October 30th, 2012

[info]doitsmythe in [info]dalton_ooc


Hey everyone, just wanted to point out that NYC is pretty hurt right now from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy. Massive flooding and wind damage, fires, no power, hospital evacuations... I'm sure most of our boys are watching in horror a their beloved city is attacked.

They're all feeling Sandy too. I'm in Michigan, and her winds are howling outside the windows and it's raining. In Westerville, Sandy is making it SNOW/sleet/freezing rain, plus it's very windy, 30-35 mph wind. The weather will be pretty screwy for the next couple of days, I'm sure, and it probably started yesterday or Sunday. Snow isn't going to strick, because the ground is still warm, but still.

Just wanted to make sure everyone knew what was going on. Please keep the east coast in your thoughts.

EDIT: It's been snowing pretty much on and off all day in Westerville, so there probably has been some accumulation, temperature 29°F. Power wasn't lost but could have flickered. Weather forecast says probably snow through Wednesday.