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April 12th, 2014



| Public |

Ah, Founders. Cheap alcohol, rides and food. I'm down.

[ Loch ]
Same as every year, yeah? This year I want pistachio.

[ Cian ]
You going to the ball?

[ Miles ]
Break a leg tomorrow.




A private party, and I have yet to be invited? Has our friendship fallen so far from grace that you forsake me even the simplest invite now?



| Public |

As the festival is in full swing, I ought to mention that the Duckling is hosting its annual sale on alcoholic beverages. Do come in and buy a bottle, won't you?

In addition, I will be discounting accessories and scrolls by 15%.

Do enjoy your waistcoat, my love.

I've a job for you, if you are interested.

[ LOCH ]
I believe I may have something of interest for you.




Weren't the fireworks lovely? I find myself far too awake to settle down for the night, and with nowhere to go. Suggestions? There must be dozens of options.

Anyone who dares remind me I have a performance tomorrow will be ignored, fair warning.


Darling, I've a proposition for you.



[PUBLIC!] (Backdated to this morning!)

Fortunate friends! Awe-inspiring Associates! Superior Supporters!

Welcome to Founder's Festival!

Hark! How I hope this fantastic festival has practically put us all into an incredible insensibility of excitement!

Please, please, please(!), do dare to search, and seek my marvelous form out for all of your significant scavenger hunt needs! I would be filled with wicked woe, and far-fetched forlornness if not sought by a single soul!


Do dare remember my grandiose guild this is a terrific time to shine!

The Founders Festival is the time for our best and bravest to bring and bare all you stupendous skill!

• Machinist's make your meanest machines, and fiercest fireworks!
• Performers, please place your full fortitude on display! Sing songs, play pranks, dazzle, dream and awe! You are the music makers, the tale tellers, the front stage presence that all amazing, eager, and engrossed fans flock here for!
• My beautiful, bountiful betters! As always, assure your back ally, and front ally bets are merely made by the best!
• Also always remember to pick your patsies with considerable care! No need to bring the excellent EKP down upon our great guild, or get cause yourself turbulent trouble.

And as always, with every year!

While this weeks twists and turns may be enthralling, I simply request that by it's end that none of you are crawling!

Unless it's to your next good time, of course!


My most marvelous matriarch. Your precious plans this Founders Fest?