Emillion Communications Network

January 2015



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April 25th, 2013




Someone on the network the other day had a really marvelous idea. So, would anyone like to play a game~?

Here's how the game works: you give three facts about yourself. Two are true, one is false. Others guess. Whoever guesses correctly gets... something, to be determined by the player. If someone guesses incorrectly, then they owe something, again, to be determined by the player.

As an example, I'll start. Three facts about me:

- I was almost in the Mages' Guild.
- I prefer white wine to red.
- I was betrothed once.

Whoever can guess correctly which of these is false gets... an honest answer to a question of their choice let's say a drink on me. Coffee, if you're not one for alcohol. Anyone who guesses wrong owes me a drink.

No fair looking at others' answers before you reply!

Come on now, you know you want to play!



[ public ]

I'll be out of town for a few days. Chances are the network won't work out there, so I'll be out of reach. I'll try not to come back broken.



[ public ]

It seems that a business venture shall be taking me out of town for a few days. I should return by Tuesday. End of the month specials will still be ongoing, and Colin will be in charge in my absence.

[ Reinholdt ]

I do have an escort. Try not to worry, darling. I'd hate for you to get a headache.

[ Aspel ]

Is there anything in particular I should be on the lookout for during my travels? Wood or some such? If this lead proves useless, I'd at least like to have something to show for it.

[ Special Stock Customers ]

Unfortunately, Colin will not be handling this aspect of the business. The usual month-end sale will happen at a later date. I do apologize for the inconvenience.