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October 17th, 2013



[after receiving this.]

Another package.




I do hope the rest of those birds were caught and returned to their owner?

That ordeal nearly made me wish to consume poultry

[Merri & Jak]

Thank you again for your assistance yesterday afternoon.


Have you any advice on disabling a large bird barehanded without causing permanent harm? [.....] For my future reference.


[....................] I pray you recover swiftly, Councilor.


[..........................] What are your feelings regarding crêpes?

Additionally, you had said that you implied would you be terribly offended if might I [...] ask a friend to tea this coming weekend?


Will you be sitting out this weekend's [...] festivities?


I hope you are doing well? How are your students? Have you succeeded in your search for a home of your own?




If I have shit to donate, where the fuck do I take it?

Thanks for the coffee. Best cup I've had in weeks.

[...] There was a reward for grabbing the fucking bird. Where should I send your cut half?

Where can I buy a decent fucking hat?

I he
Are y
Did you
Need anything? Heard you're laid up.



[ public ]

Has anyone any suggestions for locations for a weekend trip? It has been far too long since I've last left the city.

I do hope you are well. It has been some time since we last spoke.

Good eve. I was wondering, should you be available, if you would be so kind as to agree to a meeting with me regarding some business that I have need of conducting.

I have heard that you have become injured yet again. I apologize for the lateness of my inquiry; I only heard in passing this eve. Are you in need of anything?

[Audrey & Juliette]
I wished to inquire as to your plans for the weekend. As Bierfest shall be alive and well, I was wondering if either of you expect to return to the estate over the weekend. I shall be away, and certain precautions are taken that you shall need to be informed of.

a delivery: pyr is nothing if not stubborn

Once again, a package delivered to the Finch Estate, with a note attached. )


Who else was around for the cockatrices? That was fun!

[ Storm ]

I met a Dragon Rider the other day! It was really cool! His name is Kiernan, you should talk to him if you're still thinking of aiming for the Riders, he's chill!

[ Sky ]

I got a cockatrice feather!

[ Juliette ]

Spar on Thursday? Lindwyrm Hall, as usual!

[ Cressida ]

Have you heard anything about your When will you hear back about your exam results?

[ Sister Felicity ]

Thanks for today! I had a lot of fun chasing that cockatrice!