Emillion Communications Network

January 2015



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January 8th, 2014




With the holidays at last behind us and both of us recovered, I would like to speak to you regarding the [...] man you and Merrion fought outside the Tower before Faram's Mass. I am not content to let this occurrence lie; I have too many questions remaining, even with the beast vanquished. Have you the time to meet with me?

[Siana & Jareth]

Have you any insight you may be able to share regarding the troubling occurrences prior to the holiday? I must admit I am still searching for clarity. Would you, perhaps, be available to meet with me so that we may discuss pooling our resources once more?


It is colder here than you are likely accustomed to. Please let me know if you require warmer outerwear and I will gladly accompany you to the Bazaar.

[....] Perhaps hot cocoa after may help with the chill.


I trust your small friend is adjusting well to her new home?

[ public ]

On my way to class this morning someone got me in the back of the head with a snowball, but when I turned around there was nobody there. And it's not like there were a lot of places to hide in the guildhall courtyard. Just gone. Well played, snow ninja, well played.

[ Ridley ]
Hey, if your boss isn't driving you too crazy, you want to go get food in the Bazaar maybe this weekend? I have a friend I want you to meet.

[ Juliette ]
Any plans for the weekend? It's just that I feel like you should get out more so

[ Drake ]
[........] Am I [....] going to be reassigned?

[ Felicity ] unsent
I know I told you the other day but I just hope you have a good time and I hope you get good weather and you have fun because training in the cold sucks and I will mi




Notice to interested parties,

The Black Lion Company will be holding another open recruitment mission this month. Departure's on the 26th of Capricorn, leaving for the southernmost reaches of Valendia and estimated to return to civilization on the 28th. The expedition will be lead through remarkably wild territories, and for those who have joined us before, please make your usual arrangements. Those new to our operations - filter me directly for further details.

We're being funded by the Ivalician Historical Society this round, and though you'll be among the regulars of the Company, escorting these men and women will take some priority. Among other things. As always and for the sake of my second-in-command, please be prompt with your notice that so we may make the necessary arrangements.

Gillian Goodwin
Black Lion Company


Now's your chance.