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Posts Tagged: 'gillian+goodwin'

Jan. 19th, 2014





I'm taking any and all recommendations for the best plumbers, contractors, and window installation in Emillion. References, please.

How big is the place where you're st
Do you have an extra roo

I hate women.

So I have a bit of a tale for you, involving all the disasters that beset me upon leaving your apartment.

I don't care if you're still hungover from New Year's Eve -- we're going drinking this week, and you have no choice in the matter.

Jan. 8th, 2014




Notice to interested parties,

The Black Lion Company will be holding another open recruitment mission this month. Departure's on the 26th of Capricorn, leaving for the southernmost reaches of Valendia and estimated to return to civilization on the 28th. The expedition will be lead through remarkably wild territories, and for those who have joined us before, please make your usual arrangements. Those new to our operations - filter me directly for further details.

We're being funded by the Ivalician Historical Society this round, and though you'll be among the regulars of the Company, escorting these men and women will take some priority. Among other things. As always and for the sake of my second-in-command, please be prompt with your notice that so we may make the necessary arrangements.

Gillian Goodwin
Black Lion Company


Now's your chance.

Nov. 27th, 2013



[Public] ~posted very early Wednesday morning~

All citizens of Emillion must be aware by now of the illness making its way through our city. We of the Mages' Guild have been working in concert with our colleagues in the Cathedral to keep sickness at bay, but as those who are ill also know, the current medications and spells are proving insufficient.

Based on information obtained recently, a cure may already be in existence; it will, however, be difficult and possibly dangerous to obtain.

On behalf of all the guilds and the Church, we are issuing a call for volunteers to travel to the mountains posthaste to seek out the herb which we believe may cure this illness. The journey may be perilous and the volunteers must be prepared to do battle with a guardian creature most powerful.

Please, do not volunteer yourself lightly, for those who go will surely risk their lives. But for the sake of the lives of those who are ill, this mission must be attempted. The volunteers should leave as quickly as supplies and logistics for the journey can be arranged.

A reward will be offered to those who succeed in returning with the herb. Please reply for further details. Councilors Matsudaira and Min of the Mages' Guild will coordinate the effort.

Nov. 26th, 2013




Absentees everywhere this morning, by the looks of it. How to deal with so many falling ill the quietude?

[Ofelia - UNSENT.]

About that

Nov. 10th, 2013



gillian goodwin.

i have an in
are you presently
ajora fucki

I would like to make an appointment with you to discuss the Lions' recruitment.

Nov. 8th, 2013



[ FG Council, Dragon Riders ] [...] [ and Friends ]

My father passed away earlier today, so I'll be going home for a week or so. I'll be back by the 26th.

Nov. 3rd, 2013




Thirty-eight (38) years old and there are twelve (12) puppies in my office (???)

May the mysteries of the world never cease.

Oct. 28th, 2013



[ FG Council, Dragon Riders ]

I'm going to be out of town for an extra couple of days. Things are My father is Family stuff. I'll be back to report for duty on Thursday if needed.

[ Gillian ]

Just a heads up, I'll be out of town for a bit longer than usual, but I'll be back in time to pay my rent.

[ Mag, Lav ]

No use pretending Dad's not [...] doing great. The mage said [...] So I won't be back in Emillion tonight after all, but I'll be in town for the holiday.

[...] Stay out of trouble.

Oct. 19th, 2013




Hands up if you've forgotten what a vacation feels like. Being self-employed almost makes it harder, in some regards—any day off eats into my paycheque. Cherish your steady guild responsibilities & benefits, children.

"How are the new digs", I might ask if I were twenty years younger. Instead: How's it going?

Are we still on for that lunch?

That rainch

Do you have some time?

It's my birthday in two weeks. Am I allowed to have an existential crisis(?)

[GILLIAN] [Followup on this.]
"A more stable arrangement". What would such a thing cost?

Heron Shaw, was it?

Oct. 10th, 2013




For those interested in extra gil.

I hear there's a few temporary security positions over at the Sackheim. Best take a look as quickly as you can, I doubt they'll remain open for long.


Settling in?

Sep. 26th, 2013



If only we were all fortunate enough to have family rise from the dead.

Sep. 9th, 2013



[ Gillian ]

I have the first month's rent for whenever you're want to meet and discuss my potentially moving in, if you're still willing to have me. Free anytime this week?

[ Lavitz ]

Hey, man, your birthday comes at an awful time of the year, I'll have you know. I'm going to be back home for the Harvest Festival that Sunday. Totally spaced my mind until this weekend Do you want to celebrate earlier or later? And saying no is strictly prohibited, I'll have you know.

Or! You can escape your family for your birthday and come celebrate both occasions with me and Dad, if you want. He won't mind, I promise, and it'll be a hell of a lot better than being within fifty miles of your sister, admit it.

[ Cressida ]

Did you hear back from Aspel and Drake yet?

[ Ari ]

So I think Lucy misses you and your music like something fierce. She's grumpier than usual.

[ Mag ]

Hello, beautiful. ♥

Sep. 8th, 2013


[public; backdated: friday.]

Good evening! It appears I will be away for the coming week. All has been arranged so that (worry not!) Cathedral services shall go on uninterrupted. However, I sincerely apologise for any missed appointments. I am happy to schedule make-up sessions for magical and spiritual instruction as needed.

Many thanks for your kind understanding, and Faram bless.

I am certain you saw Sir Dire's announcement! The hauptmann has recommended I take along Filip.

Aug. 28th, 2013




“GiGo”—you're Ms. Goodwin, correct?

Aug. 6th, 2013




Hey, so a little big bird I heard through the grapevine you might have some space to rent? Faram damn I hope I didn't procrastinate too long on this

Jul. 16th, 2013




For those who have heard the current news regarding the unfortunate events occurring outside of the city's walls, please be aware that there is more truth in that rumor than not. We are currently making moves for investigation and resolution of this issue in rapid manner. If you must venture outside the walls please bring, or hire, assistance if it is required for your safe passage.

I know we are strung rather tightly with all current duties but anyone willing to investigate outside the walls, please do let me know. We can attempt to form search parties to encounter and resolve these issues before too long I hope. I will be investigating potential backup measures from the other guilds to assist.

I will bake you and Lucy a half a dozen treats of your choice for every group of undead scorched to nothing.

[Council Members.]
Unfortunately, I despise to be the barer of bad news, but it appears that the rumors, as I have stated above regarding undead, have been confirmed. I am in process of recruiting scouting teams to investigate such measures. Any assistance you can offer, if any, would be of considerable benefit with recent events.

I hate my life
How are you for killing undead?

How are your current force reserves, Commander?

I hate my life
This week is atrocious.

Sounds like a job for a Holy Knight, no?

I am gathering the squires at Ringwyrm on Friday morning for pastries and check in. [...] I will also be introducing them to a dear old friend of mine. [...] I believe she will be reinstating her guild standing with Emillion beginning soon.

There will be muffins and turnovers available in Ringwyrm Hall Friday morning. I will take requests for specific types if there are preference.

Also, a dear friend of mine will be there for introductions as well. She is a standing member of the Fighters Guild, but is recently returned to Emillion and is settling back in. I believe she would like to meet you all.

Jul. 9th, 2013




Fair warning, it looks as if a trade cart's been upended near the mouth of the Bazaar. Expect traffic to be congested for at least an hour. Assuming no one seeks to make things worse, which inevitably they will.

Relatedly, try to be on the watch for stray cabbages.


Having fun yet, are you? It's time we catch up with our game of "good news/bad news", dear, go ahead and take your first pick.

Jul. 7th, 2013




[..........] News regarding current developments? [....] Freshly returned from extended assignment.

[Counselor Liu.]
Reporting for assignment.

Where are you stationed?

Standing of current incidents?

News of current incidents?