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Posts Tagged: 'redwald+vannes'

Nov. 9th, 2013




As a matter of personal curiosity, might there be reccomendations on ways one can improve their knowledge on current city laws and regulations?


Are you well? Have you progressed well with the reading?


Perhaps, if you feel the timing appropriate, we may attempt to advance to a demonstration of the research material soon?


If a suitable opportunity presents itself, I would like to offer my assistance to you once again. Perhaps we could meet and discuss the topic further?


[...] May I ask a peculiar question?

Nov. 3rd, 2013




Thirty-eight (38) years old and there are twelve (12) puppies in my office (???)

May the mysteries of the world never cease.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Monthly check-in—your Libras have had more spoils than just Bierfest pickings, I expect? Filter as appropriate, everything's encrypted.

m. baines & red.
How's Scorpio looking for you gentlemen?

e. finch.
Got anything for me, honey?

Your routes have been fantastic, thank you. Made any progress?

Oct. 19th, 2013




Has anyone been to the Natural History Museum of late? They are hosting a travelling exhibit on the history of martial arts and combat practices. I was wondering if it was worth a visit.

Brother Ignatius has given me the tomes you requested, Sir. I do not mean to overstep, but I did not realise y

Thank you for hosting the book club session. I truly enjoyed myself.

It is beginning to be quite chilly. I am not certain if I prefer the cold to the sun.

Have relations improved? With Juliette and Sky's mentor, I mean to say.




Hands up if you've forgotten what a vacation feels like. Being self-employed almost makes it harder, in some regards—any day off eats into my paycheque. Cherish your steady guild responsibilities & benefits, children.

"How are the new digs", I might ask if I were twenty years younger. Instead: How's it going?

Are we still on for that lunch?

That rainch

Do you have some time?

It's my birthday in two weeks. Am I allowed to have an existential crisis(?)

[GILLIAN] [Followup on this.]
"A more stable arrangement". What would such a thing cost?

Heron Shaw, was it?

Oct. 17th, 2013




I do hope the rest of those birds were caught and returned to their owner?

That ordeal nearly made me wish to consume poultry

[Merri & Jak]

Thank you again for your assistance yesterday afternoon.


Have you any advice on disabling a large bird barehanded without causing permanent harm? [.....] For my future reference.


[....................] I pray you recover swiftly, Councilor.


[..........................] What are your feelings regarding crêpes?

Additionally, you had said that you implied would you be terribly offended if might I [...] ask a friend to tea this coming weekend?


Will you be sitting out this weekend's [...] festivities?


I hope you are doing well? How are your students? Have you succeeded in your search for a home of your own?

Oct. 16th, 2013



[ public ]


My, what a pheasant afternoon this was. Wren can we do it again?

Oct. 11th, 2013


Well, well! Nothing like Eve of the Holy Saints decorations draping the Bazaar District to get us in the holiday spirit.

Oct. 9th, 2013



bet you wanna put your name on it.

Delivered to the Vannes estate. )

Oct. 2nd, 2013



005: PUBLIC.

as my thirtieth birthday rapidly approaches, i am becoming increasingly worried that my mother is going to resort to drastic measures to marry me off. remember me fondly when i'm shipped off to kerwon to marry a sixty-eight year old woman named beryldine.

as for that favor, i'm
i'd like to collect on that

hello, gorgeous. i need your help with something.

Oct. 1st, 2013



Favorite dish of the season?

Sep. 26th, 2013



If only we were all fortunate enough to have family rise from the dead.

Sep. 25th, 2013




Has there been anything particularly unusual to note this past week, I wonder?

[Lionel - UNSENT.]

There is perhaps something that I
Would you be particularly cross if

[Ari - UNSENT.]

That list was not


How are you?

Sep. 20th, 2013




last day of evaluations, today.

prepare to stay the night

[pymi, crka. (separately)]
your progress with the drills?


[noble friends. (minus vivi!)]
attending genevieve's? and your plans for har

Sep. 17th, 2013




I would like to purchase a home of my own. Do you have any recommendations as to whom I may speak to in order to achieve this?




Word to the wise: don't play footsie in a lab. It may be tempting, romantic/corrosive substances & all—


You've been quiet. How do I live without you, &c?

Got something for you to look at.



| public |

It appears as though the Harvest Festival is a mere week away. Has there been any talk of events? I should think a picnic would be lovely, weather permitting.

[Delivered by Courier to Each Noble Family & Each Member of the TG]
Nobility )

TG )

Would you have some time to have dinner with me this eve? I shall speak with the Demiels if you wish to attend.

I will be taking over guardianship of a young noble.

I will have a guest of sorts staying in my guest house. Do attempt to behave yourself. I am unsure if she would survive the shock of your arresting appearance.

Please do let me know when I can drag you from your sullen lair to teach me, will you?

Sep. 16th, 2013



The city's quietened down lately, hasn't it? How thoughtful of the monsters to take a couple of months off from attacking our borders.

[Reinholdt and TG Council]
I have something that might be of interest to the guild.

Hey, Kitten. How are you feeling? Do you need anything before the big day?

Thank you for the potions. I [...] may need to acquire more in the future.

How's your face?

Sep. 13th, 2013



[High Stakes Group]

Game Virgo 28th, basement of the Opal House, starting 10pm.


Isn't your knockout match coming up soon?


Last of the rats are dealt with. Shouldn't be any more trouble from our end.


Sorry for moving the meeting time out on you, I've been dealing with some [..........] issues. Tomorrow or Saturday work for you? I need those papers.


Any luck fixing your projector?


I've been thinking about you. Come out with me again.


[............................................................................] Thanks. The soup was good. Why the hell did you even

Sep. 5th, 2013



For those who are not already aware: a faculty show, Cathedrals Throughout Ivalice, opened to the public earlier this week at the University's gallery e. Ever humbling and fascinating how cultural and architectural differences are evident across the different continents and yet, all are Houses of Faram.

The pleine air paintings are indeed a sight; I do recommend a visit if one would like something to do this weekend.