Dec. 11th, 2009


Midget with a Cructch! vs. Blue haired buzzered...and yeah Tom

Who: Ginjiro and his crew, vs Suzume and open
What: Shall we say unfair fight...
Where: Some where off school grounds, remains of a tot lot near some newer highrises.
When: Afternoon some time
Why: Do we need a reason for seeing Suzume kick butt?

Beware the Short people. They will rule the world.  )

Nov. 17th, 2009


Who: Ginjiro, buddies, and whoever's in the boys dorm
What: Invading the girl's dorm.
Where: Girls dorm in the evening hours when they think they're all sleeping
When: Night
Why: 1. Because Girls are so much easier to harass then boys, 2. Wants a story for Kojima to write about.

Loosing ground and worried. )

Nov. 15th, 2009


Who: Kiyoshi, whoever
Where: His COFFEE shop
When: Whenever.
Why: ....COFFEE

Sep. 30th, 2009


Who: Ginjiro and Anyone else
What: Waiting on Trap-kun for a date
Where: Near the center of town
When: Early evening
Why: Because he felt like it.

So what are the chances of me getting any action tonight...Probably none. )

Sep. 29th, 2009


Who: Kanaye and open
What: Mental breakdowns for EVERYONE!
Where: Noodle Alley
When: Evening after Misaki's little speech
Why: Sanity is overrated!

Aug. 6th, 2009


Who: Kojima and Ginjiro
What: Just hanging out
Where: Round the shopping district and Arcade
When: After school week of the event
Why: Because Ginro is interested to see if his skills keep people from seeing Kojima as she really is.

Extreame Makeover Punk edition )