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Posts Tagged: 'evander+finch'

Jan. 19th, 2014





I'm taking any and all recommendations for the best plumbers, contractors, and window installation in Emillion. References, please.

How big is the place where you're st
Do you have an extra roo

I hate women.

So I have a bit of a tale for you, involving all the disasters that beset me upon leaving your apartment.

I don't care if you're still hungover from New Year's Eve -- we're going drinking this week, and you have no choice in the matter.

Jan. 12th, 2014




As a Valendian girl born and bred, having just celebrated the new year, I feel compelled to ask if anyone else has made any horribly optimistic new year's resolutions. Just for curiosity's sake, mind, and the inevitable self-comparison(!)

A question. Is this Riyeko Lionward, the machinist?


Catching up on work after that plague is atrocious. It's been a month, and yet.

Jan. 9th, 2014




Someone please tell me there weren't really giant bugs rampaging through the Aerodrome yesterday?

Jan. 8th, 2014


[ public ]

On my way to class this morning someone got me in the back of the head with a snowball, but when I turned around there was nobody there. And it's not like there were a lot of places to hide in the guildhall courtyard. Just gone. Well played, snow ninja, well played.

[ Ridley ]
Hey, if your boss isn't driving you too crazy, you want to go get food in the Bazaar maybe this weekend? I have a friend I want you to meet.

[ Juliette ]
Any plans for the weekend? It's just that I feel like you should get out more so

[ Drake ]
[........] Am I [....] going to be reassigned?

[ Felicity ] unsent
I know I told you the other day but I just hope you have a good time and I hope you get good weather and you have fun because training in the cold sucks and I will mi

Jan. 2nd, 2014



Belated thanks to the amazing performers at the Faram's Mass Gala and to all those who attended.

[A. CERELIA, M. BAINES, & F. SASAKI], [C. WILDE], and [L. LEMACH] separately.
No especial news from my end. Any activity I ought know of in the Courts this Capricorn?

Could do with a break from the fam work.

Jan. 1st, 2014



Black mages available for [...] private lessons?


My apologies for Training soon.


Feeling better. My gratitude for your aid.


How's [...] life in the tower?

Dec. 26th, 2013




is there anything more heartwarming than trying to navigate the post-holiday sales at the bazaar? it's truly what faram's mass is all about. why, just this morning i watched two vendors almost tear each other's throats out over who had the better wares. they were both selling linens! and let me tell you, friends, you have not lived until you've watched two portly, mustachioed men trade blows over silky sheets.

(if you must know, rodrigo has the good stuff. 1500 thread count and imported straight from kerwon. you heard it here, folks. tell them redwald sent you, perhaps you'll get a discount.)

Dec. 24th, 2013



[ public ]


Tomorrow, I may have to give into a food coma. It's been nice knowing you, everyone. And if I burn down the kitchen tonight, it was still nice knowing you.

I'm sure most of you are busy tomorrow like I am, but I have gifts for all of you. I don't mind putting them off until Thursday, or even Friday. Whatever suits you all best?

I have something for all of you guys, but I'm still feeling pretty banged up from Friday so I'll leave them in one of the closets in Shieldwyrm, alright? They aren't named, so take whichever wrapped one you want.

Still feel like How are you guys holding up?

Nov. 25th, 2013



[ Evander Finch ]

after this

Good day, Lord Finch. I was wondering if you have seen or heard from your brother in the last day or so?

filtered to: FRIENDS.
Said, "Keep your distance. Your older brother's ill." And aye, he took that to heart!

Jesting aside, has anyone seen one (1) Theodore Finch? Hoped to speak to see

filtered to: MILES BAINES.
This wretched flu! Cannot include you in my will w/o arousing suspicion but when death takes me, know you can raid my room, body, &c for whatever you wish—barring anything of sentimental value to my family.

Only half-kidding. Too hoarse to laugh 100%. Hope you haven't been laid up with this?

Nov. 13th, 2013




I am fairly certain there was frost on my window this morning. I do not approve. I considered flying away to some tropical clime until I recalled that missing rehearsals is generally frowned upon by most directors. Alas.


I subsequently considered asking you to call in sick to work and come keep me company under my warm blankets. In the end, I was responsible and went to rehearsal instead. Are you proud of me, or sorry I didn't?


I live in constant awe of your conquests, darling.


So, you and your sister, master assassins? I could hardly sing, I was laughing so hard when I heard it.


[.............................] How are you, dear?

Nov. 10th, 2013



gillian goodwin.

i have an in
are you presently
ajora fucki

I would like to make an appointment with you to discuss the Lions' recruitment.

Nov. 9th, 2013




As a matter of personal curiosity, might there be reccomendations on ways one can improve their knowledge on current city laws and regulations?


Are you well? Have you progressed well with the reading?


Perhaps, if you feel the timing appropriate, we may attempt to advance to a demonstration of the research material soon?


If a suitable opportunity presents itself, I would like to offer my assistance to you once again. Perhaps we could meet and discuss the topic further?


[...] May I ask a peculiar question?

Nov. 8th, 2013



Advice on fending off illness.

Don't fucking sneeze on Wash hands before eating.


Your usual place for drinks?


Keep being asking about cultists and Blades. What the fuck?


Family paying visit this weekend, I hear.

Oct. 30th, 2013



| public |

I do hope everyone intends to have an enchanting time tomorrow evening. Such a festive occasion happens but once a year.

[ACQUAINTANCES -- apply liberally]
In keeping with tradition, I shall be hosting a ball at my parents' estate for the holiday and my birthday this Friday. Do feel free to come however you wish.

I do hope to see you all there, of course.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Monthly check-in—your Libras have had more spoils than just Bierfest pickings, I expect? Filter as appropriate, everything's encrypted.

m. baines & red.
How's Scorpio looking for you gentlemen?

e. finch.
Got anything for me, honey?

Your routes have been fantastic, thank you. Made any progress?

Oct. 9th, 2013




Public service announcement: the jardin des étoiles in the nobles' district really does not encourage outside visitors.
Does anybody know the best way to get blood out of leather?

Oct. 8th, 2013


Package at the estate for Lady Coulombe to be passed on by one "Lord Finch." Presume this Pyr Min means you, not myself or Father.

Closest thing to a heist: taking chocolates from my younger brother.

Oct. 1st, 2013



Favorite dish of the season?

Sep. 30th, 2013



[public, as MiBa.]

And with fall now officially upon us as of the harvest festival, I feel compelled to share the news that I'll be in a short run of En attendant Godot, starting Saturday Scorpio 3. Absurdism in autumn: our favourite!

Successfully offloaded the last of the wares through our guild fences – I won't bore you with the details – but long story short, we've now got the full take from the airship job. Stop by my place in the commoners district and you'll receive your share. I hardly trust the Emillion postal service to carry vast amounts of gil.

Are any of your Disciples female?

I'm assuming you've heard no murmuring through the Judges about an airship robbery in the Outlands some three weeks back?

So how many of my crew have you slept with? I ask for the sake of statistics, of course!