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Posts Tagged: 'azalea+cerelia'

Nov. 17th, 2013



After several valiant attempts to reorganize my schedule and clean my office, a number of important matters have been brought to my attention! Foremost, if there are those currently interested in the synergist arts, new and eager scholars of support magic, I have now found myself with an unfortunate amount of free time to do away with.

If you are interested in learning new spells, well then, please do let me know, won't you?


That in mind, Councilor, are there any pertinent duties around the Tower that could use my expertise?


Heavy frost kicking in yet?

[ public ]

shortly after this

For the sake of the greater good, I will abstain from echoing our Lord fon Amell's earlier sentiment. Still, it's good to be back. Knock on wood, etc.

[ Foxe, Ari, Lea ] separately
Please tell me your life doesn't suck right now.

[ Kiernan ]
How are Have you You need help with anything, you let me us m us know, all right?

[ Aspel ]
Faram, this is such a mess. I want to help, but I have no damn idea what to do to make it better.

[ Drake ]
He's not doing great, but hopefully being back here will help. It's [....] going to take time, I'm afraid.

[ Rictor ]
It's a lovely morning to go shoot things, isn't it? I'll be at the range in Shieldwyrm in an hour or so. If you're free, perhaps we'll see if your squire's adoration is justified, no?

[ Vivi ]
[.....] How are you doing?

Nov. 16th, 2013



[ public ]


Always prefer to come back to a city intact.

Thank you for watching Zelda for the week. Was she well-behaved?

[ MAG. ]
We should do something for Kiernan's birthday in three weeks. Something he'll remember.

Nov. 15th, 2013



Oh, the weekend is here at last! A birthday gone by and I think I might treat myself to something. Are there any seasonal specials in the bakeries? The Bazaar District is already sparkling with decorations, but I've not yet browsed the stores myself this week.


Nov. 14th, 2013



| public |

My, my. The rumor mill takes little time in bringing the past to the present, does it?

If you've the time, I was wondering if we could perhaps have tea?

There is something I wish to discuss with you when you've the time.

I wonder. Has Ophion begun to thaw?

[ARIELLE & AUDREY, separately]
I've a small job for you, if you are willing.

Nov. 13th, 2013




I am fairly certain there was frost on my window this morning. I do not approve. I considered flying away to some tropical clime until I recalled that missing rehearsals is generally frowned upon by most directors. Alas.


I subsequently considered asking you to call in sick to work and come keep me company under my warm blankets. In the end, I was responsible and went to rehearsal instead. Are you proud of me, or sorry I didn't?


I live in constant awe of your conquests, darling.


So, you and your sister, master assassins? I could hardly sing, I was laughing so hard when I heard it.


[.............................] How are you, dear?

Nov. 10th, 2013





I think I've lost my fucking mind.

Nov. 8th, 2013



[ FG Council, Dragon Riders ] [...] [ and Friends ]

My father passed away earlier today, so I'll be going home for a week or so. I'll be back by the 26th.

Nov. 3rd, 2013




Thirty-eight (38) years old and there are twelve (12) puppies in my office (???)

May the mysteries of the world never cease.

Nov. 2nd, 2013



| public |

I would like to thank everyone who came out to wish me well yesterday eve. Faram has blessed me with a wealth of caring individuals. Truly, thank you.

Do remind me that matricide is frowned upon by Faram.

It seems I was correct in my suspicions regarding my mother. I do fear that this is something I cannot talk my way out of.

Though I did not see you last eve, I expect you have heard the rather distressing news of my betrothal.

It was good to see you well.

Do you prefer arsenic or a slit throat?

I would like to make another order, if you've the time.

I was perhaps wondering if you could help me with something, if you've the time, of course.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


[ public ]

Believe it or not, I just saw a store in the Bazaar putting up Faram's Mass decorations. Hell's hungry kittens, Holy Saints was only two days ago!

[ Bram ]

On Eve of the H Are you all ri Hope your weekend's going well so far. [....] If not, I'm sure I could get my hands on a bottle of something or other for us to destroy.

[ Ofelia ]

Plans for your birthday? Hope you're not working too hard today.

[ Storm ]

How is your training progressing? Getting used to the sword?

[ Vivi ]

When you mentioned some time ago your mother may be scheming, I
I think we all underestimated your mother
That offer I made you to go intimidate Orsinio still stands. [...] Do you need anything else?

[ Aspel ]

Have you had a chance to talk to Vivi since the ball? [....] I'm not sure it's a good thing we managed to master the urge to punch Count Orsinio in the face.

[ Aspel & Azalea ]

Do either of you lovely ladies have a compelling reason why I should not go find Count Orsinio right this instant and punch him in the face?

Nov. 1st, 2013




Does anyone have any reasonable suggestions for holiday shopping? It's the time of year to buy presents I mean it's not that I didn't think about this sooner, because I did I just didn't know how to go about it or where to go, and I've been so busy with my inventions and things that it's totally forgivable, right?

I know I've asked a lot of you already but I think it might be a good period to start considering when the sSecond test run could be for the project soon?

We haven't done dinner in a while, have we? How are your brothers? Has the council work been easier? I know I just saw you last week but I was so caught up in the invention testing that I was totally completely rude and didn't really ask you these questions although I totally should have and I was a really terrible friend and I'm sorry and can you forgive me?

I think the projector is up for another test run. I'm on to the third model at this point and think I've squared away enough of the structural and functional features at this time to make it a much more reasonable device to carry assuming I can shrink it down at least once more before the final model is released to any group as a whole, but I think it shouldn't be too hard, but I've been changing the design to store specific imagery instead of projecting alternative scenes across an area so that it can be more contained. [...........] Part of the problems is deciding precisely what images we want preloaded into the device and how easily functional we want to allow the uploading of new images. There's also potential profit to be made if we pre-load a specific set of images and then have them have to come back to pay us to change them out. It won't last forever as someone will crack it eventually, but it could be good for a little while. Also, I don't know if there's any sort of reward we can give him or anything but Mr. Cian Wilde has been a really big help with the test runs and info on the sewers throughout the project so far.

I had Peony test the spell expander and it was really impressive, I have a lot of data that I'm still converting over into properly functional statistics in order to make it a reasonable large scale device but it's still going to take a lot of work at this time and I'm not sure if it's going to make sense to roll this out to a lot of people for quite a while still but I think it could work, and we integrated the rocket boots too!!!! to get a better feel for how distancing might come into play with some of the spell aiming and it was awesome.

I heard you're back. Are you okay? Should I bring something over to cheer you up? Would you like Mochi? Hi.

[Pyr & Sky.]
Want to help me test something? You have to promise that you won't break it though, ok?

Are you ok? How are you? There's some wires and things I have that you can use [..........] I tested the rocket boots last week!

Oct. 31st, 2013




What I've got so far:

● Sewers are all messed up. Water levels are off places. There are tunnels open that were sealed before.

● There's a big empty room - map coming with this week's reports - with scorched and marked walls. Marks match those old murder scenes, so I'd say connected. I'd speculate the EKP were busy getting it cleared after whatever the hell went on down there - and they'll be scrubbing the walls and sealing the tunnels soon, if I'm guessing.

● EKP and Blades collaborated. No idea how or why, but it rings true. I'm not too tied into the church, but I'll try to get more details.

● Mages' Guild is in it, or their council, anyway, and not just the one who's always hanging around the peacekeepers, either.

● People in the Tenements claim their fucking messiah's gone. Some are pretty broken up about it, but some of the petty crimes seem to be cooling down.

In short, I think they've got our zombie-maker. What - if anything - they'll choose to tell the populace, I can't say. Sewers are deserted - guess they figure there's nothing else to find.

Let me know if any of this is news to you.

Oct. 30th, 2013



| public |

I do hope everyone intends to have an enchanting time tomorrow evening. Such a festive occasion happens but once a year.

[ACQUAINTANCES -- apply liberally]
In keeping with tradition, I shall be hosting a ball at my parents' estate for the holiday and my birthday this Friday. Do feel free to come however you wish.

I do hope to see you all there, of course.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Monthly check-in—your Libras have had more spoils than just Bierfest pickings, I expect? Filter as appropriate, everything's encrypted.

m. baines & red.
How's Scorpio looking for you gentlemen?

e. finch.
Got anything for me, honey?

Your routes have been fantastic, thank you. Made any progress?

Oct. 25th, 2013



[ public ]


Oh, look, another year gone by. I'm terribly insulted no one has thrown me a parade, but I could settle for doves bursting out of a large pie. I'll even feign surprise.

[ MILES. ]
My life is regrettably lonely and empty without you, whatever would I do without your financial support, etc etc. When is that next job you mentioned?

Oct. 23rd, 2013



It seems I have returned to this city just in time to see grown men and women stumble up and down the streets massaging their temples. I can only assume Bierfest was rather popular this year as well.

[ MG ]

I hope you have all been well. I am unsure whether you have been informed already, but I shall be resuming my duties as Councilor, effective as of my return to Emillion. As before, should you have concerns about any Guild-related issues, do not hesitate to bring them up to me or Councilor Min and Councilor Priddy. I keep an open-door policy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to meeting those of you I still don't have the pleasure of knowing, and seeing the rest of you again.

[ Peony & Merrion ]

I am glad to hear you're still holding the fort around here. If you have some free time this week, I would welcome a meeting with both of you so you may bring me up to speed on what I've missed. I've seen reports, but some of this seems [....] quite hard to believe, I must say.

[ Councils ]

I will be resuming my duties as Councilor of the Mages' Guild. I look forward to working with you all again, as we work to make this city a better place to live in.

[ Bram ]

If you've some time later this week, perhaps we could meet for a meal. I've no qualms with eating in your office, if you find yourself swamped with work—as I suspect I'm about to be.

[ Vera ]

How are you My friend, I look forward to seeing you again, now that I've returned. Sooner rather than later, I would hope; it has been two years.

Oct. 21st, 2013



Public. ((Posted late morning initially)

A moment of curiosity has struck. How do each of you keep warm during the winter months? Assuredly there are the standard remedies. Soup, blankets, a fire, body heat but what else does one subscribe to during particularly cool nights?

[Fighters Guild.]
Anyone who needs to spar, or is in need of additional defensive lessons, you are welcome to notify me so that we may arrange extra training.

[....] Perhaps [....] a lunch [....] date visit?

I fear I may never take a week off again with the stack of paperwork I am now responsible for.

[.....] Lunch sometime?

Would you care [....] There is a stack of paperwork that shall require both of our signatures. [....] Would you care to tackle it together?

[FG Council.]
I suspect I shall be allowed to be reinstated to full duties this week, correct?

[..................] Would you care to How would this Saturday eve look for you in regards to catching up a bit?

Your sword.

[Jareth.] ((Added later - late afternoon))
Bring your axe to The Armory this eve.

Oct. 19th, 2013




Hands up if you've forgotten what a vacation feels like. Being self-employed almost makes it harder, in some regards—any day off eats into my paycheque. Cherish your steady guild responsibilities & benefits, children.

"How are the new digs", I might ask if I were twenty years younger. Instead: How's it going?

Are we still on for that lunch?

That rainch

Do you have some time?

It's my birthday in two weeks. Am I allowed to have an existential crisis(?)

[GILLIAN] [Followup on this.]
"A more stable arrangement". What would such a thing cost?

Heron Shaw, was it?

Oct. 18th, 2013




So. What should I do this year for Bierfest? I mean, aside from watching everyone else make fools of themselves.

Also, who actually caught any of those cockatrices? It outmaneuvered me

I'm looking at you, Ric. ♥

[FG Council]
Giving Cress her test results. Anyone know who I'm supposed to talk to about the survival test portion so we can schedule that for her?

You have passed the first portion of exams for eligibility into the Valendian Rangers. Please contact a member of the Council to set up the date for your survival test.

Congrats, Cress! Knew you could do it!

Hey gorgeous. ♥

Outing next weekend. Talk to your mentors to get permission.

So. Bored. And hungry.