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Aug. 3rd, 2011


[setting up placeholders before the next plot post]

Who: Yoshimi, Tom
What: ???
When: ???
Where: ???
Why: Because it's never too late to get those social links up... right?

placeholder for tom-yoshi thread )
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Mar. 8th, 2011


WHO: Tom and Kozue
WHAT: Important friendship discussion in short tag format
WHERE: School roof top
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because there needs to be some ranking up

Funny that given Kozue's rep, all of her rank 10 threads involve friendship. )
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WHO: Tom and Renju
WHAT: A review of the case in short tag format
WHERE: The Butterfly room
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: the end is nigh, better get ready for it.

Read more... )
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WHO: Tom and Kai
WHAT: Clothes shopping in short tag format
WHERE: Iburi shopping district
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Tom needs more clothes he can stash weapons in

The end of the world is coming, better bring a change of clothes )
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WHO: Tom, Max and Yoshi
WHAT: Tom and Max check up on Yoshi
WHERE: Yoshi's room
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: He may have made remarks about her pre-dungeon

Puppies make it all better )
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WHO: Tom and Toshi
WHAT: Toshi tries to repay Tom for knives in short tag format.
WHERE: The coffee shop where they first talked
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because Toshi is determined damnit!

There is no statue of limitations on repaying a debt to a person who doesn't want your money )
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WHO: Tom and Kou
WHAT: Investigating the Light
WHERE: School Hallways
WHEN: After This
WHY: Cause Kou was the one who responded

Tom is a detective and Kou is a doctor, they're teaming up to solve mysterious. And now that I've put that imagine in your head... )
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Jan. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Guidance Counselor & Tom
WHAT: Mandatory Meeting.
WHERE: School Office.
WHEN: After Yoshi's dungeon.
WHY: 'cuz.
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Nov. 6th, 2010


WHO: Masami and Tom
WHAT: TOm and Masami tell each other stuff
WHERE: Just outside of school
WHEN: Afternoon, just after Masami dungeon (before Tom gets dumped)
WHY: There are things they need to talk about

kjkljlkj; )
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Oct. 27th, 2010


WHO: Renju, Tom.
WHAT: Coincidence.
WHEN: Before the festival, after school (so backdated a bit).
WHERE: Inside Nanakamado.
WHY: This thread is long overdue, and the original reasons for it are probably invalid, but damned if I'm not doing it anyway.

Read more... )
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Aug. 26th, 2010


Cellphones and the like.

WHO: Tom and Isao
WHAT: New cellphones are a good thing maybe.
WHERE: UUUM. We'll go with Kigakiga?
WHEN: Sometime after dungeons, but before the start of classes.
WHY: Isao needs a new phone and Tom is a great supplier of equipment.

Stuff and terrible ice cream goes well together. )
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Aug. 24th, 2010


Who: Kozue, and Tom
What: Tom goes to visit the Princess in her tower
When: While Kozue is in her hotel
Where: Fancy pants hotel
Why: Why not?

So... no penthouse apartment? )
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Jun. 30th, 2010


WHO: Tom, Reizo
WHAT: Tom and Reizo compare war stories
WHERE: A Back Alley
WHEN: Before the Investigations

Hey, Hoop, you wanna feel somethin' permanent? You just put your hand underneath my cap... and you just feel that little lump. Knock an ole un, St. Paddy's day, Boston. )
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Jun. 29th, 2010


Oh God Oh Man Oh God Oh Man

WHO: Tom, Kozue, Kiriko
WHAT: Tom asks for advice
WHERE: Kozue and Kiriko's dorm room
WHEN: Almost right after Tom talks to Seiko
WHY: Cause Tom needs advice

How do I boyfriend? )
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Jun. 16th, 2010


WHO: Tom, Seiko
WHAT: A discussion about the future of their relationship
WHEN: Shortly after Seiko Dungeon
WHERE: Seiko's dorm
WHY: Cause both of them thinks the other is gonna dump them.

Witty semi related song lyrics cut text )

Jun. 15th, 2010


WHO: Kai, Tom.
WHAT: Establishing a reason for Kai to take Tom shopping. Yeah.
WHEN: Day after Kiriko and Kai thread, otherwise why does he camp in the Butterfly Room for so long?
WHERE: Butterfly Room again.
WHY: Because Tom will eventually need decent clothes for a date with Seiko. :|

Apparently the team needs to start charging Kai rent. )
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May. 26th, 2010


WHO: Seiko and Tom
WHAT:Finally Tom answers!
WHERE: Dorm roof.
WHEN: Post-confession
WHY: Luuuuuurve

May. 4th, 2010


Oh man, oh God.

WHO: Seiko and Tom.
WHAT: The long awaited confession.
WHY: Luuuuurve.
WHEN: Day after talking to K1 and Maeko.
WHERE: Tom's dorm room.

'And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it...' )

Apr. 28th, 2010


WHO: Kozue and Tom
WHAT: Post-Dungeon discussion
WHEN: After dungeon
WHERE: Room of Kozue
WHY: Because Tom got a text message

Welcome Home )
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Apr. 10th, 2010


Who: Seiko and Tom.
What: 'Training'
Where: Whatever room it is Tom uses for training teenage girls.
When: Post-beach/dungeon.
Why: Seiko has realised she probably should be a bit more serious about all this.

Lets get down to business... )

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