone's making resolutions I guess my goal for this year is to, uh, find the ultimate napping spot? Suggestions welcome.

[ Sky ]
So since we got some otoshidama money I was trying to find out if anyone in the Bazaar sells baby dragons but I haven't found any sellers yet. I'm still looking, though. Maybe Arwel knows something?

[ Juliette ]
How are you doing? [.....] And uh should Sky and I bring anything to your sister's party? And has your sister told you anything about

[ Conan ]
Your birthday party was awesome! The cake was really good, your mom's great at baking!

Mar. 20th, 2014




Once upon a time, there was a director who had a heart, a fact which he showcased by letting his entire cast off at noon to say good-bye to the old year. This story is not filled with heroics and derring-do, but I like it.


I have another story entirely for you. Last night, both Drake and Aspel decided (separately, mind you) to bring me dinner. The results were ridiculous. Also incredibly awkward.

[Drake & Aspel - separately]

Thank you for yesterday, and I'm sorry to have fallen asleep on you. I'll try to make it up to you - come out to celebrate the new year with me? My treat, even.

Mar. 17th, 2014




Man, how is the new year and Founder's Festival right around the corner again?

[Fighter's Guild Male Friends - Apply liberally within reason? He's been drinking a bit...(and Cormac, for lulz)]

Heard everything in your guild costs twice as much for upkeep, and has to be made of Mithral because you bunch of assholes don't know how to be delicate with anything.

Fuck women. Not the good kinda fuck either man. Starting to understand your obsession with the gem houses. Also, you're on another filter for the laughs.



[ public ]


Does anyone know where to get airship fuel to guzzle for energy? Do I hit up the Aerodrome for a fix? Coffee makes me crash, tea's too [....] soothing. If I have to look at another geoma textbook, my eyes are gonna fall out of my fucking skull.

[ DRAKE. ]
My mother is still in disbelief that you came by to help. She's going to offer you free things, but you can refuse her if you want. Councilor Matsudaira does. He thinks it's weird.

[ RYUL & ARI. ]
Is it possible to have a hangover for three fucking days? Fuck.

Hey bud, I have a favor question.

[ WOLFE. ]
So my mom invited you to dinner this Friday. And by invited you I mean she told me to tell you you're invited. Nothing fancy, just food.

[ MAG. ]
I feel like it's our duty as Ordalian redheads to have drinks sometime. Ladies gotta stick together.

Mar. 13th, 2014



[ public ]

They tore down my favorite tree. Today is a sad, sad day. Now where am I supposed to nap in the spring?

[ Cressida ]
Miss Cressida Karth,

We, the Council, are pleased to inform you that you have been formally recognized as a member of the Valendian Rangers. Congratulations on your significant achievement; it is a difficult process to be accepted, and you have succeeded where others have failed. Please report Monday, 27 Pisces, for assignment and instructions.

Again, congratulations and we look forward to your future service.

The Fighters' Guild Council on behalf of The Valendian Rangers

Congrats, Cress! Told you you'd be fine. ♥

[ Aspel ]

[ Ari ]
Think it'd be a hassle if I got myself lost in the desert?

Mar. 3rd, 2014



What is in the big hole? Maybe people live in it. Maybe there's an entire underground city beneath Emillion. They have an entire market and lifestyle there where they bump around in the darkness with melted candles and lit torches. They live in the caves they carve out. When they come out topside, they shrink back from the unfamiliar sun. Like a children's tale!

Also, I do not recommend taking a spoonful of cinnamon or eating dirt. But especially the first, it was truly awful.

Mar. 1st, 2014



[ Drake ]

If you aren't doing anything tonight, do you want to come with me to see a show at the Theatre District? I haven't picked a show yet, so if there's anything you wanted to see in particular, we can go to that!

Feb. 26th, 2014



[Ari, Rictor, Seloria, Vivi, Siri, Jareth, Li, Lex & Drake – Separately]
Are you well?

[………………………] A supposed earthquake seems quite queer, no? [………………………] Did you feel it?

If possible, please do let me know how you fare at this time.

Feb. 23rd, 2014



[ public ]


Pretty sure our city gets attacked more fucking often than any city in any region anywhere. Did I miss the sign? The giant arrows in the sky? Did someone send out invitations to giant uglies to come sack our city? Faram fuck, take a break sometime. I'm gonna walk out of the Tower one day and step on a Coeurl, or throw off my sheets and find a cockatrice there.

[ DRAKE. ]
You been okay, Councilor?


Feb. 18th, 2014



[ public ]

You know what I love best about Saint Namorados day? Aside from never having to celebrate it? Chocolate is on sale. I don't remember the last time I had this much chocolate.

Oh wait. I do.

Last Namorados.

[ FG Council ]
Any word on Siana?

[ Ari and Aspel ]
Picnic this weekend?

[ Derp Trio ]
I'm taking a vacation. I swear I am. Wanna come with?

[ Ric ]
How was your Namorados? I want to hear all of the juicy details.

[ Lex ]
Hey! How've you been?

Feb. 12th, 2014




You know, I've all respect for the Bards Guild, but I could do without the fucking minstrels running up to you in the street and warbling on their lutes in the expectation of some gil. More likely to get tripped into the gutter than get a handout.

This might mean you, Colin.

Aspel, assuming you'll be with Chiaro this holiday. Seloria, don't tell me you're spending the day with Redwald Vannes.

Fucking St. Namorados.

New studies going well?


Busy Friday?

Jan. 28th, 2014




Would anyone care to indulge a tired old spinster in a game, perhaps?

Perhaps, we could
I fear

How do you fare?

Would it be possible to obtain a backroom to drink in peace for a bit?

My apologies, but I fear I may be indisposed of for a few days.

Did you know of Seloria's involvement with Redwald?

I am uncertain I approve of Redwald. Certainly, there is something that can be

I saw a copy of the book of stories that I used to read you while we grew but a few weeks before. It was in a store window while walking with my friend Magno

I had considered baking cookies in the near future. Would you care to assist? I fear without a proper second the dough may be made off with before I am even capable of finishing by some over eager squire.

When would best suit for the next breakfast for us all to meet?

[FG Council.]
Would either of you care to attend a breakfast with the squires?

Your punishment shall conclude this week.

Divina's rest?

Jan. 26th, 2014




So, I saw your post yesterday, several hours later.

I heard
Are you
You didn't
You had better be

[...] I take it lunch is off the schedule?


[..................] If you're dead, I'm going to be disappointed.