October 29th, 2012

[info]brandnewhope in [info]dalton_ooc

I mega super hate to do this, but I'm in so far over my head right now that I need to take a slowatus. A really, really slowatus. I have an essay that's over a week late, I have to make up the two midterms that I missed last week, one of which is on Thursday, when I also have a a source analysis due (and have to leave a class early to go write it)...

And my landlords just gave me and my roommates our three-months, so I really need to up the job hunt and, now, the apartment hunt.

I put down at my other game that I would be absent until November 3rd and then scarce until November 15th, but those are still somewhat tentative. I'll try to be around as much as I can be, but I'm just going through a rough spot right now.

[info]circlesaroundme in [info]dalton_ooc

Hey y'all - tis the season, really.

I have roughly three weeks until my Thanksgiving break and my professors are determined to make sure those three weeks count, so I have assignments EVERYWHERE. Added to that, I'm going to a convention this weekend and next weekend is Ring Night (a school tradition that lasts the whole weekend) and finally I'll have hit Thanksgiving. But obviously this doesn't leave me much time for anything else, so I'm going to take a hiatus until November 16th.

I may try and sneak comments in here and there but it's generally safe to assume that I'm writing a paper at any given time.

- Nick