Nov. 2nd, 2010


WHO: Kai and Kouki.
WHAT: Explainin'
WHERE: School rooftop.
WHEN: After school, first day Kai comes back.
WHY: He has some splainin' to do.

Read more... )
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Oct. 27th, 2010


WHO: Kai and Kouki.
WHAT: An announcement.
WHERE: Kouki's house.
WHEN: A day or two after culture fest.
WHY: It needs to be said.

listen to me baby~ )
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Sep. 5th, 2010


WHO: Kai, Kouki.
WHAT: Hurt-comfort noodles.
WHERE: Noodle Alley.
WHEN: Very shortly after the news of S!Masami drops, but before any actual investigation begins.
WHY: Something isn't quite right. Also it would be weird if Kai never wanted to hang out with his boyfriend I guess.

I'll be fine if you just stay by my side )
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Aug. 3rd, 2010


Kindred Artists

Who: Kai and Kouki
Where: Kouki's house
When: When school would normally be taking place, shortly after Seiji's death.
What: Art, movies, and things.
Why: It was a promise.
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Jun. 15th, 2010



WHO: Noboru, Kouki.
WHAT: A chance encounter.
WHEN: After school, post-Seikodungeon, whenever Kiriko is bitching out Toru.
WHERE: Bench on the school grounds.
WHY: Noboru really needs to start thinking these things through.

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May. 27th, 2010


WHO: Kai, Kouki.
WHAT: A last minute pep talk/gift.
WHERE: Some nook backstage.
WHEN: Before the idol event.
WHY: Kai is Mara-chan's biggest fan~

Yep. Completely heteronormative, this. )
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Apr. 8th, 2010


Who: Kai and Kouki.
What: Costume design.
Where: Kouki's house.
When: Some evening after school.
Why: Mara-chan can't win without a killer costume!

This is either going to be the best, or the awkwardest. Probably both, knowing Kouki. )
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Mar. 23rd, 2010



[ First day of school: The noticeboard in the hallway has had a large and rather out-of-the-ordinary sign taped to it. It reads:]


Sign-up Sheet:


[ A "Rules" pamphlet is attached, for any who wish to investigate further. ]

Mar. 2nd, 2010


meanwhile, back in Iburi...

Who: Kai and Kouki
What: Artist meetup!
Where: Kai's house
When: While everyone else is in Okinawa
Why: Because they're bored.

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Jan. 23rd, 2010


Who: Kai, Kouki
What: Bonding over their art.
Where: Skypark
When: Sometime after journal conversations
Why: Because artists need companions~

Kai had missed Iburi. )
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