Emillion Communications Network

January 2015



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September 21st, 2013




I need to
Can you
Would you please

[..........................................] Might you be available to meet me this evening? [...] I need to speak with [.............] someone and [...] I had hoped you might be amenable.

failed filter from FG ADULTS.

hey i need someplace to hide again



[FG Council + Jareth] -- backdated to a few days ago

Monaco and I have interrogated the suspect from the incident a few weeks back and he has revealed to us extremely pertinent and urgent information that needs your immediate attention. Unfortunately, we do not have all the details, but please let us know the earliest we can meet with the both of you.

Also, it has been suggested that we start work with the Silver Blades on this case. Please let us know any official direction before we proceed forward with this tentative partnership.

[ Peony ]

We have interrogated the culprit from the incident in the sewers and there are [...] some things of import you might want to know. We are meeting with our councilors soon about it, if you would like to join that meeting. If there is a more convenient time for you, please let me know.

And thank you for the translations. They have been most helpful.



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I do hope that no one was injured during the unfortunate events that occurred yesterday. Do let me know that you're all well?

I suppose we should speak before the grand event tomorrow eve. Have you any time soon?

Are we still on for tea tomorrow?

Thank you again for the lovely ciders. They are a grand hit.

Are you ready for tomorrow?

Are you well?