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Posts Tagged: 'cormac+hier'

Mar. 11th, 2014





Why are you getting married so soon? Is his penis made of gold?

Mar. 7th, 2014



| public |

I'm going dancing this weekend. Which of you are gonna come keep little old me company?

[ Lena ]
Been meaning to talk to you. I've got tails for the foreseeable future. Some shit seems to be going down, so Ci wanted me to give you a heads up, keep a look out for trouble. Neil and Kirill'll stay outside, per usual.

[ TG ]
Tell me something is going down soon. I feel the need to get the fuck out of town.

Fights'll be 29 PISCES. Team tournament. You want to partner with someone who ain't one of us, talk to me.

[ Hier ]
You got some free time 29 Pisces or is the fiancee forbidding you from playing with the big girls?

[ Cian ] after this
Sorry 'bout earlier. Should've sent a message ahead.

[ Aspel Cassul ]
I hear you're the one to talk to about weapons.

Feb. 26th, 2014


[ friends* ]

How is everyone? Are you all safe? Is anyone in need of healing?

[ Cormac ]
Please tell me you're okay.

*OOC: Use as you please. Emily is friendly to everyone! :)

Jan. 30th, 2014




I will be out of town on the 11th to the 15th on personal matters. Everyone who has any needs or appointments, my assistant will see to them. I have left her with notes and she is quite capable, so please be kind.

She will also have my wagers. Those can be picked up after hours.

Jan. 25th, 2014


[ Cormac ]
We're leaving the morning of the 15th for a holiday.

[ Ridley ]
Ridley, Cormac will be out of town for a few days, we'll be leaving on the 15th.

Jan. 22nd, 2014



[ public ]


There is a particularly dangerous ice patch outside of The Roast in the Commoners' District, so please be careful.

I've arranged a lunch for you; I will leave it on your desk if that suits.

Would you prefer lunch or something in the evening tomorrow?

[ TLISA. ]
I was wondering if we may have a kitten date sometime? My Dinah is still young, but I'm certain she would like Hypnos.

[ TOKU. ]
May we have tea sometime?

[ PYR. ]
[....] May I ask you something?

Would you [....] like to have dinner on Friday, if you are not busy?

Jan. 20th, 2014




Hey everyone,

Your local friendly white Mage here putting out a reminder to bundle up, and do your best to keep dry in the winter months. It's easy to pick up a chill, or germs so make sure to wash your hands extra, and whenever you think you might be coming down with something take a little time off and try to get some extra rest. A lot if the time simple sicknesses can be beat before it even gets serious with a little extra sleep, some hot soup or drink, and a little extra care.

If anyone's got any questions, lemme know.

So, uh you left a bag here?

[Rictor & Zacheus.]
We need booze.

I think I'm getting why you only slept with women you paid for a while.

Dec. 26th, 2013



[ public ]

Thanks to that attack on the tower last week, I have been able to obtain enough supplies to replenish a sizeable portion of my tincture stock. Unfortunately, I am still short when it comes to other potions.

Thank you for your patience.

Dec. 4th, 2013



[Cure Crew + MG Council]


And once the first batch is complete. I am going to get some much needed sleep.

Dec. 3rd, 2013




I am not sure if you were notified, but the retrieval party returned with the cure, which is very close to being synthesized. How are you and your sister?

Would I be permitted to deliver the cure personally to those who require it outside of the clinics? Once those who require it most are treated.

[ PYR & MERRI. *separately; not expecting a reply ]
Please be well.

Nov. 30th, 2013


I've spent a fascinating amount of time on the current plague running through town and likely outwards, and with Cormac's own findings, the experiments I've done have been rather curious and fascinating. Now, yes yes yes, death and fear for loved ones and all of that. I understand of course, and we will definitely find a cure.

That being said, one who has any love for science cannot help but be absolutely astounded by the complexity of the plague's adaptability. Magic, virus, both, it doesn't matter, on any level it is truly remarkable, and yet another simple reminder from nature that not even we are impervious to her strength and might. And that the only true master is time, where it's patient power will always seem to win out in the end. Such a tiny thing, able to enact so much panic and destruction. Fascinating indeed, yet something that must be stopped. Which, of course, is my fullest intention.

Nov. 29th, 2013


[ Cormac ]

Risking my life to go help with this plague.

This is your damned influence you know.

Nov. 26th, 2013



[Cure Crew]

Hello, my dearlings; I do believe I've found something. The Council is readying the war drums, but in the meanwhile I thought it best for us to confabulate on the matter.

I was in the library digging up anything on mystical toxins from the days of yore, and -- I kid you not -- I managed to find a dusty, rotten first edition of the Mortissima by Amarinta von Hapsfeldt, a very rare volume you no doubt read excerpts from in your white magick classes. I didn't even know we had a copy in the tower! It must be worth a fortune, even in such a dilapidated state.

The original printing has all of her case studies and appendices, things I've never seen before -- and there's a very interesting account that reads like what we're experiencing here. The long and the short of it is that while I haven't identified the illness per se, Lady Amarinta speaks of an herb she calls the 'all-salve'. Whatever it is, it grows only in a very specific region of Ivalice, and it's guarded by some kind of horrible monster. Isn't that always the way? But if we defeat the beast and bring the all-salve home, we may be able to do something about this plague.

Cheers! Let's save some lives, my sweets.

~ S

Nov. 25th, 2013



[MG Council]
Well, I've come across a few more confirmed cases. Wish patients were more compliant for the sake of research.

[Cure Crew]
Has anyone found anything new on the magic side of things? We've got more than enough cases to make a study out of this.

[Ash Wilde]
You might want to check up on Cian and make sure he's taking his medicine.

Nov. 22nd, 2013




If you are feeling unwell, please ensure that you are seen by a white mage. It is the season for illness.

[Pyr & Sky]

[.............................................................] I have not heard from you in several days and I am concerned. It has been quite cold recently. Are you [...] feeling doing well?


Five more possible cases in the city clinics, though none fully confirmed. Any further developments at the cathedral?

[Cormac, Sabina, Darius]

Any news?



[High Stakes Group]

Next game's scheduled at 11pm, Tuesday, Sagittarius 4th, Docks warehouse 707.


[...............] How long before you can take another commission?

Is your sister


Though I'd have time to take you out this weekend, gorgeous, but I'm feeling like shit things're a little hectic. Next week?



Nov. 18th, 2013



[ MG Council ; cc: Darius, Sabina, & Emily ]

From all the data collected between us, my team has concocted some sort of antidote. It doesn't fully remove the disease, but it suppresses some of the symptoms. We're still refining the formula. It should be arriving at the tower with the notes shortly for review. Please let us know if you see anything we've missed.

Nov. 9th, 2013



I need you to make a few deliveries for me today. And then come back to the clinic with some coffee and ready to take notes.

Peony's asked me to send her my notes on the outland village plague. I'm sending you a copy of all these things, because this shit is magic based and we all know I'm fucked at that. Apparently, she wants us to prepare for an epidemic right here in the city. Come by the clinic at your convenience. By your convenience I mean as soon as possible.

I hope you don't mind if I invite Darius to join us.

You should stay inside and away from people for a while.

How is your progress on the spell amplifier? We might need it sooner rather than later.

I need to borrow the thing in your lab.



[MG Council]

I will set things in motion as agreed upon this afternoon. If you feel it prudent, we should discuss with the guildmaster the possibility of sending out our own [...] scouts. Better this be resolved in the Outlands than in the city. Your thoughts?

[Cormac & Sabina]

On behalf of the council, I've two favors to ask.

First: if you believe it possible, we would like for you to attempt to create an antidote for the [...] Outlands plague, Cormac. Compensation for materials and time will of course be provided. While we realize the attempt may be fruitless due to the unique nature of the illness, we nonetheless feel as though it ought to be made.

Second: please put together a comprehensive list of signs and symptoms as you witnessed them, as well as treatment information and timelines. This may become necessary and I would prefer to have the white mages of the city prepared in the event of an emergency.

Thank you for your hard work in this matter.


There may be further developments regarding the illness you witnessed in Grenoble. We should meet, if possible, so that I may pass the pertinent information on to you.

[Fighters' Guild Council]

If any of your Rangers report further altercations with [....] corrupted beasts in the Outlands, would you be willing to share the date and location of such encounters? The Mages' Guild will offer free physical exams and healing to anyone of your guild who has encountered these animals in exchange for this information.

Nov. 7th, 2013


[Mages Guild.]

What a peculiar season, isn't it? Not to seem like an alarmist, but for those anxious to be out on the roads soon, you may want to reschedule for a short while!

How's the city been?


I hope you've been well! Schedule a meeting?


How have you been?


Filing my reports soon. Let me know if anything else [...] strange happens, won't you?

[Cormac - UNSENT.]

Have you found another