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Posts Tagged: 'vereessa+lan'

Oct. 19th, 2013




Hands up if you've forgotten what a vacation feels like. Being self-employed almost makes it harder, in some regards—any day off eats into my paycheque. Cherish your steady guild responsibilities & benefits, children.

"How are the new digs", I might ask if I were twenty years younger. Instead: How's it going?

Are we still on for that lunch?

That rainch

Do you have some time?

It's my birthday in two weeks. Am I allowed to have an existential crisis(?)

[GILLIAN] [Followup on this.]
"A more stable arrangement". What would such a thing cost?

Heron Shaw, was it?

Oct. 18th, 2013



[ FRIENDS, right after drake's post. ]

So IdiditIdidit

I passed the exams?????. Waiting on the survival exam to be scheduled.

Oct. 14th, 2013




You really do deserve b

Not sure if I want to avoid the Commoners District next weekend, or avoid it. The decision is just so difficult.

Oct. 11th, 2013




Suggestions for cat names, go.

Don't be shy, I'm terrible at names myself, so I'm desperate. Maybe if I get her a proper name she'll stop being difficult. Something about losing my fingers to a cute kitten doesn't seem right to me.

The best suggestion gets a week of free drinks at my place.

Oct. 9th, 2013




It seems I am once again seeking homes for a litter of kittens. I've three, all female, black and white, who should be ready to go to new homes by the end of next week. Please let me know if you may be interested in adopting one or more.

Oct. 6th, 2013



[Public] ~early afternoon

So, network, share your hangover remedies. I'd say my interest is rhetorical, but I'd be lying.


If I called upon your basic hume decency and asked you to bring me food and a painkilling potion, would you?


I vaguely recall you leaving -- did I imagine it, or did you say you were going to mass? Weren't you too

And on an entirely unrelated topic, just how busy will your first week back at work be? Think you can squeeze in a lunch break~? I'm sure once this headache passes, I'll want nothing more than to make up for falling asleep on you again.

[Aud, Bella, Rin]

You would not believe who I convinced to do body shots last night~ ♥

Oct. 2nd, 2013



005: PUBLIC.

as my thirtieth birthday rapidly approaches, i am becoming increasingly worried that my mother is going to resort to drastic measures to marry me off. remember me fondly when i'm shipped off to kerwon to marry a sixty-eight year old woman named beryldine.

as for that favor, i'm
i'd like to collect on that

hello, gorgeous. i need your help with something.

Oct. 1st, 2013



Favorite dish of the season?