Sep. 20th, 2012


Archie's latest Friday Discussion

As I'm sure you all noticed, Archie's last Friday post sparked a lot of issues coming out. He and Macy have been trying to address as many as they can, but Kitty and I are both rather busy and not professionals. If we haven't gotten to a comment of yours that you really really want to play out, please let us know and one of us will try to address it ASAP. For all the remaining ones, though, if you don't care if it gets played out, can we just assume that Archie and/or Macy doled out some advice, whether generic or specific, helpful or vague? We don't want to miss anyone with anything important, but we're both blanking on the remaining posts.

May. 13th, 2012


Anyone feel up to playing Sebastian's parents?

I would really like it if both of Sebastian's parents came out to watch the Nationals performance, without telling Sebastian they'd be there (or each other). Sebastian's mother wants to tell him that she's giving him an all-expenses paid trip to Europe for the entire summer (he's not allowed to stay with her in L.A., good heavens no, not while she's still trying to improve her fame!, and he can't stay with his father either because his father doesn't have custody and no way will she allow that!). She also wants to coo over his broken arm and be all properly motherly. Uh-huh.

His father, on the other hand, wants to tell him that he's going to start up yet another round of custody battles to bring Sebastian back to Europe.

Both parents loathe each other (the sort of passionate hatred that will probably land them in bed together) and both want Sebastian to only care about them.

Anyone want to pick them up for a scene today?

Apr. 4th, 2012


Anyone feel up to playing Sebastian's mother?

I'd like her to come by for a visit to Dalton, an attempted publicity stunt dressed up as a "I'm checking in on my poor, injured baby boy!" visit, but as always when crazy parents come for a visit, it's far more fun if someone else plays the parent. Would anyone be interested in playing Sapphire the Starlet?

Also: we are still using the AIM chatroom daltontalks, right? It's been pretty deserted for the past few weeks, even when I try to invite people I see online. Or did OOC chat move somewhere else?

Feb. 9th, 2012


Sebastian's Plot (Attn: Everyone, but especially Tina, Jesse, and Kitty)

I seem to have plotted myself into a corner with Sebastian, and so I'm coming to you guys for help. Since this may be long, I'm going to put it under a cut, but I'd appreciate as much feedback and assistance as possible.

CUT! )

Jun. 11th, 2011


Requesting Modly Assistance

Hello all you Daltonites. Spider here, with a matter of probably a lot of importance for the game as a whole.

A lot of you have noticed that activity is falling off, cliques have formed, and new people are nonexistent. Dalton Academy is now entering its seventh month of life, and it's not doing a very good job of aging gracefully. Part of the problem has definitely been on modly shoulders. To put it bluntly, Nicole and I are feeling rather burnt out from doing everything here all the time.

But we all love Dalton, and we don't want it to die. A suggestion was made to open the mod positions up more. Rather than two people doing everything, we could have a bunch of people doing lots of little things. We think that's a great idea.

So, if you're interested in helping out at Dalton, how about letting us know? You can fill out this form and either reply here or email us at, and we'll decide where to go from there!

Stuff you'd be interested in modding/why you'd be good at it: (you can put whatever you want here. Mod of advertising? Making new players feel welcome? Coming up with/keeping plots straight? Changing up the layout? ANYTHING. We'll consider it all!)

And... that's it, really. We just hope it's not too late for Dalton.

May. 4th, 2011


Just a reminder...

If you haven't picked your room for next year (Aaron, Eoin, Vince, Fletcher, and Christophe, this means you!), please don't forget to do so!