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Posts Tagged: 'arabella+alaire'

Aug. 22nd, 2013



Happy birthday to my brother Darius~ A quarter century! He's getting so old! ♥

I'm sorry I've been kind of a brat this year. You're always there for me and I love you very, very much and I'm grateful every day that I have such a great brother. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I can't wait to see you later today.

Happy birthday, sweetie!!

For the next two weeks I intend to lock myself in the tower and study every waking moment of every day. If you really need me you can get a hold of me, but I can't do any more social things until after my test. I will miss all of you lovely people so much ♥ but I go into my cocoon as a scholar and (Faram willing!) I will emerge a beautiful black mage! And then we can all hang out again.

See you on Virgo 16!

Aug. 12th, 2013



[public, as MiBa.]

Looks like I returned to the city just in time to enjoy their beachside holiday! Where does a prodigal son petition the guilds to do this more often?

I've your blasted shipment for you. Come and get it.

Also got some things for you two. Merry early Faram's Mass!

Still in town?

Aug. 11th, 2013



[High Stakes Group]

Game next Saturday, Leo 26th, Docks warehouse 707, 11pm.

1,000 gil threshold to be dealt in, no limits. Drinks on the house.

Aug. 7th, 2013




So, I'm doing the annual thing at the Duckling Friday night. If it gets trashed, you have to answer to Vivi. I absolve myself of all blame. First round of drinks are on me. After that, you're on your own.

Just saying.

Aug. 6th, 2013




Thanks to everyone who came out last Friday -- it was a good time. I missed the king's speech as a result of it, but I think he'll probably forgive me.

Hey, I have a question, if you're free.

Hey [...]


Hope all's well after the events of last week, and the week before, and the week before, and so fucking on. I believe we have a meeting to reschedule?

Kpl Cassul

Aug. 5th, 2013



[ public ]


Still waiting for the next monstrosity to plague the city. Will it be flans next? A horde of unruly black chocobos? Jumbo cockatrices raining from the sky? Maybe something that could swallow the Mages' Tower whole? Don't disappoint me, Emillion.

[ SKY. ]
Still picking pockets, Tiny, or has someone offed you yet for trying?

[ BELLA. ]
I owe you a birthday gift, since it seems like I'm late to the party.

Aug. 4th, 2013




It's a very good thing that I am not flying commercial. All this coffee would never fit in two bags, no matter how large.

Also, why do giant scorpions exist, and what makes them so mean? I was beginning to wonder whether I'd be able to walk a straight line today, let alone dance. Ah well, if I swoon dramatically, I'm fairly certain someone will catch me.

Jul. 30th, 2013




After last weekend, the number of people interested in booking passage out of the city has skyrocketed. One attack too many, I suppose. I certainly won't complain about more business, but it is a bit disheartening. Then again, it's only people with enough wealth to simply pack and up leave, so good ridd

That said, the Rising Sun will be docked for the next couple of weeks. I have a birthday to celebrate.

So! I do hope we're still on for this Friday night, darling. Several of my good friends are anxious the esteemed Silver Blades.

[ ARI. ]
I do hope you enjoy yourself in Ordalia. I'll try not to be too cross with you for missing this weekend's festivities.

Jul. 29th, 2013



[backdated to saturday!]

Thjke korporal's biorthday shall be coming uop soht shortly, I am gkiven to understand.

mMy deepetsst gratitude for your assistance allast evening.

Are you feelignng well?

ARe you feeling imporved? Sorry for errors.


Jul. 28th, 2013



[backdated to Saturday early evening, pre-show, WHOOPS~]


Was anyone out in that mess yesterday? Is everyone all right?

Faram, is it vacation yet? I find myself almost looking forward to Ordalia.


Could someone please remind the shortsighted well-meaning idiots people backstage that a few lost buttons and a scandalized donor or two are a small price to pay for protecting [....................................] Guild resources in the Tenements last night? The next person who attempts to lecture me is not going to like the result.


I've been meaning to ask - is there anything I can pick up for you while I'm at home next week? I may be poking about the rare book and scroll sellers in any case.


Do you think you might have the time to

Jul. 22nd, 2013




If you haven't seen The Marriage of Fedoro yet, this upcoming weekend is your last chance!


I'm going home next week, and may be hiding from my mother at the bazaar for days at a time, so if you want anything brought back, speak now. I intend to stock up on coffee beans, personally. Valendian roast just isn't the same.

[Bella & Wil]

Do either of you have any business interests that might take you to Ordalia next week? I could use a ride and would prefer not to charter passage on a public craft.


I heard the most interesting thing at the tavern the other day. Breakfast with Aspel last week, hm~?


I hope your recovery is going well? I've been worrying about

Jul. 18th, 2013



wait so if they bite u do u turn in2 1???


Please tell me we're not signing up to do battle with the ravenous undead.

Jul. 13th, 2013




[After this.]

Gotten a bit remiss in my morning training. Anyone want to go running or try some sharpshooting? I work out better when there's competition.

So about that opera.

I met
So how've you bee

I had brunch with your Ari. Accidentally.

[...] How have you been, ma'am?

Don't listen to whatever your friend says about me.

Healed up enough? We're sparring tonight. Be ready.

[Ari -- after this.]
Thanks again for your offer. Got tickets for tomorrow's matinee, and Lliryn and I will be there. Do our names go on a list or whatever, to be allowed backstage?

Jun. 29th, 2013



[ public ]


[ posted yesterday morning, sry! ]

If we get through Saturday's gala unscathed and without undead things or monsters crawling in through the front doors, I will be very impressed. Does an undead knight pay the same ticket fee as everyone else or do they pay more due to the smell of rot?

[ BELLA. ]
It's recently come to my attention that I will probably need a gown for the gala, and I haven't bought one in eight years don't have any hanging in my closet. If you don't come shopping with me, I will accidentally buy something hideous.

Jun. 27th, 2013




After the events of Sunday, I hope that many of you will be joining us at the Gala this Saturday evening. If you would like to attend, but do not feel you can find the means of doing so, I have pre-purchased twenty pairs of tickets. These will be handed out on a first come first serve basis.




Please don't forget to purchase your tickets to the Bards' Guild gala this weekend! You'll regret it if you miss it, believe me.


I'm sorry to have been so scarce, darling. I trust you talked those EKP people in circles? I must admit to a morbid sort of curiosity.

Incidentally, I believe you owe me a bottle of wine - the unpickable lock has been defeated at last as of this afternoon. It was an incredible pain in the Not as complex as it seems, once you work the trick out, but definitely tedious. Clever construction.

I would promise you dinner with your intolerable brothers anyway, but I've already been subjected to dinner with your intolerable friend, who can't control her temper and poured wine down my dress.


You're quite well after Sunday, I trust? I was too busy worrying about Aspel to I'd like to schedule installation of my lock sometime next week, if you're available - and possibly talk about that amplifier. It seems I really need it urge

[...] Also, out of sheer curiosity, if I gave you specifications for a custom lock pick, could you make it?


Do you know how
Would you teach me to

Are you busy next week, say, Wednesday, or is Merri eating up all your spare time?


Are you feeling all
Is your head

Are you ready for your exile from society to come to an end? And more importantly, have you found a means of entertaining yourself, or are you?


I owe you dinner and could use some help with. Busy tonight?


Did I imagine it, or was the Sun in the air on Sunday? Are you well?


I'm [...] thinking of going back to work next week. Do you think it's safe?



Left at the Korporal's desk. )

I am beginning to think that Selkie's Law* ought to be taken up in parliament.

Also, please be wary of the seagulls, most especially if you plan to dine anywhere al fresco. They are here because of the recent catastrophe. Though they are on their way out, they are [...] undiscriminating when it comes to whose food to eat from and where to [...] dispose of said food. Another squire here at the Cathedral has had to throw out a new tunic.

*Muphy's Law, FF-ized

Jun. 26th, 2013



in which kurtz is, once again, in pieces.

Hair's closed for a few days.

Need your help, if you two aren't laid up in bed.

Got a job for you lot.

Jun. 25th, 2013



| public |

Hell of a town, I'll give it that.

How fucked up did you get? And do either of you need anything?

I should be back tomorrow. What about you?

[.....] Any suggestions on where to go in RLD?

Jun. 22nd, 2013



You've had a week. Information, go.

If sensitive, filter to me or the council, as per.

I think I can speak for the city when I say that I am grateful for your swift & competent responses to the recent debacle. Should you require it, please let me know how the Bards Guild & myself can assist.

Checking in, sweethearts.

I don't get paid enough for this.

Hey there, lady. How are the kids?