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Apr. 14th, 2011


WHO: Kiriko, Kozue
WHAT: Talkings
WHERE: Kiriko's room
WHEN: A few days after arrival
WHY: It's a kirzue thread, don't ask things.

Song lyrics! )
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Mar. 10th, 2011


WHO: Renju, Kozue.
WHAT: Going out and about.
WHERE: Phone, then who knows?
WHEN: After Yoshi's dungeon, before Isao's announcement.
WHY: Renju needs a primer.

So could you call a dating thread via shorttags 'speed dating'? )
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Mar. 8th, 2011


WHO: Tom and Kozue
WHAT: Important friendship discussion in short tag format
WHERE: School roof top
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because there needs to be some ranking up

Funny that given Kozue's rep, all of her rank 10 threads involve friendship. )
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Feb. 26th, 2011


WHO: Renju, Kozue.
WHAT: A Christmas visit.
WHEN: Christmas (making this severely backdated, yes).
WHERE: Renju's dorm.
WHY: Kozue offered, after all.

Christmasier already. )
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Feb. 25th, 2011


WHO: Kozue and Kiriko
WHAT: A much less serious conversation
WHEN: Some time after this.
WHERE: Their room, of course.
WHY: Shut up. I have my reasons.

you said she said we said gossip time )
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Jan. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Guidance Counselor & Kozue.
WHAT: Mandatory Meeting.
WHERE: School Office.
WHEN: After Yoshi's dungeon.
WHY: Apparently Kondo needs guidance. This is probably true.

psychoanalysis is the confession without absolution )

Dec. 21st, 2010


Who: Kozue and Kiriko
What: A Very Special Conversation only less with the Hallmark Cards
When: Vicinity of Christmas. AFTER Kozue's Self 10.
Where: Their room
Why: I refuse to bow to the whims of this question.

It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind )

Nov. 3rd, 2010


WHO: Renju, Kozue.
WHAT: Getting Renju safely back.
WHERE: Leaving the Butterfly Room.
WHEN: Immediately post-dungeon.
WHY: Better safe than sorry, right?

Read more... )

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Nov. 2nd, 2010


WHO: Kozue and Toshi
WHAT: Snowboarding game!
WHERE: Dat arcade
WHEN: Before ski trip, after school sometime
WHY: Because it's totally like the real thing!

You're no Johnny Tsunami, kid. )
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cornered! by gossip

WHO: Kozue and Yoshi.
WHAT: Snoop, snoop, snoop, gossip!
WHERE: School, outside 1-B classroom.
WHEN: After Kai's dungeon.
WHY: She can't stand curiosity.

But not knowing at all is worse. )
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better late than never

WHO: Kozue and Kai.
WHAT: Are finally getting their free ramen meal.
WHERE: Noodle Alley.
WHEN: After Kai's dungeon; give Kai some time to recuperate, too.
WHY: Kozue is moved by pity and the desire to redeem a free food item. Someone told her the coupons would eventually expire!

Especially when things are free. )
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WHO: Kozue and Kiriko.
WHAT: What we do every night, Pinky Kozue!
WHERE: Their room.
WHEN: Some time after the dungeon.
WHY: Because Kozue and Kiriko are actually a pretty good Pinky & the Brain allegory; one is ambitious and a bit evil, one is well-meaning but a doofus.

Really, they need their own kids' cartoon show. )
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Oct. 14th, 2010


WHO: Renju, Kozue.
WHAT: Despair.
WHEN: Afternoon after the 2-B debacle.
WHERE: Outside school.
WHY: Shared misery is half misery?

They'd picked the two most insane people in the class to be in charge. How could it have been anything but awful? )
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Oct. 12th, 2010


WHO: Kiriko, Kozue, Reizo
WHAT: Delinquent 101
WHEN: After the club festival discussion.
WHERE: Reizo's pad
WHY: reizo's life is horrible

Sep. 27th, 2010


WHO: Kozue and Seiko
WHAT: Visiting the invalid
WHERE: Seikodad's house
WHEN: After Masamidungeon
WHY: Gossip, of course!

now in impressive LAZY STYLE )
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Aug. 27th, 2010


WHO: Kozue and Kou.
WHAT: Revision and gossip.
WHERE: The fancy pastry cafe Kozue likes to visit.
WHEN: Days before the start-of-term, post dungeon.
WHY: To study and learn.

Biscotti. Tea. Frangipans. )
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Aug. 25th, 2010


WHO: Kozue and Reizo
WHAT: Free (French) Food
WHERE: The Carl Ritzton Hotel, Downtown Iburi.
WHEN: Between "Reizo bailed" and "School starts". Some time.
WHY: Because free food. Or something.

So things were at least ostensibly set up for dinner/lunch/some in-between meal with Reizo )
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Aug. 24th, 2010


Who: Yoshimi, Kiriko, Kozue, maybe Seiko, possibly Tom and Kai later on
What: Fall shopping
When: After Reizo's dungeon
Where: Subako Department Store
Why: Because clothes are good to have.

Jun is good at starting threads )


WHO: Keiichi, Kozue, possibly also Renju
WHAT: Visiting of Kozue
WHERE: Kozue's hotel room
WHEN: After the Wolf's Lair
WHY: Because!

The building looked vaguely familiar to him in ways he didn't like to think about. )
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Who: Kozue, and Tom
What: Tom goes to visit the Princess in her tower
When: While Kozue is in her hotel
Where: Fancy pants hotel
Why: Why not?

So... no penthouse apartment? )
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