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Posts Tagged: 'elvira+treveil'

Jan. 12th, 2014




As a Valendian girl born and bred, having just celebrated the new year, I feel compelled to ask if anyone else has made any horribly optimistic new year's resolutions. Just for curiosity's sake, mind, and the inevitable self-comparison(!)

A question. Is this Riyeko Lionward, the machinist?


Catching up on work after that plague is atrocious. It's been a month, and yet.

Jan. 9th, 2014




Someone please tell me there weren't really giant bugs rampaging through the Aerodrome yesterday?

Jan. 5th, 2014



Well now, since all holiday excitement seems to have finally died down, I don't imagine there are any interesting anecdotes to be shared? This time of year, I'd say we'd all do well with a story or two while trying to keep warm.

Jan. 2nd, 2014



[ Public ]

I feel like I've been slacking off in my training. And getting out. And doing things. So. Who wants to do something? Like spar. Or get food. Food is good.

[ Cressida ]
Hey Cress. Now that everything has calmed down, we need to reschedule your survival exam. I still need to check with Zacheus - he agreed to do it back when we'd first scheduled it - but I think we can probably do it early Aquarius, if that works for you?

[ Zacheus ]
Hey. Are you still willing to help Cress with her survival exam?


Also, want to do dinner soon?

You guys up for an outing at the beginning of Aquarius? Let's say the fifth of Aquarius. Let me know.



[ FG. ]


While we still have the snow, does anyone want to come build snowmen with me?

[ ZACH. ]
Did you end up giving away all the kittens?

[ PEONY. ]
Thanks again for the recommendation for an instructor. Sven's [....] pretty enthusiastic.

Dec. 26th, 2013




If anyone would like a [...] kitten, my sister found a few playing in the trash near our house a couple days ago. They don't appear to belong anyone, so five four five four are available to anyone who's interested. Unclaimed kittens will be going to the animal shelter this weekend.

[...] We're also taking suggestions for names. Lille has already rejected "Sir Pounce II."

Dec. 5th, 2013



It is a wondrous thing to breathe deeply and have peaceful sleep. I cannot quite express my gratitude to those who risked their lives to find a cure for this disease. Faram bless you all.

I would like to go to mass, but the mages are impressive in their vigilance. They are not quite comfortable releasing me. I would appreciate your assistance in this matter.

[Rictor and Raol, separately]
How badly were you injured?

What have I missed?

Nov. 27th, 2013



[Public] ~posted very early Wednesday morning~

All citizens of Emillion must be aware by now of the illness making its way through our city. We of the Mages' Guild have been working in concert with our colleagues in the Cathedral to keep sickness at bay, but as those who are ill also know, the current medications and spells are proving insufficient.

Based on information obtained recently, a cure may already be in existence; it will, however, be difficult and possibly dangerous to obtain.

On behalf of all the guilds and the Church, we are issuing a call for volunteers to travel to the mountains posthaste to seek out the herb which we believe may cure this illness. The journey may be perilous and the volunteers must be prepared to do battle with a guardian creature most powerful.

Please, do not volunteer yourself lightly, for those who go will surely risk their lives. But for the sake of the lives of those who are ill, this mission must be attempted. The volunteers should leave as quickly as supplies and logistics for the journey can be arranged.

A reward will be offered to those who succeed in returning with the herb. Please reply for further details. Councilors Matsudaira and Min of the Mages' Guild will coordinate the effort.

Nov. 15th, 2013



Oh, the weekend is here at last! A birthday gone by and I think I might treat myself to something. Are there any seasonal specials in the bakeries? The Bazaar District is already sparkling with decorations, but I've not yet browsed the stores myself this week.


Nov. 8th, 2013



Advice on fending off illness.

Don't fucking sneeze on Wash hands before eating.


Your usual place for drinks?


Keep being asking about cultists and Blades. What the fuck?


Family paying visit this weekend, I hear.

Nov. 5th, 2013


[ public ]

I had forgotten how easy it is to become lost among the bookshelves at Lux & Livre. It is a wonder how well-stocked the Magic Theory section is, thanks to the wonderful Amarilla Renshaw. Had I not walked in with a clear idea of which books I wished to purchase, I may well have whiled away the evening perusing the stacks.

[ Riyeko ]

Thank you for the bento. I am sorry I was not around to accept it in person, but I assure you, it was quite delicious. My absence today was unfortunate, but perhaps we may have a chance to meet and catch up soon?

[ Amos ]

I accidentally stumbled upon a book I think you may be interested in. It's called A Study on the Cleansing Effects of Holy Magicks in Humes: A Fell Knight's Path Back to the Light. It is quite new, apparently, but perhaps you've already read it?

[ Darius ]

How is everything going at the clinic? I hope the Eve of Holy Saints revelry did not cause much trouble.

Nov. 4th, 2013




So typing one-handed is awful.

I'm sure I'll break - ha - this promise to myself eventually, but no more walking home in a state of inebriation. This is the dumbest injury of my life thus far. If I forget, remind me.

Today's only redeeming quality is the fact that I have a rather nice job for Faram's Mass. I saw a few familiar names on the cast list for the gala, actually.


This pain medication is horrible and I can't concentrate to read anything like an actual book. Please amuse me, I am begging you.


You were right. I should have just stayed the night.


Needless to say, now that we are finally working together on a stage again, I will be missing the first few days of rehearsal. I'm still coming to Godot later this week though, assuming I'm not this woozy after a couple days.

Nov. 3rd, 2013




Thirty-eight (38) years old and there are twelve (12) puppies in my office (???)

May the mysteries of the world never cease.

Nov. 2nd, 2013



| public |

I would like to thank everyone who came out to wish me well yesterday eve. Faram has blessed me with a wealth of caring individuals. Truly, thank you.

Do remind me that matricide is frowned upon by Faram.

It seems I was correct in my suspicions regarding my mother. I do fear that this is something I cannot talk my way out of.

Though I did not see you last eve, I expect you have heard the rather distressing news of my betrothal.

It was good to see you well.

Do you prefer arsenic or a slit throat?

I would like to make another order, if you've the time.

I was perhaps wondering if you could help me with something, if you've the time, of course.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


[ public ]

Believe it or not, I just saw a store in the Bazaar putting up Faram's Mass decorations. Hell's hungry kittens, Holy Saints was only two days ago!

[ Bram ]

On Eve of the H Are you all ri Hope your weekend's going well so far. [....] If not, I'm sure I could get my hands on a bottle of something or other for us to destroy.

[ Ofelia ]

Plans for your birthday? Hope you're not working too hard today.

[ Storm ]

How is your training progressing? Getting used to the sword?

[ Vivi ]

When you mentioned some time ago your mother may be scheming, I
I think we all underestimated your mother
That offer I made you to go intimidate Orsinio still stands. [...] Do you need anything else?

[ Aspel ]

Have you had a chance to talk to Vivi since the ball? [....] I'm not sure it's a good thing we managed to master the urge to punch Count Orsinio in the face.

[ Aspel & Azalea ]

Do either of you lovely ladies have a compelling reason why I should not go find Count Orsinio right this instant and punch him in the face?

Nov. 2nd, 2013



[ public ]


Poll: Your favorite holiday or celebration of the year, go.

That or, how was everyone's Eve of the Holy Saints?

Because Scorpio's over in a few weeks, and this keeps coming up but I haven't done anything about it because I don't know the first thing about organizing such an event -- spa day? I'd need someone else to organize it, so I leave it to you, Rin and/or Ari.

[ MERRI & DIVINA, seperately. ]
I know you said I owe you nothing for everything you've done, but [...] would you be willing to let me treat you to coffee or a drink or food?

I leave myself in your capable hands, sir. How's Lille, by the way?

My survival portion for the Rangers exam is in Sagittarius, as you know, so I was wondering if any of you had any advice or tips for not dying getting through it? Maybe things you did that helped you pass the exam? Zacheus is mentoring me, for the record. Thanks in advance.

[ LIONEL, DRAKE & RIC, seperately. ]
Hey, you. We should catch up sometime, when you're not busy.

Oct. 30th, 2013



| public |

I do hope everyone intends to have an enchanting time tomorrow evening. Such a festive occasion happens but once a year.

[ACQUAINTANCES -- apply liberally]
In keeping with tradition, I shall be hosting a ball at my parents' estate for the holiday and my birthday this Friday. Do feel free to come however you wish.

I do hope to see you all there, of course.

Oct. 15th, 2013


[HOLY FILTER: knights, blades, mages, disciples, &c]

Good morning! I thought I might check in; it has been some time. You are all faring well, I pray? Any plans for Holy Saints' Eve, perhaps? Do let me know how your ventures have been proceeding. And, of course, if I may be of assistance in any way.

Faram bless.

Oct. 11th, 2013


Well, well! Nothing like Eve of the Holy Saints decorations draping the Bazaar District to get us in the holiday spirit.

Oct. 2nd, 2013



005: PUBLIC.

as my thirtieth birthday rapidly approaches, i am becoming increasingly worried that my mother is going to resort to drastic measures to marry me off. remember me fondly when i'm shipped off to kerwon to marry a sixty-eight year old woman named beryldine.

as for that favor, i'm
i'd like to collect on that

hello, gorgeous. i need your help with something.