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November 26th, 2013



[Darius] ~around 4:30am~

Please, you do not know me, but I'm Alys Coulombe's sister. You are her suitor friend, aren't you?

She is very sick. Please, please, can you come? We don't know what to do.



[MG Council]

please send for a whit mage


keep away fr




Stop fucking fussing, I don't need fucking groceries and you've got bigger problems.

High stakes tonight, docks, 11. Can't haul my ass out of bed though I tried so you've gotta go. Fold early, don't give a shit, just be there.

You're gonna have to find someone to take care of this after




Absentees everywhere this morning, by the looks of it. How to deal with so many falling ill the quietude?

[Ofelia - UNSENT.]

About that




remember what i said about the flu, brother?
i seem to have come down with it
it's [...] very serious
could use some assistance getting to the cathedral today

sorry to trouble you

i apologize for the inconvenience but i am [...] sick
fighting in the storm was ill advised
will be at the cathedral asap !


lionel, lex, rictor.
We have begun to implement the procedure. You are both well, I pray?

14 confirmed cases, 5 in critical condition, around a dozen more suspected. I suppose it is too much to hope that the clinics have fared any better.

It would seem your suspicions have come to pass.

Your condition, Vera?

cian, later.
You as well then?



also ugh!!!!!!

if you can see th
be saf

do you ride

how do you fare




Checking in.



[Cure Crew]

Hello, my dearlings; I do believe I've found something. The Council is readying the war drums, but in the meanwhile I thought it best for us to confabulate on the matter.

I was in the library digging up anything on mystical toxins from the days of yore, and -- I kid you not -- I managed to find a dusty, rotten first edition of the Mortissima by Amarinta von Hapsfeldt, a very rare volume you no doubt read excerpts from in your white magick classes. I didn't even know we had a copy in the tower! It must be worth a fortune, even in such a dilapidated state.

The original printing has all of her case studies and appendices, things I've never seen before -- and there's a very interesting account that reads like what we're experiencing here. The long and the short of it is that while I haven't identified the illness per se, Lady Amarinta speaks of an herb she calls the 'all-salve'. Whatever it is, it grows only in a very specific region of Ivalice, and it's guarded by some kind of horrible monster. Isn't that always the way? But if we defeat the beast and bring the all-salve home, we may be able to do something about this plague.

Cheers! Let's save some lives, my sweets.

~ S




[ later today, after getting checked up ]

i'm really sick this time

in case i don't make it i just want to let all of you know how much i really do love you all



[ FRIENDS, minus merri. ]

Are any of you ill?




rly sick
pls tell fam to stay away
esp tlisa she'd want to stay
dont want to worry them

so many sick people

afraid i caght smthing rly bad
dont want to d

[ DRAKE. ]
thks for
good to postpone exam

thks for everything
always been a good frend

[ RIC. ]
pls do me a fav
keep an eye on leonel
he was sck too but got better
but mybe not

i dont know what will happen
if smthing does
wanted you to know i respect you so mch
you are my inspirtion to be a better archer and fighter
always looked up to you
and wantd to make you proud

thank you




This sickness is keeping the bars pretty empty. How's an honest man supposed to make a living?



[ azalea & aspel ]
I fear I may have caught something.

[ reinholdt ]
Orsinio has come down with whatever illness has rapidly become prevalent. It will not be long now.

[ ophion ]
Do take care of Azalea, will you?



he's typing really slowly, guys

I do not believe I will be able to attend training this week. I apologise.

Thank you very much. I am sorry to have alarmed you.

I have asked my valet to bring some books to your current residence. I hope you enjoy them.


conan & morgayne.




Is everyone healthy? Please [....] please tell me you're healthy.


You have to make certain Aspel stays in bed. Please, I know she doesn't want me staying, but I don't think she is going to listen to the mage. She is not doing well


Aspel is [......................] very sick. If she tries to go to work, kick her out.