Oct. 27th, 2010


WHO: Kai and Renju.
WHAT: A meeting.
WHERE: Anti-Bullying Club room.
WHY: That Yamada kid is weird.

I'll spread my wings and fly... )
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Apr. 22nd, 2010


as if it wasn't obvious by now...

Who: (Shadow, probably) Kozue, Seiko, Misaki, Toru, OPEN~.
What: Run-ins, adventures, misadventures, etc.
Where: School Corridors.
When: Lunchtime. Just after the KouMail.
Why: Disastrous results.

... let's just throw some more wood on the fire. )


Who: Kou and Kozue.
What: Lunch.
Where: School's roof.
When: Lunchtime.
Why: For Ferelden! the thread.

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Apr. 21st, 2010


Who: Kozue + Kiriko.
What: Return from home. Room-mates talk.
Where: Their room.
When: After snacking.
Why: To spam the community.

oh god this is short. pitiful! :| )


Who: Kozue + Renju
What: Snacking.
Where: Local Pastry Shop.
When: Upon her return from Ancestral Home/Funeral Town.
Why: Hunger.

BrĂ©siliennes, Coffee Eclair, Strasbourg Cake, Vanilla Flan )

Nov. 24th, 2009


it's my party and i'll cry if i want to...

Who: Kozue and the adoring public You
What: Festivities
Where: Bar Kidnap
When: July 21
Why: Because of presents and alcohol.

...in order to convince the bouncers to let in underaged patrons with beer )

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Clean Clean Clean

Who: S!Misaki, Reizo, and Kiriko
What: Cleaning his house of course.
When: Evening
Where: Reizo's apartment
Why: S!Misaki thinks that he needs someone to be at home for him.

Whistle while you work... )

Oct. 31st, 2009


Who: Shadow Misaki and open
Where: Town
What: Wandering around as if searching for something
When: Afternoon some time, probably after school
Why: Because....She's just evil like that.

Lost little girl, looking for your home, daddy's not coming back and your mama's all alone... )

Oct. 28th, 2009


Oh dear...

Who: Maeko, Smisa
What: I don't even...
Where: Girls' dorm bathrooms.
When: Lunchtime.
Why: Communication issues and also one of them is a shadow.

You can count on me, I'll never let you down. One thing I guarantee - I'll bail you out. )

Oct. 27th, 2009


Who: Misaki and Open
When: Day after Tanabata
Where: School ground in the morning
What: Just being her normal lovable self
Why:Things are getting back to normal.

It's a beautiful day... )

Aug. 24th, 2009


WHO: Kenjiro, all students!
WHERE: The Gymnasium
WHEN: Tuesday
WHY: Because God hates you all.

Let's get ready to rumble! )

Jun. 24th, 2009


Investigation Day 1

Who: Open.
What: Investigation - Toru's Room.
Where: Nanakamado Dorms.
When: After school.
Why: Investigatings.

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May. 30th, 2009


Who: Shadow Kouchisei and Exploration Team.
What: Dungeon crawling.
Where: Soyokaze Underworld, Paradise.
When: Saturday/Sunday, 30th/31st May.
Why: Dungeon crawling chat supplementals!

Everyone was dressed like doctors and nurses. )

May. 26th, 2009


Who: Open.
What: Shadow Encounter.
Where: Noodle Alley.
When: Tuesday, after school.
Why: He fell down the rabbit hole.

Nobody changes their dull lives. )